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West Bengal beats India in Muslim growth rate.

and Judaism is an Hindu sect right? Moses was a ten faced hindu demon god

Judaism is the most benign, ancient and highest regarded of Abrahamic religions...Jews are highly esteemed members of the community of all advanced societies of the world...Truly if there is an Abrahamic religion that eschews the trend, it is Judaism and Judaism only...Judaism is different from other Abrahamic religions by the fact that in doesnot believe in proselytization...It has been so since at least the destruction of the Second Temple...I should have qualified my statement as non-Jewish Abrahamic religions...thanks for correcting my mistake..have a nice day

Religious switching won't affect islam as more people are coming in it then leaving it and what a few people post on youtube suddenly they are way more and I really don't care what religion will over take india but according to pew india will be the most populace muslim country but it will still be hindu majority and even then muslims tend to breed more then the average and many hindus are becoming atheist or less religious but personally i think india will not become muslim majority but will hold a growing muslim minority.

don't you understand numbers...religious switching will be of miniscule importance to any religion till 2050...and even then almost nobody will either opt out or opt in to Hinduism..quality studies always trump over opinion.....

even folk religions, shamanism,animism will gain as much new converts as Islam...Islam is not some special unicorn in this global marketplace of religions, irreligion and ideologies

Islam's strength in India lies in babies...But how will you produce more babies when the inflation of 2000s destroyed dreams of large families? with the drying up of oil revenues and falling economic might of Saudi Arabia, how much help can be expected from Gulf?

The inflation of the 90s forced the middle class of India to change its ways...By 2000s Middle class outside of North India was having no more than single child per couple
Within North Indian middle class it stabilized to 2 children per couple by 2000s

The inflation of the 2000s destroyed the poor...in this decade of 2010s, poor will limit their issue to 2 per woman....by 2025-2030 India's population will hit a plateau and then it may start dipping slightly..all the dreams of Muslim demographic domination can be paid to rest
If you guys want to carve anything out of India, the window of opportunity is closing as fast as the gate of the Alien Mothership in Independence Day. 2030 is basically your deadline

Inflation will always brutally cutdown population growth..even among the poor


@SarthakGanguly ...Quality posting
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no. an agnostic who hates religious extremism
this is the reason india will be partitioned again. You treat person accordingly their religion. the more you isolate them the more they will be anti national
Good Luck if you still have a Hindu name. This 'name' is fake, but still - bonne chance.

Oye sanghi troll u really believe a pussy like gandu ji save minority muslim population during partition lol.

After the fall of kashmir which will be within a decade, India will break into pieces. And bjp will be responsible for this
Nope. For every Priya Kumari there are a dozen apostates. A significant number of Bengalee Muslims (West Bengalis) are communists/atheists. Otherwise no state would have survived such a high Muslim population and NOT call for secession. Never happened in the world.

For every priya kumari there are at least dozen muslims and number is increasing even further. It is a lost battle that you guys are fighting. Even those communists and athiests are a tiny minority and stand no chance against the overwhelming majority of BD population that takes religion very seriously. Many are hiding today fearing for their life.

And the biggest hope for Dharmics - but for her, Hindu consolidation would never have begun. You wait and watch. Rohingya, Gaza, Kashmir valley and now pockets of Bengal.

We have forced you for your survival in your own country. You whine daily about malda but nobody cares. I don't even need to say anything. Your defeat is inevitable.

You may personally win. Kill some non Muslim and consider yourself a Ghazi and all that.

Not really sanghi. Check number of muslims in the world. It is called fastest growing religion for a reason. You really think we are losing or Islamic civilization is dying?? Ottoman empire decline was just a small period in the history of this universal phenomenon of Islam. Unlike you who is limited to your own sh!thole, we are a global phenomenon. There are muslims everywhere. There are places where they have enough numbers to defend themselves and to impact on election results. Even in Europe and America. all those right wing fascists have no idea how to fight against this new hard reality of Islam in Europe. In India itself. There are muslims everywhere. In Jammu despite all the genocide there are still muslims living in healthy numbers in that city. Are there any hindus in Mirpur or Bhimber or Kotli?

You talk about IA killing Muslims in Calcutta. There are still huge number of muslims in Calcutta. More than 20% of Calcutta is still muslim. How many Hindus are there in Karachi or Lahore today? That's because we are stubborn. We stay and we fight back. Temporary setbacks happen but we would win for sure. There is no other way out. Ahtiesm is no threat for us. Those poor guys hide in Muslim societies and can't even expose themselves to their own neighbors.

