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War is not an Option, We cannot Attack India

I Have been observing every statement of Pakistani leadership ever since abrogation of A-370 has happened. I will not go into details of why I feel the aggressive stance that was taken in the beginning has mellowed down now...But I am quite convinced that Pakistani leadership has been told by the international community that best possible solution is to accept what has happened and move on. In any case, there has not been any attempt to snatch what Pakistan has..whole game is played by India in it's administered land. So keep what you have and let them keep what they have and better focus on other more grave issues in hand.
In return, guarantee of peace from India/US/West plus investment plus cooperation (with India/Af) in development.
I also suspect that Government and the Establishment are seriously thinking on it and may accept it.
Let's see if I am wrong...time will tell...very soon.
I Have been observing every statement of Pakistani leadership ever since abrogation of A-370 has happened. I will not go into details of why I feel the aggressive stance that was taken in the beginning has mellowed down now...But I am quite convinced that Pakistani leadership has been told by the international community that best possible solution is to accept what has happened and move on. In any case, there has not been any attempt to snatch what Pakistan has..whole game is played by India in it's administered land. So keep what you have and let them keep what they have and better focus on other more grave issues in hand.
In return, guarantee of peace from India/US/West plus investment plus cooperation (with India/Af) in development.
I also suspect that Government and the Establishment are seriously thinking on it and may accept it.
Let's see if I am wrong...time will tell...very soon.
Accepting Western agenda on Kashmir will be the biggest blunder of Pakistan. Giving Indian an open floor in Kashmir will be the biggest mistake. I think Pakistani army and IK wants to adopt all peaceful resolutions, but must be a time limit and after that .......
I Have been observing every statement of Pakistani leadership ever since abrogation of A-370 has happened. I will not go into details of why I feel the aggressive stance that was taken in the beginning has mellowed down now...But I am quite convinced that Pakistani leadership has been told by the international community that best possible solution is to accept what has happened and move on. In any case, there has not been any attempt to snatch what Pakistan has..whole game is played by India in it's administered land. So keep what you have and let them keep what they have and better focus on other more grave issues in hand.
In return, guarantee of peace from India/US/West plus investment plus cooperation (with India/Af) in development.
I also suspect that Government and the Establishment are seriously thinking on it and may accept it.
Let's see if I am wrong...time will tell...very soon.
The last press conference by the PM has already outlined the grim reality which was stated earlier by pragmatic elements here earlier; India’s 1.3 billion as a market has greater significance as compared to the Kashmir issue.
The last press conference by the PM has already outlined the grim reality which was stated earlier by pragmatic elements here earlier; India’s 1.3 billion as a market has greater significance as compared to the Kashmir issue.
Call me crazy, but there wouldn’t be any market once world realizes that Pakistan is serious about escalation. Foreign investments will leave India like it was never there.

Turn up the heat in Kashmir and trap 800,000 IA in The valley. If India threatens with war and PAF can’t do it conventionally than load tactical Nukes on jets and take out their Airbases preemptively. It’s a war, there are no rules.

Create a modified version of CM 400 AKG with Nasr and take out Indian Airbases in the beginning hours of war.
what did Zamana said about Kashmir?

it is natures law. one has to fight his own wars.

No nature's law is, neighbors have to fight your wars.
Don't disappoint me with philosophy.

I have to think. Is it really chachu or account has been hacked?
WE did our best to acquire a part of Kashmir (1947 - 1948), and have also fought for IOK several times. What else WE are supposed to do now? Nobody is helping us in this matter, unfortunately.

PMIK is doing his best to highlight IOK in international forums. United Nations shoild take responsibility now.

haha united nation you live in some lala land bro!

are you okay with the way israeli bastards treat Palastinians? and how arabs are in bed with israel and dont care about Palastine?

