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What is the best outcome of SinoPak-Indian war?

Ooo my little kiddo.. You wanna play??

When you quote me .. better have your facts ready.

The post you have quoted of mine .... reference for it is White House Years - Henry Kissinger.


Our fleet passed through the Strait of Malacca into the Bay of Bengal and attracted much media attention. Were we threatening India? Were we seeking to defend East Pakistan? Had we lost our minds? It was in fact sober calculation. We had some seventy-two hours to bring the war to a conclusion before West Pakistan would be swept into the maelstrom. It would take India that long to shift its forces and mount an assault. Once Pakistan’s army and air force were destroyed, its impotence would guarantee the country’s eventual disintegration. We had to give the Soviets a warning that matters might get out of control on our side too. We had to be ready to back up the Chinese if at the last moment they came in after all, our UN initiative having failed. The Kremlin needed an excuse to accelerate the pressures it claimed it was exerting on India. However unlikely an American military move against India, the other side could not be sure; it might not be willing to accept even the minor risk that we might act irrationally. It was also the best means to split the Soviet Union and India. Moscow was prepared to harass us; it was in our judgment not prepared to run military risks. Moving the carrier task force into the Bay of Bengal committed us to no final act, but it created precisely the margin of uncertainty needed to force a decision by New Delhi and Moscow.

Excerpt From: Henry Kissinger. “White House Years.” Chapter 21 :) The Tilt:The India-Pakistan Crisis of 1971

Does the name ring a bell? Yes?

I didn't claim anything ... merely stated facts. Now go play ... old man :)

Surprisingly, you are the kiddo here .. check dates of membership :D

When you find the answer tag me once more. Lolz

Yup .. see another one comes out with rhetoric bereft of facts .. sigh!! They are growing in numbers here .... :D
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:lol: Another Chinese CPC delusional bot.

We are in the territory which you claim to be yours since last 40 days...and you could not push us from our position, and here you are claiming the sky.

China is a paper tiger with bloated and ineffective army size with no competitive advantage vs India. Anyway it is time for China to be encircled and put out of its grand delusions. It is time for a military alliance of US, India, Japan, Taiwan and Australia to check China.

lol, just because china sees war as the last option doesn't mean china won't be able to wipe you out. Yeah, keep up with that human meat wall you put up there ready for chinese construction truck pad them into little beef paddies. Encircled, lol, so you admit you can't fight china and now asking for foreign help. Chinese army is light years ahead of Indian in technology and strength, it's not even a comparison. We are talking about Indian here, the one even poorer than Congolese and Nigerian on the per capita basis, china can easily crush bottom feeding people like your kind.

I really like well read people like you. They have absolutely no clue of their own history and claim the aura of being well read and well informed :)

Read your history. Outer Mongolia was an established tributary of China from 1691 AD (forget the fact that China had physical control of the Outer and Inner Mongolia since 13th Century). The allegiance was represented at the Manchu Courts by presentation of eight white horses and one white camel. Somehow, this is precisely the status of Tibet pre-1949, but since 821 AD.

In 1911, the Hutukhtu of Urga was elected the Emperor of Outer Mongolia, upon declaration of it's independence from China. He, of course, was the third in line of Lamaist Hierarchy, following Dalai Lama at the top and Panshen Erdeni Lama :)

Also, so that you can enlighten yourself of your own country's history, read about Yalta Conference and the effects on the Moscow Talks between USSR and China between 30 June - 13 July 1945 and 7 - 14 August 1945, wherein, Chiang Kai Shek agreed to withdraw Chinese claims over Outer Mongolia to Russia in order to ensure that the threat to Xinjiang and Manchuria (along with Manchurian Railroad interests and support against the CCP against who he was fighting) was reduced and some semblance of a Nation known as China could be salvaged.

I am simply amazed at the depth of your knowledge as displayed by you here. Or is it, perhaps, due to the fact that you are BFF with Pakistan, a nation which unilaterally surrenders it's objectives in confrontation, that you too, have chosen to go down this path?

Grow up ...... your post lacks depth and the knowledge to be taken seriously.

@scorpionx where do these come from?

@jbgt90 @Joe Shearer @nair @Levina

lol, so china given up on a tributary state called Mongolia and retained Inner Mongolia is somehow in Indian mind the same as entire Indian being enslaved and ruled by whites, muslims and mongols.

China is like the proverbial story of the tent and the camel.

Tibet is mongoloid genetics with Indian spirituality.

It is the perfect buffer state. A confluence of two civilizations.

Cheers, Doc
Yep, Sikkim, Kashmir, Northeast India should also be free and act as buffer according to your logic.
Why isnt USA protecting Bhutan, thought its usa duty to police the world
lol, so china given up on a tributary state called Mongolia and retained Inner Mongolia is somehow in Indian mind the same as entire Indian being enslaved and ruled by whites, muslims and mongols.

My original post:

Er, does that not hold for you too? Not to mention Russians holding onto Outer Mongolia till date?

