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What Iranians and Saudis refuse to realize!

So that means ALL of us were Shia?

That means that the idea of a Pakistani state was mostly or greatly supported by Shia muslims.

But he stood up for PAKISTAN not SHIA-ISTAN or SUNNISTAN...doesnt prove much

I didn't claim otherwise, did I? I just mentioned that they were Shias. It looks as if you do not even know the history of your country.
That means that the idea of a Pakistani state was mostly or greatly supported by Shia muslims.
Well, what does that show? Maybe the people who had money were Shia does that mean the whole country is/was Shia?

I didn't claim otherwise, did I? I just mentioned that they were Shias. It looks as if you do not even know the history of your country.
Yes but you used it as a reference to that PAKISTANIS were Shia! We still have many Shias on top posts! Not very relevant!
2 sects were made when Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) gave the hadees of "Pen and Paper"

Lol man when did i said i don't know? I said "I think you don't know" Q_Q

If you know something then say it.

Don't be a sharmeeli sharmeeli larki, lurking behind the doors and windows, throwing one liner sighs.
Omavi and Abbasi caliphate that martyred ahl albait and today istead of thier haiths and be follower of them(Shia)they follow some Illiterates that are enemy of ahl albait and even wreck their shrine in Baqi.

Why is it that you make Islam to some kind of ancestral worship? Ever wondered why Allah (swt) did not permit Prophet Muhammad (saws) to have any sons that lived through their adulthood?

Today you have literary millions of people that are related to Prophet Muhammad or are Hashemites. At least partially. What makes them so special? Where the father or grandfather of Prophet Muhammad (saws) more special than other grandfathers of the time?

Islam is a simple religion with a simple message. You made it complicated and invented some Mullah nonsense about hidden Imams in some basement and other contradictory nonsense. Wake up and smell the coffee, please.
Sunni Islam is the most pure form of Islam. it is the orthodox form of Islam. The oldest one. Ask any neutral non-Muslim theologian.

The later sects that came, all came long before I was born. It is time for those Muslims to return to Orthodox Islam rather than being some Ahmadi's etc.

I am not forcing anybody to convert to Islam. I am just telling them not to follow invented sects. I am not going to elaborate more since I will hurt the feelings of some here which is not the purpose here.

Sunni Islam = orthodox Islam = based on the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad and the Noble Qur'an. Nothing more. No clergy worship, no inventions no nothing. The only question is the ahadith and wether they are weak or not. No Grand Ayatollah's, no preference for certain people of a certain ancestry etc.
Ok that is the 1st nicely put words...

Iran you are up next! :D
That means that the idea of a Pakistani state was mostly or greatly supported by Shia muslims.

Knowing Jinnah's personality, he would not touch an Ayatullah even with 100 feet pole.

Don't trying to bring in religious mumbo jumbo please.
why dont we have an iranian suicide bomber my friend ?

i agree it has nothing to do with RACE , but has to do with the way of thinking spread by the ruling "elite"

you just deserve what you called my people

you have no right to insult our leaders just cause youre a think tank .....

dont cross the lines ....

i cant believe i just reported a think tank's post !!
The suicide bombing has been a trait that has been used repeatedly in history. The brand we see today rose from radical Islam. Though I still dont think we should employ national quotas on it.

I ve been itching to write on this wilco as soon as I can.
If you know something then say it.

Don't be a sharmeeli sharmeeli larki, lurking behind the doors and windows, throwing one liner sighs.
Lol why would i be sharmeeli larki? anyways

Sunni view
Sunni Muslims refer to this episode as the "Event of Thursday". It is generally seen as a minor event and a test by Muhammad of the Sahabah (his companions). The companions are considered to have chosen to do the right thing and passed the test, having remained free from criticism by Muhammad for the rest of the days he remained with them. Further Sunni's say it was not a matter of disobedience but rather it was Umar's Ijtihad (independent reasoning) in that situation.[4]

This period (from Thursday to Monday) during which Muhammad remained with the companions after this incident was also not utilized to make a will - which, Sunnis argue, confirms that it was not an important document to be written but rather a simple test to know whether the Ummah is aware of the message of the Quran. The following passage is cited as evidence:

This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.

—Quran, sura 5 (Al-Ma'ida), ayah 3[5]
Some other arguments Sunnis use to support their view include:[6]