I Have been observing every statement of Pakistani leadership ever since abrogation of A-370 has happened. I will not go into details of why I feel the aggressive stance that was taken in the beginning has mellowed down now...But I am quite convinced that Pakistani leadership has been told by the international community that best possible solution is to accept what has happened and move on. In any case, there has not been any attempt to snatch what Pakistan has..whole game is played by India in it's administered land. So keep what you have and let them keep what they have and better focus on other more grave issues in hand.
In return, guarantee of peace from India/US/West plus investment plus cooperation (with India/Af) in development.
I also suspect that Government and the Establishment are seriously thinking on it and may accept it.
Let's see if I am wrong...time will tell...very soon.
that would be funny!! i dont know how bootluckers will react but they will have a tough time but i am sure promise of econmic prosperity and Dha in neelum valley will convince them that this is the right thing to do and boots cant go wrong!
No nature's law is, neighbors have to fight your wars.
Don't disappoint me with philosophy.

I have to think. Is it really chachu or account has been hacked?

I am just tired by this aman ka tamasha
I am just tired by this aman ka tamasha
I received this on Whatsapp. Topic should be "Difference between Taliban and Hurait Confirance". Apart from that article reveals what lacks there in Kashmir. Where ever the word Afghan is used you can replace it with Taliban, because all Afghans are not of that mentality. Some wants to remain slaves.

افغان قوم اورکشمیری قوم میں فرق ؟

افغان مجاہدین نے کیسے دس سال میں روس کو شکست دے کر ٹکڑوں میں تبدیل کرڈالا ۔
اور انیس سال میں دنیا کی جدید ترین اسلحے سے لیس واحد سپر پاور امریکہ کو چوالیس ممالک کی افواج سمیت شکست فاش دے کر زخم چاٹنے پر نہ صرف مجبور کرڈالا بلکہ کھر بوں ڈالر کی معیشت بھی تباہ کردی

اور کشمیری گزشتہ ستر سال آزادی کی جنگ لڑ رہے ہیں لیکن کہیں دور تک اس کے اثرات نظر نہیں آرہے ۔

ایک طرف افغان مجاہدین کیسے کامیابیاں سمیٹ رہے ہیں تو دوسری طرف کشمیری کیوں ناکام و نامراد ہیں ۔

دراصل دونوں کے طرزجہاد میں زمین آسمان کا فرق ہے ۔

کشمیری گزشتہ ستر سال سے ہڑتالیں کررہے ہیں ۔ احتجاج کررہے ہیں ۔ مظاہرے کررہے ہیں ۔ انڈین حکمرانوں کے پتلے نظر آتش کررہے ہیں ۔ تو کبھی انڈیا کے پرچم کو ۔
آئے دن اپنے کاروبار بند کردیتے ہیں ۔ اپنے تعلیمی ادارے سکول کالج یونیوسٹیاں بند کرکے بیٹھ جاتے ہیں ۔

اقوام متحدہ کے دفتر میں اپنی قرادادیں جمع کرواتے رہتے ہیں ۔ کبھی اوآئی سی کو پکارتے ہیں ۔ کبھی پاکستان کو تو کبھی امریکہ سمیت دنیا کے کسی ملک کو دہائی دیتے ہیں کبھی کسی کو ۔ لیکن سنتا کوئی نہیں ۔ کبھی کسی کے آگے ہاتھ پھیلاتے ہیں تو کبھی کسی سے شکوہ شکایت کرتے ہیں ۔

کبھی کشمیر کی حریت قیادت روتی پیٹتی چیختی چلاتی ہے تو کبھی کشمیر کی خواتین بہنیں بیٹیاں بین کرتی نظر آتی ہیں ۔

لیکن مجال ہے دنیا میں کسی کے کانوں تک جوں بھی رینگتی ہوئی نظر آتی ہو ۔ کسی کو کشمیر میں ترپتی لاشوں اجڑتے سحاگوں یتیم ہوتے بچوں کھنڈر بنتے گھروں کی پریشانی ہوتی ہو ۔

وجہ کیا ہے ان کی کوئی کیوں نہیں سنتا ؟

افغان مجاہدین کیسے روس و امریکہ کو شکست دینے کے بعد آج دنیا کی پہلی بڑی لڑاکا قوت بن چکے ہیں ۔
کیوں کہ
انہوں نے کبھی اقوام متحدہ کا دروازہ نہیں کھٹکھٹایا ۔
انہوں نے کبھی او آئی سی کو درخواست نہیں دی ۔
انہوں نے کبھی مسلم ممالک سے مدد کی اپیل نہیں کی ۔

