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What is healthy breakfast to you?


Nov 29, 2017
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I don't consider my breakfast to be healthy which usually consists of:
2 eggs cheese omelette + 4 white breads + a chicken nugget + corn flakes + a glass of juice.

What do you eat and how healthy and balanced do you think it is?

Can't say it is healthy or not but i love traditional "Paratha, anda (full fry) aur chaey". ummmm love it. And in summer i love to have achar/anda with lassi instead of chaey.
I usually keep my breakfast light.

I'll have a banana and some milk. I may also have a small bowl of porridge (depends on my mood) and maybe an orange later.
eat oat meal banana, orange. no milk, no orange juice, no cheese, eggs now again if organic.
I like Moroccan green mint tea.
Arryyy . I'm getting behosh read jg tht u eat this much ..

I only take one cup of tea in the morning .. that's enough .
Bibi..Khali pet chaye maida khrab krti hai. Chaye to wesy he nasoor hai.

What could I do ..
I'm addicted to it just like a drunk is addicted to drinks .

He @Valar. Eats so much , for me it's a very heavy breakfast , something that is not in my capability .
I'm actually considering to change my diet , I'll be going to uni then will wake up early so i hope .. I also take good breakfast .
2 Boiled Eggs,3 Slices of Brown Bread and cup of Black Coffee or Tea.
What could I do ..
I'm addicted to it just like a drunk is addicted to drinks .

He @Valar. Eats so much , for me it's a very heavy breakfast , something that is not in my capability .
I'm actually considering to change my diet , I'll be going to uni then will wake up early so i hope .. I also take good breakfast .

I'm addicted to caffeine and nicotine and smoke 30 cigarettes a day and drink a cup of tea with every other cigarette, meaning 14-16 cups every day, and yet I never smoke and drink tea on empty stomach. I wake up, get a bowl of corn flakes+Choco with milk and then I smoke. After that I start preparing my above mentioned meal.

You, as a girl should eat more. Remember, a healthy mother gives birth to a healthy child and you are gonna be a mother someday.
One cup of coffee and a 5k jog. I'm one of those people that gets sick if they eat too early in the morning:(.

On my way to work I like to pick up some pound cake to eat around 11 and either get a refill of my morning java or a cup of tea, but I don't eat until lunch.

Currants of Lingonberries are my favs.

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