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What are turkic origin words used in everyday urdu or other pakistani languages?

gigawatt you are very funny, don't joke

Ailchi (ambassador)
1stly, I am probably the worst person to ask...To me that Sounded like Ilaichi and the only Elaichi I know is cardamom :what:

ask @Emmie my Urdu teacher :ashamed:
I was going to say kanoon, but I think it's greek.

Mohabbat is one.

Mohabbat is from Arabic word Mohabba ( not Turkish origin).

The word Hava ( Air ) is Turkish word borrowed by Urdu.

Qanoon is Arabic word ( Law) borrowed by English as well although slightly modified as Canon.
faqir, faqeer is Turkish word i guess
Khatun (Queen)
Saat (Hour)
Khan (Ruler)
Khanum (Female derivation of Khan)
Begum (Wife)
Zaman (Time)
Bahadur (Brave)
Pasha (Chief)
Turkish= Urdu

acaip acab = ajab

adalet =adaalat

adam =aadam

aheste/ aheste =ahısta /ahısta

akıl =akl / akal

akis= aks Echo.

ananas= ananas

asıl=asli / asal real, fact.

aşık =aşik / aashik

avare= avara

avaz =aavaz

avrat (rare use) =aurat

ayna= aaina

azad =aazad

badem =badem

barut =barood

canım=canam / janaam

cevap= javab

çakı =çaku / chaku

sebze =sabzi

sırf =sırf

şarap= şarab

seker sakar = shakkar

seytan saytan = shaytaan
Urdu (Ordu)
Ashq (Ishq)

I'm pretty sure Ishq is Arabic going back further it derives from Ishtar the Assyrian/Babylonian goddess of love.
Most of words mentioned in the thread are not Turkic. words in first post are all Turkic, there are some more Turkic words scattered among other posts.
Most of the words in this thread are either arabic and/ or persian words.
Don't forget that turkic languages borrowed huge amount of arabic and persian words also. So the similarity between urdu and turkish words are in reality persian and arabic words which is used in both languages (urdu and turkish).

But I think urdu word for black is "Kala" and turkish word for black is "Kara".
That sounds similar.
When İ had a conversation about food with a Pakistani, İ found out that kıyma (ground/minced meat) is around the same.

P.s, what do you guys call a lion?
Do you have the term Aslan?
When İ had a conversation about food with a Pakistani, İ found out that kıyma (ground/minced meat) is around the same.

P.s, what do you guys call a lion?
Do you have the term Aslan?

Yep, suprisingly they have a Turkic word for it(Keema), I remember getting across to another Turkic word for a food but I forgot it.

Yeah possible.
When İ had a conversation about food with a Pakistani, İ found out that kıyma (ground/minced meat) is around the same.

P.s, what do you guys call a lion?
Do you have the term Aslan?

Keemaaa ! :smitten:

Lion - Sher !
When İ had a conversation about food with a Pakistani, İ found out that kıyma (ground/minced meat) is around the same.

P.s, what do you guys call a lion?
Do you have the term Aslan?

Keema is minced meat and Lion is called Sher.
When İ had a conversation about food with a Pakistani, İ found out that kıyma (ground/minced meat) is around the same.

P.s, what do you guys call a lion?
Do you have the term Aslan?

Lion is "sher" in Urdu. In Pashto "Zmaray".

Some Pakistanis have the name Aslan or Arslan though.
I know in urdu we use both the Turkish and Farsi words for sea

Sahil = sea coast or sea as beach
Samander = same as above.
Gul = flower
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