وہ نہ کسی کے آگے جھکے نہ گڑگڑائے ۔
نہ انہوں نے کبھی احتجاج کیا نہ ریلیاں نکالیں ۔
نہ کبھی ہڑتالیں کیں ۔ اور نہ کبھی اپنا کاروبار بندکرکے اپنی روٹی روزی بند کی ۔
نہ کبھی کسی کے آگے ہاتھ پھیلایا نہ کسی کو دہائی دی ۔
پھر وجہ کیا افغان مجاہدین کامیاب اور کشمیری ناکام

افغانیوں نے جب بھی ہاتھ اٹھایا تو اپنے رب کے آگے ۔
جب بھی روئے گڑگڑائے تو اپنے اللہ کے آگے ۔
جب بھی مدر کے لیے پکارا تو اپنے اللہ کو ۔
اپنی مصیبتوں تکلیفوں پریشانیوں کا جب بھی ذکر کیا تو اپنے مشکل کشاء حاجت روا ایک رحمن و رحیم ذات باری تعالی کو ۔

وہ دیکھتے ہیں تو اس مہربان اللہ کی کتاب قرآن کو ۔ پھر انہیں کسی اور طرف دیکھنے کی ضرورت ہی نہیں پڑتی ۔ پھر جو قران میں ان کا رب ان کو نصیحت کرتا ہے یہ وہی کرتے ہیں ۔

فَلَا تَهِنُوا وَتَدْعُوا إِلَى السَّلْمِ وَأَنْتُمُ الْأَعْلَوْنَ وَاللَّهُ مَعَكُمْ وَلَنْ يَتِرَكُمْ أَعْمَالَكُمْ (47:35)

تو تم ہمت نہ ہارو اور (دشمنوں کو) صلح کی طرف نہ بلاؤ۔ اور تم تو غالب ہو۔ اور اللہ تمہارے ساتھ ہے وہ ہرگز تمہارے اعمال کو کم (اور گم) نہیں کرے گا ۔
سورہ محمد
آگے فرمایا ۔

فَإِذَا لَقِيتُمُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا فَضَرْبَ الرِّقَابِ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا أَثْخَنْتُمُوهُمْ فَشُدُّوا الْوَثَاقَ فَإِمَّا مَنًّا بَعْدُ وَإِمَّا فِدَاءً حَتَّىٰ تَضَعَ الْحَرْبُ أَوْزَارَهَا ۚ ذَٰلِكَ وَلَوْ يَشَاءُ اللَّهُ لَانْتَصَرَ مِنْهُمْ وَلَٰكِنْ لِيَبْلُوَ بَعْضَكُمْ بِبَعْضٍ ۗ وَالَّذِينَ قُتِلُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ فَلَنْ يُضِلَّ أَعْمَالَهُمْ (47:4)

جب تم کافروں سے بھڑ جاؤ تو ان کی گردنیں اُڑا دو۔ یہاں تک کہ جب ان کو خوب قتل کرچکو تو (جو زندہ پکڑے جائیں ان کو) مضبوطی سے قید کرلو۔ پھر اس کے بعد یا تو احسان رکھ کر چھوڑ دینا چاہیئے یا کچھ مال لے کر یہاں تک کہ (فریق مقابل) لڑائی (کے) ہتھیار (ہاتھ سے) رکھ دے۔ (یہ حکم یاد رکھو) اور اگر اللہ چاہتا تو (اور طرح) ان سے انتقام لے لیتا۔ لیکن اس نے چاہا کہ تمہاری آزمائش ایک (کو) دوسرے سے (لڑوا کر) کرے۔ اور جو لوگ اللہ کی راہ میں مارے گئے ان کے عملوں کو ہرگز ضائع نہ کرے گا ۔

(سورہ محمد)

