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War Talk: Could U.S. Forces Execute an Amphibious Assault against Iran?

There was a desert tempest when they tried to land..
Sir G ... agreed , at that time all odds were against USA; but I have no doubt that USA did not plan it well.
Who knows, this time what will happen if US goes out for all out action against Iran, which I doubt, may be only some skirmishes. Further no guarantee that all natural elements will not be accounted for. Definitely, US will have an overwhelming advantage.
Capable airforce----no you don't. You have the bare remnants of a superb airforce (The best assets are still the F4's and the f14's)built by the Shah. All the other assets are poor by comparison. You have no AEW capacity no elint aircraft. You could barely engage the Poor by comparison Iraqi airforce. If they show up they will get picked off easily. The reason why Iran has all those bunkers is because they know they will have difficulty defending their airspace and why they were desperately trying to obtain s300's for so long.

Huge quantities of ballistic missiles? What is the CEP of those missiles? Also have you heard about the Aegis system or the patriot systems used by nearly all the neighbours of Iran?

Asymmetric assets? you mean speedboats ? I do not believe any of the nonsense about some of the developments of these "Asymmetric" assets.

\you can bottle neck the straits of Hormuz for while. But that will fall first and your disruption will last at best for a few weeks. Hurt some economies for a bit maybe...Destroy economies...No chance. In fact the attackers might drop carbon filaments on Iranian powerplants like they did in Iraq...

This is not some "tough guy" boasting. This is what is going to happen and you need to think with your brains and not your balls.

I meant to say Iran has capable air defense capability.

For the rest of your comments, I won't bother to address it; however, I'll leave this with you: If Iran wasn't capable of defending itself, they would've been invaded bay now.
Not going to give you a half page because you have obviously drunk the coolaid. That you think that your enemy will use the same tactics shows your lack of foresight. That you think f5 clones are new technology and shooting down drones means something shows your lack of foresight. If your homemade missiles were so great then why the purchase of S300's and why all those deep deep bunkers to hide everything?

Spare us your jingoistic nonsense. Iran won't fold but a lot of people will die and a lot of damage to Iran will be done.

You're right it wont fold but I don't get the point your stupid post is trying to make? I guess another dimwitted short Johnson such as yourself preaching sweet nothings to irrelevant online personas is just making some noise for the hell of it right? You're ignorance on matter shows you're the short-stack that doesn't know what he's talking about. (And yes I'm pissed)

Those F-5s, hell much of Iran's air force is defunct, AND THE IRANIANS KNOW IT (don't even try and claim I drunk some "cool-aid", screw off with that childish BS). But their other means of deterrence are perfectly viable and will do more damage than any half-wit on PDF can even imagine. Keep belittling Iran and we'll see who's laughing later.

Anyways, to your other stupid point, The S-300PMU2 WAS A STOP-GAP SYSTEM TO FULFILL IRANIAN AD REQUIREMENTS UNTIL MORE DOMESTIC SYSTEMS ARE UP AND RUNNING. 15th of Khordad, 3rd of khordad, Talash, Ra'ad, Bavar-373 and many more are not some hollywood fantasy: they are real systems that pose a real threat to U.S. operational abilities no matter what a nobody such as yourself has to say about it.

Lack of foresight? Please you plonker, get real.

Now piss off to whatever god-forsaken part of the world your indigent person comes from, sick of this PDF Iran bashing nonsense nobodies (such as yourself) constantly spew like they're an authority on the matter.
Because they know US is not going to attack them

They don't want another Afghanistan Syria Libya that's why they are not attacking Iran
Here is a statement of Trump from 2015
what is more important for USA, avoid another Afgan situation or loose ME rich with OIL and wealth.

the recent RQ-4 downing showed heart warming results, US officials said they didn't know that there was an ADS near the place drone downed. in a conflict with US, our long range OTH radars gonna detect stealth targets and give the location to mobile 3rd khordad systems, while this systems normally can't detect such planes but if they come closer enough to the ADS, they can detect stealth planes and hit them. that's why commander of IRGCASF compared 3rd khordad with s-300.

dude our OTH radars have range up to Mediterranean sea, also we are not terrorist groups we have other radars and communication network.
Alright, so it will depend on which side press the button first, you hesitate and other side bring a rain of unlimited missile and bombs and etc.
So they developed the new systems that are amazing and still took the s300?
there was a chain of events. some times you think you know every thing, so you expose yourself for people to make fun of you.
no we still don't have a better system than s-300 yet, until bavar-373 becomes available also russia stalled us for 12 years to deliver the system while we already paid them, when they did we were producing some SAMs by ourselves.
Remember d-day? Now imagine that with only the US and 100x more efficient, defensive weapons
Remember d-day? Now imagine that with only the US and 100x more efficient, defensive weapons
you normally make good points, but u just did woeful here. I'm happy you used the relevant word here : "imagine",cuz your entire point is quite....imaginary..Just saying..
you normally make good points, but u just did woeful here. I'm happy you used the relevant word here : "imagine",cuz your entire point is quite....imaginary..Just saying..
Muffin Americans hid behind the men of other countries whenever they go into battle. The battles that they went alone in, have always been failures.
They probably could stage an amphibious assault. The fact that they could do this is neither here nor there. For what purpose would they invade Iran and attempt to hold territory? To achieve the dreams of the lunatics like Bolton they’d need to occupy virtually the entirety of Iran. The US has neither the manpower nor the motivation for such a thing. This is a pipe dream of a few crazies. It’s not even feasible let alone plausible.