Was the English too difficult to understand? If so, kindly do teach me Chinese and perhaps we can converse?

I am willing to learn something new - a language. But are you?

Rather nice of you to completely ignore the Conquest of China under the Yuan Dynasty by Mongols. (oh now you claim Mongols as your own too) .... and of course occupation of China by west and Japan and USSR (Manchuria, Port Arthur). Sigh!

And India was not being discussed but the so called complete (it was never a complete one) dominance of India took place only after Second Sikh War (1848-49) at about the same time that Treaty of Nanking was signed and China was also enslaved in all matters save for titular head. India lost the titular head, the last Mughal Emperor over the botched rebellion of 1857, that is the only difference.

So when you claim historical inaccuracies as facts, it becomes rather absurd to read.

Am short on time, feel free to reply and start with a 'lol' to present an aura of intellectual perfidy and post. It is fun actually to see both Indians and Chinese were 'enslaved' in roughly the same timeframe, yet the 'loss of face' is being deliberately ignored by Chinese here in the forum, ably cheered by Pakistanis who are in the process of doing the same that both India and China did in those centuries, but under duress, and here they are enthusiastically moving along.

Why isnt USA protecting Bhutan, thought its usa duty to police the world

Your thoughts don't make facts, do they?

Answer is because India has told people to lay off.
My original post:

Er, does that not hold for you too? Not to mention Russians holding onto Outer Mongolia till date?

Was the English too difficult to understand? If so, kindly do teach me Chinese and perhaps we can converse?

I am willing to learn something new - a language. But are you?

Rather nice of you to completely ignore the Conquest of China under the Yuan Dynasty by Mongols. (oh now you claim Mongols as your own too) .... and of course occupation of China by west and Japan and USSR (Manchuria, Port Arthur). Sigh!

And India was not being discussed but the so called complete (it was never a complete one) dominance of India took place only after Second Sikh War (1848-49) at about the same time that Treaty of Nanking was signed and China was also enslaved in all matters save for titular head. India lost the titular head, the last Mughal Emperor over the botched rebellion of 1857, that is the only difference.

So when you claim historical inaccuracies as facts, it becomes rather absurd to read.

Am short on time, feel free to reply and start with a 'lol' to present an aura of intellectual perfidy and post. It is fun actually to see both Indians and Chinese were 'enslaved' in roughly the same timeframe, yet the 'loss of face' is being deliberately ignored by Chinese here in the forum, ably cheered by Pakistanis who are in the process of doing the same that both India and China did in those centuries, but under duress, and here they are enthusiastically moving along.

Your thoughts don't make facts, do they?

Answer is because India has told people to lay off.

LOL, yep, like I said, Indian somehow think China losing tributary state like Mongolia is similar to Indian being entirely enslaved by whites, muslims and mongols, so yeah, you've been enslaved by most type of different people. So apparently you don't even understand what I'm writing despite English being your official language, or should I teach you how to understand your white master's language? Understand Indian English had been bastardized, maybe you should go back to your British master and ask them to fix your official language for you.
@hellfire It was wonderful to read your posts here...really gained some knowledge & perspective on history. :tup:

Btw, your posts would go way above the heads of sundry Chini trolls, below is a sample they understand well. :P

lol, just because china sees war as the last option doesn't mean china won't be able to wipe you out. Yeah, keep up with that human meat wall you put up there ready for chinese construction truck pad them into little beef paddies. Encircled, lol, so you admit you can't fight china and now asking for foreign help. Chinese army is light years ahead of Indian in technology and strength, it's not even a comparison. We are talking about Indian here, the one even poorer than Congolese and Nigerian on the per capita basis, china can easily crush bottom feeding people like your kind.

China just backed down from its stated position, they said 'no talk before India withdraws troops'...we didn't withdraw our troops, but now they are talking. Hence, Chinese can just stop blabbering and simply go back to stitching our shoes and earning some money that we throw at them. The hollowness of Chinese power projection stands exposed in front of the world.
LOL, yep, like I said, Indian somehow think China losing tributary state like Mongolia is similar to Indian being entirely enslaved by whites, muslims and mongols,

Source the claim of 'entirely'. Give references.

History 101 for you, so that you stop acting dumb and proving your ineptitude:

Read about the Battles between Tang Dynasty and the Abbasid Caliphate. The loss of the CARs to the Islamists between 651 to 751 AD. The present day states of CARs were very much a part of the Tang Dynasty.

The Mongol Invasion of China and conquest 1209 AD onwards.

and the Occupation of China by Czarist Russia, US, Great Britain, Japan, Germany during and after the Opium Wars.

Read kiddo

so yeah, you've been enslaved by most type of different people. So apparently you don't even understand what I'm writing despite English being your official language, or should I teach you how to understand your white master's language? Understand Indian English had been bastardized, maybe you should go back to your British master and ask them to fix your official language for you.

Apart of making personalised remarks and generalised rubbish, not one worthwhile post by you. Seems a man of shallow intellect. Ignorance is a bliss, ain't it? Climactic after posting another useless troll post, are you?

