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War is not an Option, We cannot Attack India

Probably the most balanced and one of the most intelligent Indian based analysis of the region.

They wave their flags due to their faith. Nothing more. Do any Buddhists or Hindus from the region raise your flags?

Anyone who picks up a gun against the state would be shot in every country around the world.
We have been soft on this issue. Not anymore.

You stupid narcissistic piss drinking swine, you have no right being in IOK, you were never welcomed there, your kind are nothing but armed terrorizing gypsies, who are polluting my beautiful Kashmir with their dirty presence, the mere fact that you need 900k+ dogs guarding the streets of Kashmir, proves you are nothing but occupying pieces of sh1ts, just compare Azad Kashmir to IOK. The people of Kashmir have never pledged allegiance to SHITLAND, and never will, may every Indian dog which terrorizes my people have the most painful death imaginable, even if every dog was lined up and shot point blank, still wouldn't do justice, the pain and misery you monsters inflicted on Kashmir for 70 plus years, you need to pay for every second with interest. It was obviously a mistake by Britain to grant you monkeys independence, since your far from civilized, they should have just opened the worlds biggest safari park' "hey look at those humanoid monkeys sh1ting themselves."

As a nationalistic zombie, go to your nearest BJP branch with your brethren and collectively defecate on the streets.. if your lucky Bill Gates might throw a couple of more dollars for toilets, but knowing your kind you properly opt out from using them.
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The RSS was inspired from the nazism and Mussolini ideologies but they share non of the strengths of The Third Reich, possessing only the weaknesses. Adolf Hitler, The Nazi Party and the Waffen SS were lucky because that ideology originated from a nation possessing The Wehrmacht, a fighting force bred from an idealistic military environment created through the oppressive treaty of versailles and possessing some of the most adept generals of the modern world the likes of Heinz Guderian the pioneer of the blitzkrieg doctrine, the desert fox Ervin Rommel and arguably regarded the greatest strategist the modern world has ever produced Eric Von Manstein, it was such sheer capabilities that allowed The Third Reich to conquer Europe and half of Russia within weeks and months, the Neo Nazi RSS and the Waffen SS gau mata raksha of today does not possess The Wehrmacht of the old, they possess a bloated Indian army with an aryan race superiority complex unable to see the Pakistan Army as a capable professional fighting force capable of delivering a hammering and what even this Indian analyst fails to recognise.
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Ever heard of operation cyclone? Soviet would have pounded entire afghans from their helicopters had it not been US stingers in the hands of afghan fighters.

Did Pakistan do it alone? Or was Pakistan acting on resources of USA and Middle East?

No one here ever denied the power of the USSR. The Soviets after all had the plan to smash and annihilate NATO in less than 10 days. Their plan called for initiating nuclear strikes on non-nuclear European countries and even nuking France at one point. They were blatantly belligerent and the West continuously worried about it because it was a matter of When and not If.

The Soviets murdered millions and wiped out villages after villages, poisoned water wells and bombed Afghanistan with everything short of nuclear weapons.

Had it not been for Pakistan taking the lead the Soviets would have not been defeated that easily.

I would recommend to read and try to figure out why the Vietnam war was lost despite dedicating a much larger amount of resources on top of the US military being present there physically, which outweighs in astronoical terms any peanuts spent against the USSR!! I'd then recommend reading more about the Korean war too.

The same GCC is not able to get any desired results in Yemen and also faced a defeat in Syria despite spending a lot more, and a much larger amount of capital they spent against the Soviets.
What A dumb Fuk, What has Pakistan flag got to do with ISlam ? Where in Islam Does stars and Moon represent islam dimwit, It is flag of pakistan, And no buddhist or Hindus raise your Indian flag.

And they are pelting stones against occupiers not any state, you have illegal captured them, They have every right for plebiscite which u loser have denied, dimwit
Seen any Kashmiri Buddhist or Hindu raise Pakistan's flag?
I was talking about your country's flag. They raise it cos it is an Islamic Republic.