I don't need to pray for Muslim uprising. It is already happening. It is funny to see your futile efforts against it to stop it. :lol:
We have forced you for your survival in your own country.
What? :D
Dharmics are major communities all over the world. Including PR China, Japan, Thailand, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka etc etc. I can go on and on. Dharmic philosophies (Karma, Yoga, Pranaam, Yoga, Ayurveda etc) are far more popular in the world than Qur'aan.

Check number of muslims in the world.
Muslims? A few hundred millions.
How many are actually Muslims? How many are following the true dictats? How many are fighting to live under Shariah. Every month there are marches opposing Shariah in Europe, America and India - often headed by thousands of Muslim women. Muslims drink, eat pork and make merry.
Unlike Hindus or Buddhists, Muslims have a very strict code. One of us can eat beef and still continue to be within the faith. Not so for you. In times of conflict they are the first to suffer. Numbers mean nothing here.
Another huge increase in number is in Africa (Boko Haram conversions) and Syria (Yazidi conversions). The latter will be reversed.
Even your Khilafat is now nearing its end - again. And how many Muslims are bothered about it?

It is called fastest growing religion for a reason.
For massive birthrate. You know what will happen? The same that happen to communities with limited resources. Unless they expand and destroy non Muslims and capture their resources - they will STARVE to death.

Islamic civilization is dying
Actually, it is dead.

Are there any hindus in Mirpur or Bhimber or Kotli?
That is a great success story of Pakistan - they have removed almost all non Islamic influence in Pakistan, and this has added security to the state. But you have found new non Muslims - Ahmedis and Shia. So you are back to square one. Civil war and destruction is your destination - has been so since the Ridda wars actually. This is nothing new.

That's because we are stubborn. We stay and we fight back.
Islam has been wiped out from so many areas.
Southern France
Parts of Albania
East Punjab
Most of Caucasus
Telengana (except Hyderabad)
Myanmar (only a few hundred thousand remain, they will soon be history)
etc etc... I can go on and on.

You survived being a bully in India NOT because of your efforts. But due to Dharmic insistence on ahimsa. Today's Hindus and Buddhists are not squeamish. When PA played with IA heads last year, recce parties went and brought back Pakistani soldiers heads as trophy. That customary chivalry that we used to have before is gone. We are as savage (if not more) now as you are. So please, don't push us. Kill the non Muslims in your country (including Shia) and feel good about it. Anywhere else - and thousands of innocents with Muslim names will suffer.

Ahtiesm is no threat for us. Those poor guys hide in Muslim societies and can't even expose themselves to their own neighbors.
That is because you are duty bound to destroy them if discovered. Where they get a chance to speak out - they do. And overwhelmingly. Every non Muslim country has ex Muslims groups (numbering hundreds of thousands of people). You don't find ex Buddhist, ex Hindu groups - do you?
In this age, being stubborn (like the Rohingya) will give you nothing. Except death. Give Myanmar (and us) a few more months to end the work in Arakan. :) Then will will end it in South Thailand where Muslims have been trying to establish their own Islamic state there. They will be ... 'rehabilitated'.

Who is priya kumari bro?
Sindhi forced convertee.
Or sorry.
Muslim are already majority in 3 out of 20 districts.They form 30-49 percent bracket in couple of other districts and soon will become majority.:cheers:
hello ,
i disagree with your thoughts , it is the quality educated population developing nations must strive for , people are all same , hindus muslims christians and sikhs and many more . subcontinent is already suffering from population explosion , it is not good if population increase at fast rate , no matter of which religion . common people are same everywhere , they only suffer at the end with low level of income due to big families ultimately their lifestyle gets effected which in turn creates many problems during their lifetime .
hello ,
i disagree with your thoughts , it is the quality educated population developing nations must strive for , people are all same , hindus muslims christians and sikhs and many more . subcontinent is already suffering from population explosion , it is not good if population increase at fast rate , no matter of which religion . common people are same everywhere , they only suffer at the end with low level of income due to big families ultimately their lifestyle gets effected which in turn creates many problems during their lifetime .
He is trolling man...
Most of the people protesting in Chechnya would not have been able to point out Myanmar on the map....and Chechnya lives off the largesse of Moscow....If anti-Myanmar protest goes on any longer neither the Russian government nor the Pakistan government would tolerate it..Pakistan's export strength depends upon sale of JF-17s to Myanmar...basically Myanmar has pulled off a Diplomatic Coup by having Russia,Pakistan,India,China on its side..only country that has an explicit anti-Myanmar stance is Turkey...A white American acquaintance of mine who is a Buddhist monk in Myanmar reported on his blog that

"Just yesterday a Burmese monk was telling me that many Burmese are nearing the breaking point, and that major attacks against Muslims (whom the Burmese Buddhists see as a threat to their religious heritage) may happen on a large scale soon."

