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War is not an Option, We cannot Attack India


Even "no comment" would be better.

Why IK? You do some brilliant stuff, but whoever tells you to say this repeatedly is wrong. I can understand that someone somewhere thinks this statement will impress the Western leaders....but the truth is it doesn't. It actually dampens the impact of your "Modi is a fascist" play. The European democracies certainly will react to Indian human rights violations, whether you say "war is not an option" or "all options are on the table". So stop hamstringing yourself senselessly.

Even if we wouldn't, WHY TELL INDIA THAT WE WOULDN'T?
We might tell them we won't, then do it.
How do you know what the strategy is?
You haven't got a clue.
Too many IK lovers who live outside Pakistan cry the same line everytime. We Pakistanis have seen blasts, attacks and deaths of our armed forces in peacetime whcnh Indi has yet to see. We don't fear war

As DG ISPR said Watr is not a option but sometimes it becomes a compulsion. We have lost civilians and jawans everyday for many months. Pakistani coward civilian govt. has just made platitudes. When your enemy is belligerent aggressive act is needed not diplomacy and other stupid gestures.

First i am in Pakistan and second after all blasts etc you mentioned you didnt learn that war is not an option but yeah PUbg addicted would like to see some action.
War should be last option and we all know it. IK is not there to declare war but looking to make UN implement their decision regarding kashmir and just before that you start threatining world do this otherwise we will do this international platform?
Imran Khan has strategically backtracked on Kashmir. First he was asking for repeal 370 now he is asking for end of the siege. His cabinet is even worse like Shah Mehmood Qureshi who kept the airspace open for indian airlines. and continued transit trade between Afghanistan and India.

Was is a;lready imposed and these statements only support the enemy who thinks the leader on the opposite side is afraid of war at a time he is losing civilians thru fire from their artillery.

I don't agree with your comments regarding both IK and SMQ. Both are doing a superb job with what ever diplomatic cloud Pakistan has at world arena. First look at Pakistan's position and image, where we stand as a country than talk big. Imran Khan show at DC 3 months back forced Modi Govt to do a similar event. IK's stature in US quickly increasing and more than Kashmir, Afghanistan issue matters most for US.
Its so kiddish of people on PDF who wants IK to be some war monger and some threatening personality. Pakistan will not initiate any war/conflict anymore. We tried in 1999, rest is history. If attacked by India, than entire nation will be on the same page and attitude will be totally different so as International support.
What we need right now is to gain back respect which is tarnished by our past dictators and corrupt leaders.

We need a statesman who can speak their language and they are forced to listen to him. IK is the poster boy of well liked moderate Islamic leader with vision of social and economic growth for the country and not someone chest thumping for war in front of the UN.

I shiver just thinking what Pakistan would have looked like in this crisis if we had a parchi reading khota or dungar chour from Larkana.

IK is doing a great job presenting the peaceful face of Pakistan. Just like we are taught to be peaceful but prepare for the war. This is what we are doing.

ZHe is not making shuttle diplomacy to Saudi and meeting Chinese to get Iqama visas.

I have no doubt in his ability to convince the world of our true intentions to be willing to sit down and resolve Kashmir issue. More we hammer the point that we are willing to talk the more Indians look stupid and war mongers.

Remember until recently there was no one outside willing to listen to the country whose foreign minister and prime minister was openly corrupt, outright stupid and disliked by everyone.

Give IK a chance . He is a breath of fresh air and our excellent and best diplomatic tool.
WE cant attack India , we can defend it. because they will attack.
Ok, so I wasn't too pleased by the Press Conference, myself.

There were times I felt the footage was being repeated because a number of his answers were the same.

I can understand IK's frustration towards the World for not speaking up for the Kashmir cause, but how difficult could it of been to thank the one person who spoke for Kashmir (President of Turkey). The only reason why he thanked President Erdoğan was only after a reporter from Turkey brought it up.

Finally, a number of Members picked up the one thing - that the Indian Media is gonna have field day with & is famous statement: "We can't attack India."

Sure he gonna get either a lot of criticism for being a coward, or as some pointed out that he's playing the field & the International Media to the tune he wants before the big day at the UN Assembly.

He still has interviews with New York Times, WSJ and others.

His statement is not a reflection of Pakistan Armed Forces, so that should not be challenged.

Over a week back, his statements in Muzaffarabad were more aggressive to what we all heard earlier today.

I don't think its fair to judge him (now). I want to see how it all plays out in 3-4 Days from today, after the UN General Assembly and his return to Pakistan.

That curfew can't last forever. Tensions are high there and at some point, you can expect anything.

Between now and his return to Pakistan, the dynamics of Politics could shift (drastically).

Only thing is, if IK will be on board once the real Power decides to intervene.

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