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The 11 most powerful militaries in the world

Yes I just love these lists, with many of the countries mentioned in people's top 20's or top 10's having never fought a war or had any experience of combined operations in a full fledged combat scenario.

Above anything it is experience that matters. Everything else is a "what if", "they have so many numbers and may do this" situation.
Yes I just love these lists, with many of the countries mentioned in people's top 20's or top 10's having never fought a war or had any experience of combined operations in a full fledged combat scenario.

Above anything it is experience that matters. Everything else is a "what if", "they have so many numbers and may do this" situation.

No it's not for today's environment. There are hell of a factors but it's mostly about training and equipment(technology).
turkey above SK and japan and india at 4th? haha yahoo news india.. no wonder:lol:
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There are a number of factors that can legitimately determine true military strength if nuclear arsenal is omitted. We focus only on conventional strength.

1. Industrial capability - this is the most important factor. A country needs to be able to quickly deploy weapons and replenish lost one at will without fear of any foreign intervention and sanction. Nazi Germany was a war machine because of this very reason despite having a population of only 90 million . China and the USA are the only two in a league of their own in this capacity with Russia/Japan far behind. If Russia determines to go back to Soviet era industrial capacity, then they can match USA/China. It is doubtful Russia can, though due to declining population and industrial complex.

2. Technological factor - It is very important that weapons used are modern so it can kill effectively and efficiently. USA and Russia are obviously ahead of everybody, including China but we are not fall behind that of Russia. We might have to produce more in quantity to substitute for a deficiency in quality. However we will eventually catch up with Russia and there is no stopping us anymore. We will become a war monster like the USA, except being able to produce a lot more in quantity, thanks to our manpower and resource (rare-earth metal).

3. Manpower - Since the day of dawn, manpower will continue to remain one of the top 3, if not the top factor, in all wars. You need men and women to fight, to produce the ammunition, and to provide supports. For this, China and India are in their own league with everyone else way behind.

4. Economic strength - Never forget that military personnel need a payday and foods to continue fighting. Economics, not only allow a country to prolong the war but in some case, will be the decisive factor worn out opposing enemy. For this, USA and China are clearly ahead of everyone else.

5. Geography size - the bigger your country land size, the more you are allow to hide and retreat from enemy bombs. Russia, China, and USA are obvious the top 3.

When you look at this top 5 factors, it's clear to me that USA/China/Russia will dominate any country in the world in a one-on-one, bar none. Right now I will give the edge to Russia being the #2 with USA is a clear cut #1. However we are definitely a force to reckon with in the future. Nobody will want to fight us one-on-one in 20 years. Mark my words, none!!
We are not proud of being top 10 - strongest army ...
That means, we have too many strong enemies or engaging in too many countries
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