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What kind of options does Pakistan have for retaliation?

Should we respond militarily or by blocking trade routes?

  • Military

  • Blocking Trade routes

  • Both

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We all heard what DG ISPR said in his press conference. I would like to discuss what options does Pakistan has to punish India:

1) We can close our air space for India.

2) We can block all Indian transport ships passing through our seas. This will affect India economically as they won't be able to get oil from Middle East or Iran.

3) We can block trade between Afghanistan and India via our borders and via sea routes.

4) Airstrike inside India looks risky because of air defence systems they have from Israel and Russia. But our Army is battle-hardened and have experience in working behind enemy lines. We need a coordinated attack which would involve our SSG disabling and destroying any enemy SAM systems and military targets inside Jammu and Kashmir and our Airforce will provide cover and will engage Indian airforce.

5) Destroying military targets using artillery.

6) Destroy an important asset using stand off weapon we have. Possible targets could be AWACS, Air refuelling tanker, transport airplane etc.

we will hang Kulbhushan Jadhav that,s the surprise..
One thing I can assure u, Tht within 72 hours, u will be whitenesing a real hard and destructive surgical strike or may be a series of strikes then come back let's rock and roll here?

It is exactly what I expect of you. Don't disappoint like tehPAF who our IAF over estimated when they claimed to be on Highest alert..lol. so your threat sounds so typical. Neverthless..I give you a benefit of Doubt..I am keeping this warning of your as an attachment. After 72 hours we debate the damage that India incurs. Oh just to tell you I really really..God Promise,,,I really wish Pakistan does something..cuz I want India to continue showing the balls that it has started to show finally. All the best mate.
Yes but talks have not solved it so far.
thts because everytime any meaningful stride is made, a terror attack takes place in India and is always claimed by a group based in Pakistan...look at the timeline of all peace initiatives and u urself will see after every significant step an attack in India within a month claimed by JeM, HM or LeT
I think the Indians themselves de-escalated internally, taking pressure off of them to act in any meaningful way. And it seems GoP isn't going to escalate either.

Maybe somewhere in an empty field we can create nice crater by shelling or airstrike, while simultaneously claiming 5.89*10^12 Indian casualties.

As I have said, both sides will see the wisdom of de-escalation. Guaranteed.
thts because everytime any meaningful stride is made, a terror attack takes place in India and is always claimed by a group based in Pakistan...look at the timeline of all peace initiatives and u urself will see after every significant step an attack in India within a month claimed by JeM, HM or LeT
We reserve the right to strike at RSS.

By the way Kashmir is disputed territory. What about Terrorist Indian army committing rights abuses in Indian Occupied Kashmir against Kashmiris?
It should be pointed out that whatever military "retaliation" Pakistan may choose to undertake, it will likely do so without much international support. Not from the U.N., not from Bangladesh, not even from China.

That's because India has been making the case that it was acting against terror havens and under binding post-9/11 U.N. Security Council Resolutions these are fair game for any U.N. member-state to attack - the sovereign territorial rights of the member-state containing the terror haven are effectively null in this regard.

On the other hand, if Pakistan "retaliates" against India militarily, that would be considered an attack by Pakistan against India, a violation of India's sovereign rights by Pakistan.

For once your assessment is somewhat accurate, and I agree. We can't even bs as well as India, and make no mistake, this is another surgical strike drama repeat. Any retaliatory hole in the ground will be seen as far less legitimate.

I was saying for days before, the best and most realistic outcome of all of this bluster and rhetoric is another Indian surgical strike where they can safely claim they took action, without creating a much larger incident, inviting a much stronger and immediate Pakistani response. Essentially, they were able to act and take pressure off of leadership without a real act of war. These are interesting times we're living in.

Also, we've all heard this 'response at a time and place of our choosing' speech before that PM IK has said, it's straight out of both the Indian army and the Pakistan army's playbook. It's usually used during cross border firing and skirmishes, and often it's followed up with the deaths of several border guards on either side at a later date.
RSS is no civilian mate, its a Hindu terrorist organization. You "apparently" came to hit terrorist camp, we reserve the right to respond equally.
Hey, I'm the first guy to call out RSS and their BS, but until RSS is declared terrorist by literally any other country or organistaion, you're looking at global wrath for killing civilians.
If you value phony propaganda over reality you obviously can claim whatever you want is "truth", right?
You are an idiot.

What about the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Were they not crimes against humanity.

What about the Iraq war?

What about the Vietnam war?

You should be the last to lecture others about morality.
There have been talks to resolve the Kashmir dispute, but your moronic government does not want to do a Plebiscite in Kashmir region.

Your government keeps backing down.

Cuz your moronic Govt has never stopped incursions from your soil. Oh wait that's cuz your Govt is controlled by Army and ISI. Congrats now we have the root cause of all this war hysteria.
If you value phony propaganda over reality you obviously can claim whatever you want is "truth", right?
Great then enlighten me where are those WMD that US went after in 2003 killing millions in Iraq all those innocent women and children. As your love for truth is amazing also tell us how many billions of dollars US extracted from Iraq to rebuild the same what they destroyed.Isnt this the most profitable business in world?
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