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What Iranians and Saudis refuse to realize!

@al-Hasani @haman10 @ResurgentIran @Bubblegum Crisis @Arabian Legend

Here is an honest question...Who started calling himself SHIA and who called himself SUNNI?

I mean ALL I KNOW is Prophet SAW (our leader) called himself MUSLIM...soo errr who exactly are you guys following?

Ok should I act innocent...lets see:

Ermm!! @al-Hasani @haman10 @ResurgentIran @Bubblegum Crisis @Arabian Legend

I cant find in the Quran where ALLAH told us to fight our own brothers and to declare the world EITHER Sunni or Shia!

Instead this is written:

"The only religion approved by God is Islam (Submission)" 3:19 -20



So err...can you help me find the verses you guys are preaching and following...They didnt come from Prophet SAW...coz the Quran doesnt say what your Nationalism is saying...
Our problem is with India not Indians. Our issue is a political and a territorial one. We don't hate each other based on race etc we are working to solve our problems.

I agree that, issue is a political and territorial.

However, What do you mean by "Our problem is with India not Indians." ?

What will be left in India without Indians ? :o:

And we don't hate each other based on race ? care to elaborate ?

We have been working since our independence not to solve the issue but to complicate the matters !
Ali is not a prophet. Nobody told Ali to become the king of Muslims. Otherwise Prophet SAW would have done himself his lifetime.

Well that has nothing to do with declaring yourself and the PROPHET as Sunni when he in his lifetime never did so! :unsure:

i think Irainians know Ali is not a Prophet...As for Ali to be king or not...He is dead...nothing can be done when you fight now...His soul is not going to come to life to give you or the Iranians a pat on the back! :undecided:
Abdolaziz ibn baz major mofti of saudi arabia:Earch is totally flat and does not orbit and sun is orbiting around earch and everyone who believe unlike it,is pagan!!!and possible to be killed!!!!!!

Some of his statements: When I was not blind in young ages gazed to sun many times and I saw it is moving with my two eyes!!!So if earch is orbiting why we do not feel it and have lull on earch!!!?And if earch is round so why ships can move into seas and does not capsize!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone who says earch is round and orbit is pagan and should be killed!

ok we accept u :rofl::rofl::rofl:

- بن باز، عبدالعزیز، رسالة الأدلة النقلیة، والحسیة على جریان الشمس وسكون الأرض وإمكان الصعود إلى الكواكب، مكه لطباعه والاعلام، 1395ه، ص 17.


وَتَرَى الْجِبَالَ تَحْسَبُهَا جَامِدَةً وَهِيَ تَمُرُّ مَرَّ السَّحَابِ صُنْعَ اللَّهِ الَّذِي أَتْقَنَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ إِنَّهُ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَفْعَلُونَ 88

and you see the hills (earch) which you think is immobile but indeed it is moving fast like clouds(and you do not know). (such is the) making of allah, who has created everything well. he is aware of the things you do.
@al-Hasani @haman10 @ResurgentIran @Bubblegum Crisis @Arabian Legend

Here is an honest question...Who started calling himself SHIA and who called himself SUNNI?

I mean ALL I KNOW is Prophet SAW (our leader) called himself MUSLIM...soo errr who exactly are you guys following?

I am willing to take that debate in another thread or in private. But you need to understand that there have been many sects in Islam and that the Noble Qur'an already predicted that to happen.

You can start looking at the number of extinct Shia sects below:

List of extinct Shia sects - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sunnis are Muslims. It is just a name to distinguish it from other Muslim sects. Sunni Islam is the orthodox form of Islam that 90% of all Muslims follow.

The word "Sunni" comes from the Arabic term "Sunnah" which refers to the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (saws) as record in the Hadiths.

I think that every Muslim considers himself an Muslim but if he has to distinguish himself from other sects deriving from Islam he uses a prefix such as Sunni, Shia, Ibadi or the newer sects such as Ahmadi etc.

Sects have started in every religion. The Bible or Torah does not mention Methodists, Baptists, Protestants, Orthodox, Catholics or Ultra-Orthodox Jews etc. but nevertheless those sects exist today due to people inventing them.

Sunni Islam is no invention. It is Islam in its most pure form compared to all other sects. Hence it is by FAR the biggest, oldest and the orthodox "sect" in Islam. I would not even call it a sect. I regard the others as sects but that is my opinion and those of 90% of all Muslims worldwide more or less.
you have to dig in to Hadees and Ayatullah' Mullah teachings.
Let them do the talking...I want to hear it from them because ALL SHIAS I have talked to...Only 1 was even on a similar approach as those in Pakistan
I follow the voices in my head. There's usually two voices and one of them is commanding me to kill. lolz
Funny...but that sounds barbaric...and not at all in par with Islam...try the vampire religion!
First Pakistani nationalists were Shia. Many Syrian nationalists were Shia. Many Iraqi nationalists were Shia. You even had Shia members in the Iraqi Baath party. Only when Sunnis started to kill Shias on a large scale and calling them heretics, Shia responded with strengthening their Shia identity.
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