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Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

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One thing i have learned from Kemalists: There is a very long time for Turkey to reach European standards in education and freedom. You guys are the main obstacle to that, stop your worship already so Turkey can go on. Don't limit yourself into believing that Kemal was the ultimate human being and surpassing him is impossible.

And you secular Kemalists will never gain votes from the majority Sunni Muslims in Turkey, no matter how hard you try. Your miserable time is over, no matter how much you curse, cry and act like hyaenas. In the end a group of lions will never get beaten by some couple of hyaenas shitt1ng around. You kemalist hyaenas. Turkey has been the homestead for Sunni Muslims for a very long time, and it will continue on, despite a couple of hyaenas trying to rip off the country apart. No cults last. The cult of Kemal is on its last legs.
One thing i have learned from Kemalists: There is a very long time for Turkey to reach European standards in education and freedom. You guys are the main obstacle to that, stop your worship already so Turkey can go on. Don't limit yourself into believing that Kemal was the ultimate human being and surpassing him is impossible.

You are accusing us worshiping Mustafa Kemal... What a dino crap... We are just alergic to hurt of islamist who despite Mustafa Kemal because of secularism...

But even if we worship him, we are still better than you guys... Atleast our deity would be real...
You are accusing us worshiping Mustafa Kemal... What a dino crap... We are just alergic to hurt of islamist who despite Mustafa Kemal because of secularism...

But even if we worship him, we are still better than you guys... Atleast our deity would be real...

'what the heck is a 'dino crap', Deno' ? :angel:
One thing i have learned from Kemalists: There is a very long time for Turkey to reach European standards in education and freedom. You guys are the main obstacle to that, stop your worship already so Turkey can go on. Don't limit yourself into believing that Kemal was the ultimate human being and surpassing him is impossible.
And you genius, reaching european standards require abandoning Atatürk's reforms by Zulkarneyn the almighty's logic. Let's declare erdo islamic world's caliph already.

We'll go back to Ottoman times in no time under his wise leadership. sure thing
Hey on a serious note : Would it be correct to say that Mr.Ataturk fought the West and then tried to ascertain what was it that the had propelled the West to where it was and kept the Ottoman Empire down ! In that assessment he believed 'religion' to be the culprit and so he went on adopting the best Model out there he could find - namely French Secularism or 'Laicite' - to address it ! A little like what the Japs did before the 1st World War and then later intensified the adoption after the end of the 2nd World War, they took the Western Model and tinkered with it to suit Japan !
One thing i have learned from Kemalists: There is a very long time for Turkey to reach European standards in education and freedom. You guys are the main obstacle to that, stop your worship already so Turkey can go on. Don't limit yourself into believing that Kemal was the ultimate human being and surpassing him is impossible.

And you secular Kemalists will never gain votes from the majority Sunni Muslims in Turkey, no matter how hard you try. Your miserable time is over, no matter how much you curse, cry and act like hyaenas. In the end a group of lions will never get beaten by some couple of hyaenas shitt1ng around. You kemalist hyaenas. Turkey has been the homestead for Sunni Muslims for a very long time, and it will continue on, despite a couple of hyaenas trying to rip off the country apart. No cults last. The cult of Kemal is on its last legs.

'what the heck is a 'dino crap', Deno' ? :angel:

the male/female? means denocrap. I explained that above, a bunch of hyaenas shitting around, trying to take power from the ruling lions. But they can only crap as she/he says her/himself.
This thread showed how bigoted kemalists are. Insults but no arguments.:cool:
Hey on a serious note : Would it be correct to say that Mr.Ataturk fought the West and then tried to ascertain what was it that the had propelled the West to where it was and kept the Ottoman Empire down ! In that assessment he believed 'religion' to be the culprit and so he went on adopting the best Model out there he could find - namely French Secularism or 'Laicite' - to address it ! A little like what the Japs did before the 1st World War and then later intensified the adoption after the end of the 2nd World War, they took the Western Model and tinkered with it to suit Japan !
You got that right, on a side note, Turkey have given women the right to vote about a decade before france do it. Also we had a woman prime minister before most of the european countries and US.
Many older generation Turks hate Ataturk. A man I met here in the US, that used to be engineer in Turkish Army named Ayub probably in his 50's now had told me this.

To hear his opinion on this would be excellent. He is a borderline genius.

For me Ataturk was not a good or bad, but a man with noble intentions.
You got that right, on a side note, Turkey have given women the right to vote about a decade before france do it. Also we had a woman prime minister before most of the european countries and US.

In the same time Turkey denied women with scarf entering universities into 21th century, which almost no countries on earth does, there is your champion for humanity.
Many older generation Turks hate Ataturk. A man I met here in the US, that you used to be engineer in Turkish Army named Ayub probably in his 50's now had told me this.

To hear his opinion on this would be excellent. He is a borderline genius.

For me Ataturk was not a good or bad, but a man with noble intentions.

Dude.... When the head of the Islamist party in Turkey had to put Mustafa Kemal's painting in his office because he is afraid of backlash it would bring if he did not than believe me there isn't many people who hates Mustafa Kemal...

But You are an anti-secular kinda guy so I understand where you are coming from :)
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