It is a fallacy that Iran’s nuclear weapons program, the existence of which is questionable, can be destroyed by military means. Firstly, if it doesn’t exist then it cannot be destroyed. However, an attack on Iran is almost certain to precipitate Iran’s determination to acquire nuclear weapons. Secondly, if it does exist then any action will only result in development being pushed further underground (literally or otherwise). Finally, any war will likely have devastating consequences for nuclear non-proliferation, which is contrary to the stated objectives of the US.

The Obama administration understood this clearly. It determined that the only reasonable course of action was diplomatic. To delay, at least temporarily, Iran from being able manufacture nuclear weapons at scale and to work towards reducing tensions in that period. This was obviously unacceptable for certain pseudo-states in the region which continue to agitate for the Americans to fight, bleed and die on their behalf.
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Capable airforce----no you don't. You have the bare remnants of a superb airforce (The best assets are still the F4's and the f14's)built by the Shah. All the other assets are poor by comparison. You have no AEW capacity no elint aircraft. You could barely engage the Poor by comparison Iraqi airforce. If they show up they will get picked off easily. The reason why Iran has all those bunkers is because they know they will have difficulty defending their airspace and why they were desperately trying to obtain s300's for so long.

Huge quantities of ballistic missiles? What is the CEP of those missiles? Also have you heard about the Aegis system or the patriot systems used by nearly all the neighbours of Iran?

Asymmetric assets? you mean speedboats ? I do not believe any of the nonsense about some of the developments of these "Asymmetric" assets.

\you can bottle neck the straits of Hormuz for while. But that will fall first and your disruption will last at best for a few weeks. Hurt some economies for a bit maybe...Destroy economies...No chance. In fact the attackers might drop carbon filaments on Iranian powerplants like they did in Iraq...

This is not some "tough guy" boasting. This is what is going to happen and you need to think with your brains and not your balls.

the CEP on Iranian ballistic missiles is less then 50 m at worst and under 10 m at best. Aegis system, it has problems hitting sami_ballistic trajectories its not build for that mission and no Arab state is using them if you had said THAAD system i would have agreed more. and hitting a ballistic missile which is coming at hypersonic speed is not easy maybe you can hit 1/3 of the missiles but 2/3 of them going to hit there target.

Current operators of Aegis system


Not going to give you a half page because you have obviously drunk the coolaid. That you think that your enemy will use the same tactics shows your lack of foresight. That you think f5 clones are new technology and shooting down drones means something shows your lack of foresight. If your homemade missiles were so great then why the purchase of S300's and why all those deep deep bunkers to hide everything?

Spare us your jingoistic nonsense. Iran won't fold but a lot of people will die and a lot of damage to Iran will be done.

S300, we paid for them and back then we did not had any good air defense systems be it Iranian made or not but they took our money and did not give us the S300's but when we made a better ones and Court told them to give 3 billion to Iran they said no we will give them customised S300 PMU2 instead but that was 15 years ago know Iranian air defense systems are better than there Russian counterparts. and if you think Iranian bunkers are impressive then wait to see American bunkers soooo then American's have no air force?? so they hide everything too.
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US trying to establish a beachhead would be met with massive casualties as artillery, rockets, missiles rain on them.

It’s a stupid theory. Not even China can establish a beachhead on much weaker Taiwan without heavy casualties.

the beachhead would be protected by the full might of the US air force
the recent RQ-4 downing showed heart warming results, US officials said they didn't know that there was an ADS near the place drone downed. in a conflict with US, our long range OTH radars gonna detect stealth targets and give the location to mobile 3rd khordad systems, while this systems normally can't detect such planes but if they come closer enough to the ADS, they can detect stealth planes and hit them. that's why commander of IRGCASF compared 3rd khordad with s-300.

dude our OTH radars have range up to Mediterranean sea, also we are not terrorist groups we have other radars and communication network.
FYI: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/us-d...atar-amid-iran-tensions.625237/#post-11583810
So they developed the new systems that are amazing and still took the s300?
We took S-300 for principle . if we would have let it go then everybody would have taught they can cheat us in our deals . Russia even offered Antey-2500 and we refused it.
the beachhead would be protected by the full might of the US air force
And where exactly would "the full might of the us airforce" operate from when all of its regional bases in the pg and mena are within range of irans missile forces?
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