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The 11 most powerful militaries in the world

Mostly a paper based report. The Pakistani military has been more successful at COIN OPS against the TTP. There is no mention of militaries involved in active conflicts like Pakistan.

I think the rankings are based on the Global Fire Power website. GFP is an amateur website and shouldn't be take seriously.

so, does every other nation in this world except USA.....
and that too USA power projection and war is limited to small nations with limited military capabilities......

Not true. Britain (Falklands, Iraq, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan etc), France (Afghanistan, Mali etc). These are perfect examples of expeditionary capabilities and power projection.

Sure, like you said, it is limited to smaller and weaker nations, but it is still a superior use of military power than we in Asia are capable of.

Mali is a small and weak African country, yet India nor China could have pulled of the military operation that France has.

So while the Chinese and Indian militaries are huge with lots of fire-power, we must remember that despite our huge size, we cannot even topple a banana republic half way around the world if we needed too.
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Israel & South Korea are stronger then Pakistan , Israel has one of the most advanced air forces, in the world, their land forces are one of the best trained & are a battle harden force , which has defeated multiple countries combined ! ,they have probably the best Intel agency Mossad which is second to none ,on top of that they have more then 200 nuclear warheads !

South Korea is stronger then Pakistan, with force of 640,000 active troops & a very large number of reserves
they have one of the strongest Navy, a full fledged "Green Water Navy" ,along with one of the strongest Air forces in the world, their troops are well educated & smart & has the best military training & gear in Asia , on top of that it has a Nuclear Umbrella of the U.S/NATO

South Korea and Pakistan are separated my many 1,000s of miles. Neither of them have power projection capabilities. Their armed forces could not fight each other even if they really really wanted too. So whoever is more power is irrelevant and meaningless.

All of Pakistan's or South Koreas military might is useless when the enemy is half way around the world.
I think the rankings are based on the Global Fire Power website. GFP is an armature website and shouldn't be take seriously.

Not true. Britain (Falklands, Iraq, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan etc), France (Afghanistan, Mali etc). These are perfect examples of expeditionary capabilities and power projection.

Sure, like you said, it is limited to smaller and weaker nations, but it is still a superior use of military power than we in Asia are capable of.

Mali is a small and weak African country, yet India nor China could have pulled of the military operation that France has.

So while the Chinese and Indian militaries are huge with lots of fire-power, we must remember that despite our huge size, we cannot even topple a banana republic half way around the world if we needed too.
lol..what kind of power projection is this......
in Falklands britain did not fight any war...there was a preferential voting and the people of that island voted to be british citizen....
In all aother places it was whole nato force they were not alone and all these country are very small , ill trained and very limited capabilities......so, these type of power projection is mere just a show.....
in case of mali.....neither india nor china ever tried.....so u cannot say .....
u can only say asians are capable of such stuff only when u try...we never tried so no one know the exact potential....
lol..what kind of power projection is this......
in Falklands britain did not fight any war...there was a preferential voting and the people of that island voted to be british citizen....
In all aother places it was whole nato force they were not alone and all these country are very small , ill trained and very limited capabilities......so, these type of power projection is mere just a show.....
in case of mali.....neither india nor china ever tried.....so u cannot say .....
u can only say asians are capable of such stuff only when u try...we never tried so no one know the exact potential....

Ugh! It was quite hard reading that tripe. You should try and improve on your language skills.

There was a Falklands War in 1982!

Yes, Iraq and Afghanistan were NATO coalitions, but still, it was down to each individual member to deploy and fight. As such, it is a perfect example of "power projection" over 1,000's and 1,000's of miles. E.g in 2003, Britain deployed 45,000 troops during the invasion of Iraq!

In Asia, we don't have that capability to deploy large forces overseas. Even against "ill trained and very limited capabilities".

Mali is a landlocked country in Western Africa 8,000 miles away from Asia. Neither China nor India has the military capabilities of deploying a substantial number of troops and combat aircraft so far from home. The reason why we don't try, is because cannot!
Those countries who don't have detternce weapons like Nuclear Warheads how they are so called "POWERFUL" any comparator will strike them with nuclear missiles how they can survive ?

"A large percentage of the Israeli defense budget goes toward defense technology. One of the best examples of this is Israel's Iron Dome, a missile defense shield that can intercept rockets shot into Israel from the Palestinian territories. Israel aims to replace Iron Dome with a laser defense shield called Iron Beam."

A country whom military fight with unarmd people and shoot down few rockets with their soo called super duper Iron dome now become POWERFULL lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz isay ziada zabardast ranking ho he nahe sakhti :rofl:

Because if you generally look into Israeli products, you'll see that safety is as import as firepower and technology. That's the right to do. People don't play chess at wars. Wouldn't you spend billions for the safety of your citizens? Don't mix chess with actual combat.

wow, India stronger than France, Germany and UK, and Pakistan not even present above S Korea.............complete bs

Mate India has stronger conventional capabilities than UK, France and Germany. India will have the most firepower in case if the countries above had mobilized their militaries. South Korea has a well trained personnel using equipment up to NATO standards.
first time somehow I agree with the ratings and justifications..
Because if you generally look into Israeli products, you'll see that safety is as import as firepower and technology. That's the right to do. People don't play chess at wars. Wouldn't you spend billions for the safety of your citizens? Don't mix chess with actual combat.

My statement & context... and your statement & context is completely different nothing to do with each other.
While Germany is technologically advanced and I'm sure if they want to they could, but with recent cuts, the Germans can't even conduct a war anymore, not a effective one anyways. Not for technical reasons but for not enough guys in the service.

I guess they really are the smartest, let the idiots spend on military, they'll just be there and enjoy life.
its unfair not to put a Nuclear Power country into the list .... and first of all make sure on what basis you are making this list ?
etc ?!
Currently the report in this thread is based on budget, read it a day ago. WAs wondering how long before it ends up on PDF.
Because if you generally look into Israeli products, you'll see that safety is as import as firepower and technology. That's the right to do. People don't play chess at wars. Wouldn't you spend billions for the safety of your citizens? Don't mix chess with actual combat.

Mate India has stronger conventional capabilities than UK, France and Germany. India will have the most firepower in case if the countries above had mobilized their militaries. South Korea has a well trained personnel using equipment up to NATO standards.
...........i wont answer that out of respect for Turkish ppl
UK, France and Germany below India? riiigghht.

Unless your defense industry in nationalised, you're nothing.
Nope. Don't hesitate to. Go ahead :smokin:
you want me to troll?

btw, i dont know how this list was made but it has surely ignored two Nuclear powers, Pakistan and North Korea, and also there is no way that UK's nuclear Arsenal is smaller, than India's, so i dont know how they have evaluated the militarizes
If you by "powerful" means capability to dominate others, then the relation to your neighbors
affect this capability.
So Indias power is reduced by its relations with China and increased by relations to Russia.
and Pakistan's power is reduced by its relations to India.
U.K, France, Germany and other NATO countries are stronger due to the alliance.
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