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What can Pakistan learn from Bangladesh?

Around 40 billion dollar export! Just for your info!

Recent report mate that Bangladesh will be too 25 economy by 2034 and one of the four trillion dollar economy among Muslim countries beside Indonesia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately Pakistan won’t be in even too 40 economies despite having around 30% more population.

Published on 12:00 AM, January 05, 2020
Bangladesh economy to be 25th largest in 15 years
Predicts British think-tank


The day Pakistan decides to become a client state of India, we would surely see similar economic progress. Anyway good for you guys.
So??? You willingly became part of erstwhile Pakistan.

The point is that BD has done a lot better economically than either Pakistan or India when you take into account how much time it has had since independence.
While both India and Pakistan struggle BD economy goes from strength to strength.

Here's your biscuit, enjoy.

I sense serious butthurt in this post.:(

The day Pakistan decides to become a client state of India, we would surely see similar economic progress. Anyway good for you guys.

Can you tell me what you need to offer to have any chance of any country wanting to be your client state?
As soon as you take the Biharis from bd. But Biharis are to soon receive govt subsidized housing that they can own in 30 years time with monthly rent as mortgage... so I don’t think they will want to go to Pakistan now. However bengalis in Karachi still lives in slums and there’s no plans to provide better housing for them from the govt. so I guess it just shows...

If your economic illegal migrants Bangladeshis nomads choose to live in our Karachi slums you got yourself to blame for it. like the Calais jungle in France it gets no help from Paris government. Okay, Bihari are indians and you Bangladeshis are not Pakistanis. Better return to your own original state. I can not even say former east (.........) it was just a unnatural animal living on borrow times.
If your economic illegal migrants Bangladeshis nomads choose to live in our Karachi slums you got yourself to blame for it. like the Calais jungle in France it gets no help from Paris government. Okay, Bihari are indians and you Bangladeshis are not Pakistanis. Better return to your own original state. I can not even say former east (.........) it was just a unnatural animal living on borrow times.
Urdu speaking biharis fought for Pakistan in 71 and those bengalis already in Pakistan have been living their from much earlier. As no govt wanna trade these people, better not bring up stupid issues. Those illegals either in bd or pk are nought criminals that it hurts you so much.
And without bengalis Pakistan would not have been a thing

And the difference is that the Bengalis in Pakistan supported Pakistan during 1971 whereas the Biharis did not support BD at the time.
To be fair, Pakistan cannot really afford it even if they wanted to do it.
Ofc. Their pyara military and shitty leaders are to blame for their downfall
These were leaders of an independent Pakistan.
You are them and they are you.
No excuse when the decision was made by an independent Pakistan.

This entire post is inaccurate.

Haven't you heard of puppets and agents?

Visit the Pakistani sections and learn about on Pakistani politics from Pakistanis.
Just a question. How long before the conference in Bengal economy is lost?
Pakistan gained independence in 1947 and was able to freely choose it's own destiny.
It is easy to blame others rather than looking at your own faults.

Likewise BD gained independence in 1971 and was responsible for itself after then and look at the position it has got itself into it now - lowest debt to gdp ratio, fastest economic growth rate by far, massive FDI investments coming in etc. Not great start at first but the economy has been growing consistently fast since year 2000 - it took less than 30 years to get to this stable position and Pakistan has had more than 70 and is not there yet.

Pakistanis must ask themselves why after 72 years of independence(+ 24 year subsidy from BD during 1947-1971 to boot) they are lagging behind the rest of S Asia in gdp per capita and future prospects(lowest growth rate forecast). Only when they know the reasons why and have addressed them can Pakistan progress.
Pakistanis did not ask to participate in an endless massive bloody 20 year war imposed by the US. Mothers and fathers never imagined crying every night on losing their children and children never imagined waiting for their fathers to return home but never did so as they were killed in terrorist attacks. Ever since Pakistan was forced and pushed into the US war it has brought nothing but misery, death and destruction. It has set us behind many decades. Having an unsafe volatile neighbour as Afghanistan has had a major effect on us since 1979 when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Look at the state of Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya and Somalia. Only these nations have experienced what Pakistan had done so for decades. Bangladesh has seen relative stability since gaining Independence thus prospering.
Why doesn't that apply to Hasina then?