Load of crap. Please accurately establish cause and effect before posting nonsense where you start timelines wherever you feel like. You lock up peaceful protesters and influential leaders. Then you detain them indefinitely. This much is verified, even IF rapes and torture are false allegations (which they aren't). You detain politicians and rig elections - again verified.

When you remove people's rights to self determination, you become an occupier.

They then have the right to take their rights by force. So in response to your questions, I ask you a question... Are Kashmiris fighting against peaceful protectors of their democratic rights? No. Didn't think so. On the contrary, they are fighting those who took their rights.

Now you know why they come at your soldiers with weapons.

Your "poor innocent peaceful" soldiers.

They come at us because of issues of faith. (actually race was a bigger issue, but your support has made it an issue of faith).
They protest because of the same issues.
No country cedes territory over such issues.

Maybe nicer countries like the UK can allow separatism. We can't.
Seen any Kashmiri Buddhist or Hindu raise Pakistan's flag?
I was talking about your country's flag. They raise it cos it is an Islamic Republic.
Yes they Do raise it



Furthermore, they raise Pakistani Flag Deep inside Indian territory on Temple as well





Now show me otherwise where you claim that In Sindh Or Balochistan our people are against or Hoist or wave Indian f;ag for that matter

They raise it cos it is an Islamic Republic
Doesn't matter the Pakistani flag is not representative of Islam in anyway, In fact in Islam there is no such things as the flag, Dont give this act of defiance and opposition to Occupation the light of religion
They raise it cos it is an Islamic Republic.
Incorrect. They raise it because it pisses their occupiers off.

Why did west Indian fans chant "Pakistan zindabad" at the world cup? To piss bhaktistanis off.

Nobody buys your "Islamic republic....Islamic state...Islam Islam..." B.s. any more.

Jinnah wanted folks who were Muslim to be safe from beef lynching. That is all. Go deal with and digest these hard truths.

"They come at us because of issues of faith. "

Please see above. Not because they want an Islamic state but just somewhere they can be safe and proud Muslims without an enforced guilt complex over the Mughal era as is enforced upon Muslims elsewhere in hinduland.

And regarding UK treatment of separatists, do you know why Brexit has stalled? Do you even have the faintest idea what you're banging on about you bhaktistani clown??

If the border between NI and RoI is "hardened" into an EU-UK border, republicans (IRA) will possibly declare war and the Good Friday agreement will be abrogated. UK dare not remove NI's special status or unilaterally abrogate the conditions by which NI acceded to UK control with limited autonomy. So before questioning the wisdom of other nations, read a history book. Modi might learn a thing or two from the NI conflict and how it is under relative control only because London listened to the separatists and allowed autonomy, instead of RSS bullcrap propaganda about "women's rights, equal treatment for all Indians, Kashmiris need our hugs, blah blah".
You stupid narcissistic piss drinking swine, you have no right being in IOK, you were never welcomed there, your kind are nothing but armed terrorizing gypsies, who are polluting my beautiful Kashmir with their dirty presence, the mere fact that you need 900k+ dogs guarding the streets of Kashmir, proves you are nothing but occupying pieces of sh1ts, just compare Azad Kashmir to IOK. The people of Kashmir have never pledged allegiance to SHITLAND, and never will, may every Indian dog which terrorizes my people have the most painful death imaginable, even if every dog was lined up and shot point blank, still wouldn't do justice, the pain and misery you monsters inflicted on Kashmir for 70 plus years, you need to pay for every second with interest. It was obviously a mistake by Britain to grant you monkeys independence, since your far from civilized, they should have just opened the worlds biggest safari park' "hey look at those humanoid monkeys sh1ting themselves."

As a nationalistic zombie, go to your nearest BJP branch with your brethren and collectively defecate on the streets.. if your lucky Bill Gates might throw a couple of more dollars for toilets, but knowing your kind you properly opt out from using them.
I appreciate your sentiments. I don't have a high opinion of you either. Have a nice day.
Pakistani pm accepting defeat even before the start of war. Pakistani army and pm understand this well that a full blown war will not be like skirmishes and if India totally commits to war then its consequences will be disastrous for Pakistan.
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