This was two weeks back....The Burmese regime has been cleverly cultivating warm relations with key countries for years, so that when they undertake such industrial scale action, the international blowback is minimal....Myanmar is providing the blueprint for Dharmic Action...

Long live Pakistan-Myanmar friendship..It is higher than the highest mountains and deeper than the deepest oceans
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Direct Action Day. Surprisingly even in Bengal (Muslim majority province) after the initial Hindu killings, Hindus ended up killing more Muslims. Once stirred, Bengalis are a hard bunch to stop. Your martial army was defeated by them.Neither could Pakistan change their race, nor their language.

Weak in history ?

Go beyond 1947 and study what happened when Bengal was Muslims majority.
What? :D
Dharmics are major communities all over the world. Including PR China, Japan, Thailand, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka etc etc. I can go on and on. Dharmic philosophies (Karma, Yoga, Pranaam, Yoga, Ayurveda etc) are far more popular in the world than Qur'aan.

Muslims? A few hundred millions.
How many are actually Muslims? How many are following the true dictats? How many are fighting to live under Shariah. Every month there are marches opposing Shariah in Europe, America and India - often headed by thousands of Muslim women. Muslims drink, eat pork and make merry.
Unlike Hindus or Buddhists, Muslims have a very strict code. One of us can eat beef and still continue to be within the faith. Not so for you. In times of conflict they are the first to suffer. Numbers mean nothing here.
Another huge increase in number is in Africa (Boko Haram conversions) and Syria (Yazidi conversions). The latter will be reversed.
Even your Khilafat is now nearing its end - again. And how many Muslims are bothered about it?

For massive birthrate. You know what will happen? The same that happen to communities with limited resources. Unless they expand and destroy non Muslims and capture their resources - they will STARVE to death.

Actually, it is dead.

That is a great success story of Pakistan - they have removed almost all non Islamic influence in Pakistan, and this has added security to the state. But you have found new non Muslims - Ahmedis and Shia. So you are back to square one. Civil war and destruction is your destination - has been so since the Ridda wars actually. This is nothing new.

Islam has been wiped out from so many areas.
Southern France
Parts of Albania
East Punjab
Most of Caucasus
Telengana (except Hyderabad)
Myanmar (only a few hundred thousand remain, they will soon be history)
etc etc... I can go on and on.

You survived being a bully in India NOT because of your efforts. But due to Dharmic insistence on ahimsa. Today's Hindus and Buddhists are not squeamish. When PA played with IA heads last year, recce parties went and brought back Pakistani soldiers heads as trophy. That customary chivalry that we used to have before is gone. We are as savage (if not more) now as you are. So please, don't push us. Kill the non Muslims in your country (including Shia) and feel good about it. Anywhere else - and thousands of innocents with Muslim names will suffer.

That is because you are duty bound to destroy them if discovered. Where they get a chance to speak out - they do. And overwhelmingly. Every non Muslim country has ex Muslims groups (numbering hundreds of thousands of people). You don't find ex Buddhist, ex Hindu groups - do you?
In this age, being stubborn (like the Rohingya) will give you nothing. Except death. Give Myanmar (and us) a few more months to end the work in Arakan. :) Then will will end it in South Thailand where Muslims have been trying to establish their own Islamic state there. They will be ... 'rehabilitated'.

Sindhi forced convertee.
Or sorry.
Not really so many muslim sultanats or empires rise and fall its in history who knows maybe in the future these muslim countries would unite btw the list you gave these territories were not muslim majority except parts of sicily and east punjab and albania which has a large greek population in the beginning in the south btw the most of caucasus is muslim majority only armenia and georgia and large parts of the abhzak territory which the muslims were driven out. In islam we have to believe in the tenants of iman muffasal which every muslim believes in btw atheism and agnosticism is also growing in india and so far statistics islam is growing via birth rates or conversions.
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Not really so many muslim sultanats or empires rise and fall its in history who knows maybe in the future these muslim countries would unite btw the list you gave these territories were not muslim majority except parts of sicily and east punjab and albania has a large greek population in the south btw the most of Caucasus is muslim majority only armenia and georgia and large parts of the abhzak territory were the muslims driven out. In islam we have to believe in the tenants of iman muffasal which every muslim believes in btw atheism and agnosticism is also growing in india and so far statistics islam is growing via birth rates or conversations.
The age of institutionalized religions is over. :agree:
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