جبکہ دیکھا جائے تو افغانستان میں مسلمانوں کی تعداد کشمیر میں بسنے والوں سے زیادہ نہیں ۔ لیکن افغان لڑنے والے اور کشمیری مار کھانے والے ہیں جو گزشتہ ستر سال سے مار کھارہے ہیں ۔ کشمیر کا جہاد بھی پاکستان سے جانے والے مجاہدین ہی لڑتے رہے اور جب ان کا داخلہ کشمیر میں بندکردیا گیا ۔ کشمیری پھر ہاتھ پر ہاتھ رکھ کر بیٹھ گے ۔ انڈین آرمی روزانہ دس سے پندرہ کشمیری شہید کردیتی ہے لیکن مجال ہے یہ انڈین آرمی پر حملوں کی کوئی پلاننگ کریں ۔ کشمیر کا واحد مجاہد برہان الدین وانی ہے ۔ جو انڈین آرمی سے لڑتا ہوا شہید ہوا ۔ جو آج عظیم لیڈر کا مرتبہ رکھتا ہے ۔ باقی سب مظاہروں میں گھروں میں یا جیلوں میں شہید کردئے گے ۔

اگر کشمیری چاھتے ہیں کہ کشمیر آزاد ہوجائے تو ۔
جلسے جلوس ہڑتالیں اور مظاہرے ختم کریں ۔
اقوام متحدہ اور اوآئی سی یا دیگر مسلم ممالک سے امیدیں لگانے کی بجائے اپنے رب سے تعلق قائم کریں ۔ اسی سے امیدیں لگائیں ۔
اور اللہ کا نام لےکر ہر گلی محلے سے صرف ایک فرد نکلے ۔ زیادہ نہیں ۔
اور صرف ایک بھارتی فوجی کو قتل کرنے کا ٹارگٹ لےکر نکلے زیادہ نہیں ۔

آپ دیکھیں گے کہ کتنی جلدی کشمیر آزاد ہوتا ہے ۔
اور اگر چاھتے ہیں کہ جلدی آزاد ہوجائے تو کشمیر کو خیرآباد کہ کر پورے بھارت میں پھیل جائیں ۔ جیسے ہی پورے بھارت میں انڈین آرمی پر حملے شروع ہوجائیں گے تو یہ بہت جلد کشمیر کو چھوڑ دیں گے ۔

گزشتہ ستر سال میں انڈین آرمی نے ایک لاکھ سے زیادہ کشمیری شہید کردیے ہیں ۔ اگر ان میں سے ہر ایک ایک بھارتی فوجی قتل کرکے شہید ہوتا تو آج کشمیر آزاد ہوتا ۔

پلاننگ کیجیے ۔
بس ایک بھارتی فوجی کو قتل کرنے کی ۔ اور اپنی تحریک کو آزادی کے بجائے قرآن و سنت کے نفاذ کی تحریک بناکرشروع کریں پھر دیکھیں اللہ کی مدد کیسے اور کہاں کہاں سے آتی ہے ۔

In tht dam seriously divided world, he thinks by telling truth, everyone will Jst call him president of the world and then he ill make big victory jalsa on the streets of New York, while trump, and modi be dancing on the tabdeli song???? Lol

I think all these "shenanigans" are to get nominated for "Nobel peace prize", Imran khan has always been a guy who likes "attention", this is the problem with these kind of people, their goal is always to get "more attention", after becoming PM it looks to me that his mummy daddy mindset is craving for "Nobel peace prize" in order to get to another level of "attention".

Call me crazy, but there wouldn’t be any market once world realizes that Pakistan is serious about escalation. Foreign investments will leave India like it was never there.

Turn up the heat in Kashmir and trap 800,000 IA in The valley. If India threatens with war and PAF can’t do it conventionally than load tactical Nukes on jets and take out their Airbases preemptively. It’s a war, there are no rules.

Create a modified version of CM 400 AKG with Nasr and take out Indian Airbases in the beginning hours of war.

The so-called "economic market" of 120 billion customers in India is there ONLY as long as Pakistan keeps providing a "status quo of peace" to India, once Pakistan starts even a limited escalation against India you will see how all western investment will run away from this so-called "economic market" of india in a matter of weeks. Western money/capital is the most scared type of money/capital, any kind of even minor skirmish between Pakistan and India and the money/capital invested in India will all be running back to its homelands in western world like a scared dog.
Bhai apni army se bolo wohi kuch karde
They can surrender.