This whole thread does not leave me with much confidence as the general pdf Pakistani narrative is to blame everyone but themselves for their economic failures since 1947.
First thing you need to do to correct a problem is to own it.

Pakistanis did not ask to participate in an endless massive bloody 20 year war imposed by the US. Mothers and fathers never imagined crying every night on losing their children and children never imagined waiting for their fathers to return home but never did so as they were killed in terrorist attacks. Ever since Pakistan was forced and pushed into the US war it has brought nothing but misery, death and destruction. It has set us behind many decades. Having an unsafe volatile neighbour as Afghanistan has had a major effect on us since 1979 when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Look at the state of Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya and Somalia. Only these nations have experienced what Pakistan had done so for decades. Bangladesh has seen relative stability since gaining Independence thus prospering.

Pakistan's per capita growth rate in the 1990s was below 2% a year on average. " War on Terror" did not start till 2001.

This whole thread is a litany of excuses on why Pakistan has done so badly over the last 7 decades.

Yes Pakistan faced challenges like India over Kashmir and the "War on Terror" but BD has also faced serious challenges like Indian sponsored terrorism in CHT and now Myanmar pushing more than a million Rohingyas into BD. Latest headache for BD is Indian trying to cleanse some millions of their Bengali Muslims into BD.

As a state you just need to deal with whatever you face.
This whole thread does not leave me with much confidence as the general pdf Pakistani narrative is to blame everyone but themselves for their economic failures since 1947.
First thing you need to do to correct a problem is to own it.
Well many corruption cases have opened up against the previous governments. Shareef is currently in London having dinner meetings. Pakistanis openly accept our previous governments are also to blame for the downfall.

This whole thread does not leave me with much confidence as the general pdf Pakistani narrative is to blame everyone but themselves for their economic failures since 1947.
First thing you need to do to correct a problem is to own it.

Pakistan's per capita growth rate in the 1990s was below 2% a year on average. " War on Terror" did not start till 2001.

This whole thread is a litany of excuses on why Pakistan has done so badly over the last 7 decades.

Yes Pakistan faced challenges like India over Kashmir and the "War on Terror" but BD has also faced serious challenges like Indian sponsored terrorism in CHT and now Myanmar pushing more than a million Rohingyas into BD. Latest headache for BD is Indian trying to cleanse some millions of their Bengali Muslims into BD.

As a state you just need to deal with whatever you face.
1990s Pakistan faced severe sanctions due to its nuclear tests. It's closest allies such as the US severed ties with Islamabad. Economy further hampered due to the kargil war with India AND further isolation during the militery coup of 1999.
Well many corruption cases have opened up against the previous governments. Shared is current in London having dinner meetings. Pakistanis openly accept outr previous governments are also to blame for the downfall.

Yes please accept your own faults and then you can move forward.
Do you know why nearly every single pdf BD'shi tolerates AL and the lack of democracy?
It is because the last BNP government stole the money for power projects and did not add a single MW of power projection.
Even then we have to own that period as that was an independent BD government making the decisions.
Anyway I have hope in Imran Khan as he seems sincere and wish him well as a prosperous and strong Pakistan is in BD's interest.
Yes please accept your own faults and then you can move forward.
Do you know why nearly every single pdf BD'shi tolerates AL and the lack of democracy?
It is because the last BNP government stole the money for power projects and did not add a single MW of power projection.
Even then we have to own that period as that was an independent BD government making the decisions.
Anyway I have hope in Imran Khan as he seems sincere and wish him well as a prosperous and strong Pakistan is in BD's interest.
He's trying his best but with the current tensions with India and the fallout between the US and another neighbour of ours Iran is once again affecting internal policies in tackling corruption. Personally PM Khan has take on too much to handle.
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