  • If Muhammad had been ordered by God to write down something, then no one could have prevented him from this- not even Umar. This goes by the Muslim reasoning that God's message cannot be silenced or withheld by the antagonism of anyone. However, the fact that Muhammad did not end up writing something down (neither then nor during the future days) only proves that the thing which was supposed to be written was already known to the Sahabah and Muhammad was aware of this, so he did not take the matter any further.
  • The accusation that Umar prevented Muhammad from writing down what he willed due to Umar's fear that it would contain orders of obedience to Ali, is nothing more than an unproven assumption and conjecture driven by ones predetermined feelings towards Umar.
  • The obvious, visible and immediate interpretation of Umar's behavior is that he acted solely out of concern for the health and condition of Muhammad (as he saw most fit) due to his love and concern for Muhammad, by not having Muhammad burden himself during his present predicament of ill health. Likewise, other Sahabah who were present followed the same opinion as Umar.
  • The Sahabah differed even among themselves in their reaction to the request of Muhammad for a pen and paper i.e. they were not united in their opposition to Muhammad writing something down during his illness. Some Sahabah opposed Muhammad's request, while others agreed with it. Therefore, there was no conspiracy (on behalf of the Sahabah) to "deny" Ali his "right" to succeed Muhammad. Instead, the Sahabah were acting upon their own sincere assessments of the situation of Muhammad.
  • Muhammad's condition improved for a time after this incidence and had it been important he would have had it written down then.

Shia view

This event is the source of much controversy between Shias and Sunnis.

  • Shias point out that obedience to Muhammad was required from every Muslim at all times. The Quran orders Muslims regarding Muhammad, "So take what the Messenger assigns to you".[7] Therefore it was not the place of anyone to take matters into their own hands.
  • The idea that Umar disobeyed Muhammad out of love is nothing more than an unproven assumption and conjecture driven by ones predetermined feelings towards Umar.
  • They refer back to the events of Ghadir and Da‘wat dhul-‘Ashīrah which show that Muhammad had already nominated Ali as his successor. On the day of Ghadir, after Muhammad had announced, "Whosoever's master I am, this Ali is his master," the verse of the Quran was revealed "This day I have perfected for you your religion."
  • Umar ibn Al-Khattab claimed the Quran was sufficient guidance, despite the well-known tradition that Muhammad would be leaving two weighty things, not one. These being the Quran, and the Ahl al-Bayt (the progeny of Muhammad)
  • Muhammad's own words were that if they followed what he wished to write down, no one would go astray, hence it was a matter of grave importance.
  • Umar ibn Al-Khattab had spoken against Muhammad on other occasions including the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah.
  • Both the first and second caliphs were able to implement their wills despite being in great pain. Abu Bakr had fainted during dictating his will; and Umar ibn Khattab had multiple stab wounds, yet both considered it necessary to give details regarding their successor.
  • Shias do not claim that all Sahabah were part of a conspiracy. Only three Muhajirun were present in the hut of Saqifah. The fact that there was mixed views on Muhammad's deathbed regarding writing his will, shows that Ibn al-Khattab's opinion was not necessarily the best.
  • If Ibn al-Khattab's intervention was designed to save Muhammad any trouble or anxiety, it failed. An argument arose, Muhammad grew angry and sent away. Muhammad only ever displayed righteous and appropriate anger.
  • Ibn al-Khattab spoke about Muhammad in an irreverent manner, when he said, "He is delirious" (yahjura).
  • There is no record of Umar ibn al-Khattab apologising for his behaviour, despite the fact that Muhammad lived for three days. If it was done in private, it would not have been appropriate, because his outburst was in public.
  • The matter was indeed known to everyone due to Muhammad asserting the station of Ali ibn Abi Talib at every stage throughout his 23 year mission. Ali ibn Abi Talib himself asserted his right, and did not give allegiance for a full six months after the demise of Muhammad to the first caliph
Yes but you used it as a reference to that PAKISTANIS were Shia! We still have many Shias on top posts! Not very relevant!

You also have the worst attacks against Shias, under influence of the Deobandi tradition. The Pakistani of the first decades (pan-Islamism, nationalism) is largely gone.
Omavi and Abbasi caliphate that martyred ahl albait and Imams.and today istead of their haiths and be follower of them(Shia)they follow some Illiterates that are enemy of ahl albait and even wreck their shrine in Baqi.
How do you conclude they are ENEMIES of ahl bait? Because they dont cry on those anniversaries? Mind you Prophet said not to cry loudly and create a scene, hurt yourself and all those lot...

If this is not the reason...then what is it that makes you think they are ENEMIES?
Why is it that you make Islam to some kind of ancestral worship? Ever wondered by Allah (swt) did not permit Prophet Muhammad (saws) to have any sons that lived through their adulthood?

Today you have literary millions of people that are related to Prophet Muhammad or are Hashemites. At least partially. What makes them so special? Where the father or grandfather of Prophet Muhammad (saws) more special than other grandfathers of the time?

Why are the Apostles of Christ [S.A] 12 ?Or why are imams of moses [S.A] 12 as God said in Quran?
You also have the worst attacks against Shias, under influence of the Deobandi tradition. The Pakistani of the first decades (pan-Islamism, nationalism) is largely gone.
We have worst attack agains EVERYONE :cray: sunni, shia, Christians, Hindus! EVERYONE!

YET we have Large UPPER class shia society yet they dont seem to help their shia brotherin :tsk:

Why are the Apostles of Christ [S.A] 12 ?Or why are imams of moses [S.A] 12 as God said in Quran?
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