On a serious note...

A century from now JnK will be Hindu and Buddhist majority. What will you tell your children? That you watched while Muslim lands like Kashmir were taken over?

I think all these "shenanigans" are to get nominated for "Nobel peace prize", Imran khan has always been a guy who likes "attention", this is the problem with these kind of people, their goal is always to get "more attention", after becoming PM it looks to me that his mummy daddy mindset is craving for "Nobel peace prize" in order to get to another level of "attention".

The so-called "economic market" of 120 billion customers in India is there ONLY as long as Pakistan keeps providing a "status quo of peace" to India, once Pakistan starts even a limited escalation against India you will see how all western investment will run away from this so-called "economic market" of india in a matter of weeks. Western money/capital is the most scared type of money/capital, any kind of even minor skirmish between Pakistan and India and the money/capital invested in India will all be running back to its homelands in western world like a scared dog.

In fact it will be opposite.

Openly state that you will rebuild India under Islamic rule like it is in Abu Dhabi for instance. Not perfect but better than now. At least for Muslims. Business who loses money will also support you because they will be angry with the Hindu govt for not keeping peace.
They can surrender.

On a serious note...

A century from now JnK will be Hindu and Buddhist majority. What will you tell your children? That you watched while Muslim lands like Kashmir were taken over?


In fact it will be opposite.

Openly state that you will rebuild India under Islamic rule like it is in Abu Dhabi for instance. Not perfect but better than now. At least for Muslims. Business who loses money will also support you because they will be angry with the Hindu govt for not keeping peace.

Sad if iok becomes hindu/Buddhist majority and the Kashmiris die out. It means that the population of iok will become the world's most ugliest and hideously looking creatures like the rest of india. More ugly than the ugliest chimpanzees. It will also become another replica of the world's biggest open sewer like the rest of india too.........:disagree:

The last press conference by the PM has already outlined the grim reality which was stated earlier by pragmatic elements here earlier; India’s 1.3 billion as a market has greater significance as compared to the Kashmir issue.

Conversely, is the West and the global elite setting india up to eventually be taken out by Pakistan/China? You have to realize that unlike Pakistanis, White people and the West in particular think in the long term and not in the short as MOST of us Pakistanis do. China is now at a stage where NO-ONE can mess with it unless they want to be destroyed. The global power and huge economic dominance the West has enjoyed over the last 400 years has taken a big hit since 2005 as the Chinese are now taking a bigger slice of that power and economic cake. MORE than anything they don't want over 1.4 billion indians doing the same. The big indian market will only benefit the West/developed world in the short term but not the long term. The destruction of india serves long term Western interests well. Think about it.
When Pakistan had to deal with insurgency, it used artillery, helicopters and tanks on its own people. Zarb - e-azb. 70,000 or more dead.

India uses arrests and pellet guns to quell unrest, and you guys are still angry.
Truth be told, we treat Kashmiris much better than you treat your own people.
When Pakistan had to deal with insurgency, it used artillery, helicopters and tanks on its own people. Zarb - e-azb. 70,000 or more dead.

India uses arrests and pellet guns to quell unrest, and you guys are still angry.
Truth be told, we treat Kashmiris much better than you treat your own people.
Pakistan did not rape women and children in this context, nor was it an insurgency. Useless effort to spin it but it is both irrelevant to the thread and also a poor attempt at derailment.

Call me crazy, but there wouldn’t be any market once world realizes that Pakistan is serious about escalation. Foreign investments will leave India like it was never there.

Turn up the heat in Kashmir and trap 800,000 IA in The valley. If India threatens with war and PAF can’t do it conventionally than load tactical Nukes on jets and take out their Airbases preemptively. It’s a war, there are no rules.

Create a modified version of CM 400 AKG with Nasr and take out Indian Airbases in the beginning hours of war.
As I mentioned in a different thread, our message has to be loud and clear; either tell your market to behave or the coming events may lead to your market being non-existant.
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