PS: If you are avoiding your 'humiliation' by ignoring the facts of your history, it is understandable! But then have the shame to own up your own heritage before ridiculing others as your own country suffered exactly as did India. Both India and China suffered the humiliation of subjugation at various times of their histories. But both absorbed the Foreigners and the concept of a united nation continued for them.

Concept of Bharat was there (the present day India) similarly, concept of China remained. It is only the baggage of History - that the British tried to undermine the existence of India as an entity, as the existence of a lose confederation always existed, precisely like China.

@hellfire It was wonderful to read your posts here...really gained some knowledge & perspective on history. :tup:

Btw, your posts would go way above the heads of sundry Chini trolls, below is a sample they understand well. :P

I know. I get that most of them have the misplaced concept of their country wherein suddenly Outer Mongolia and Inner Mongolia are now 'vassal' and 'independent'.

Funnily, they captured these zones much before Xinjiang and Tibet, and yet, since they got their rears whupped directly/indirectly at the hands of Czarist Russia and then USSR, they shut up and expanded only Westwards into Xinjiang and southwards into Tibet.

Had Indians invaded Tibet and not tried to make peace with Communist China in 1950, things would have been very different.

Well ,then world was different ,ideaology and challenges were different .
GoI at that time wasnt a strong one but was based on moral high horse .Mean 3 years after independence and hangover of 'non violence' rule .
Well ,then world was different ,ideaology and challenges were different .
GoI at that time wasnt a strong one but was based on moral high horse .Mean 3 years after independence and hangover of 'non violence' rule .

Not hangover, India was very much into the 'non violence' policy at that time. Nehru even questioned the justification of having a military force.
Not hangover, India was very much into the 'non violence' policy at that time. Nehru even questioned the justification of having a military force.

Success at that time and addiction of whole masses in India the 'non violence'
.We were like a 4 year toddlers .Old men couldnt got away the shock created by Partition .
It was a mess
But now we are more like robust nation state.New generation dont have any such hangover and that is why this much support for GoI in China issue .
Within next two decade ,all those old gen that reminds pre 1947 will pass away .
Manfacturing toys and assembling cell phone is not equal to producing Rafales, F16 and S400.
How many have been produced yet.
Free Tibet.

India and China have coexisted peacefully for millennia.

Because of the buffer state.

For India and China to really rise back to their glory days, Tibet needs to be freed.

Cheers, Doc
By that logic doc,India and Pakistan must have a buffer state in between.

When you quote me .. better have your facts ready.

The post you have quoted of mine .... reference for it is White House Years - Henry Kissinger.


Our fleet passed through the Strait of Malacca into the Bay of Bengal and attracted much media attention. Were we threatening India? Were we seeking to defend East Pakistan? Had we lost our minds? It was in fact sober calculation. We had some seventy-two hours to bring the war to a conclusion before West Pakistan would be swept into the maelstrom. It would take India that long to shift its forces and mount an assault. Once Pakistan’s army and air force were destroyed, its impotence would guarantee the country’s eventual disintegration. We had to give the Soviets a warning that matters might get out of control on our side too. We had to be ready to back up the Chinese if at the last moment they came in after all, our UN initiative having failed. The Kremlin needed an excuse to accelerate the pressures it claimed it was exerting on India. However unlikely an American military move against India, the other side could not be sure; it might not be willing to accept even the minor risk that we might act irrationally. It was also the best means to split the Soviet Union and India. Moscow was prepared to harass us; it was in our judgment not prepared to run military risks. Moving the carrier task force into the Bay of Bengal committed us to no final act, but it created precisely the margin of uncertainty needed to force a decision by New Delhi and Moscow.

Excerpt From: Henry Kissinger. “White House Years.” Chapter 21 :) The Tilt:The India-Pakistan Crisis of 1971

Does the name ring a bell? Yes?

I didn't claim anything ... merely stated facts. Now go play ... old man :)

Surprisingly, you are the kiddo here .. check dates of membership :D

Yup .. see another one comes out with rhetoric bereft of facts .. sigh!! They are growing in numbers here .... :D
His words are Gospel of truth.
If India was sure about that,Indra would have gone for it.

The problem here was,war was fought in East Pakistan not West Pakistan where 80 percet of PA was concentrated.In West Pakistan there was no insurgency or logistics issue to support your Advance.Whole of Army was ready,so you guys backed off.

The old Jew has one the other hand written all that tall claim,to realize Pakistanis,How much helpful US was in 1971 for them.
How many have been produced yet.

By that logic doc,India and Pakistan must have a buffer state in between.

Pakistanis pretty regularly give us the sob story, play the victims and in fact tell us that they ARE the buffer state between us feeble vanyas (gujju for banya) and the crazy hordes waiting to eviscerate us. Ranging from the Afghans to the Syrians to ISIS to whatever else they can pull from the boiling cauldron.

Cheers, Doc
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