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What are turkic origin words used in everyday urdu or other pakistani languages?

I know in urdu we use both the Turkish and Farsi words for sea

Sahil = sea coast or sea as beach
Samander = same as above.
Gul = flower

Are you sure Samander is Turkish, i heard its Persian had a common Indo-Iranian origin.
When İ had a conversation about food with a Pakistani, İ found out that kıyma (ground/minced meat) is around the same.

P.s, what do you guys call a lion?
Do you have the term Aslan?

We call lion as "Sher" or "Shair" in our language. We have Arsalan as a given name for many people in pakistan, I never knew its meaning perhaps it is related to "Aslan".
We call lion as "Sher" or "Shair" in our language. We have Arsalan as a given name for many people in pakistan, I never knew its meaning perhaps it is related to "Aslan".

Probably it is, but what about the meaning of the name arslan in Urdu? İ mean originally it means lion, so İ guess when you name someone Arslan İ assume it means brave or something ??
Probably it is, but what about the meaning of the name arslan in Urdu? İ mean originally it means lion, so İ guess when you name someone Arslan İ assume it means brave or something ??

If Arsalan is a turkic origin word then it would mean the same I think "lion" but I had no idea what it meant, I am thankful to turkish members for bringing its meaning in my knowledge.
What people don't realise is that many ''Turkic'' words are actually Farsi words.
Isn't its your mother tongue ? :D or may be that word is not a common one.
Well many people dont speak pure Urdu ...many like me speak a mixture of stuff then again my Urdu is only conversational...I wouldnt know half the words relating to things which I do or use in daily life :ashamed: coz I speak more English :ashamed:
Probably it is, but what about the meaning of the name arslan in Urdu? İ mean originally it means lion, so İ guess when you name someone Arslan İ assume it means brave or something ??

Arsalan means Gift in English & in Urdu Tohfa

Isn't its your mother tongue ? :D or may be that word is not a common one.

One must know meaning the ailchi if he/she may have read history in Urdu .......
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Arsalan means Gift in English & in Urdu Tohfa

One must know meaning the ailchi if he/she may have read history in Urdu .......

Arsalan is a turkic word and indeed means "Lion". The other forms of Arsalan that is used in some turkic languages is Aslan but they are basically the same word.
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