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War is not an Option, We cannot Attack India

IK is just a puppet real direction regarding foreign policy comes from high throne blame them and not him!
Mashallah.... just mimic Indian line of thinking. Why not also say that Kashmir is integral part of India and we are causing trouble in internal matter of India.

If for one sec we accept that IK is establishment puppet, then why did independent democratic awaami leader Nawaz Sharif not have a foreign minister for 5 years?
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people think of me as some anti Pakistan anti Army but the truth is i love my country i love and respect the sacrifices made by our brave soldiers but i hate those sitting on throne controlling everything breeding evi l.minipms like zardari nawaz diesel altaf arming them protecting and fkimg destroying my home!! if not for their protection our land could be different a land where people are not trwated like fkig cockroaches and where everyone is equal in eyes of law!!

we are not ruled by sadams or qadafis we are country ruled by people governed by law of Allah!!!

Your approach and thinking is too ideal. A society is collective expression of its people, who make it. An individual, who doesn't fit into that collective fabric, feels alienated and then starts venting anger. Society changes, when, at least, a substantial part of it changes.

Let us hope for the best.
people dont like the truth! lies they sell its a huge industry!

people think of me as some anti Pakistan anti Army but the truth is i love my country i love and respect the sacrifices made by our brave soldiers but i hate those sitting on throne controlling everything breeding evi l.minipms like zardari nawaz diesel altaf arming them protecting and fkimg destroying my home!! if not for their protection our land could be different a land where people are not trwated like fkig cockroaches and where everyone is equal in eyes of law!!

we are not ruled by sadams or qadafis we are country ruled by people governed by law of Allah!!!
When did this happen?
I must have missed that.
When did this happen?
I must have missed that.
supposed to be but ruled by elites and getting fked by their laws!

Your approach and thinking is too ideal. A society is collective expression of its people, who make it. An individual, who doesn't fit into that collective fabric, feels alienated and then starts venting anger. Society changes, when, at least, a substantial part of it changes.

Let us hope for the best.
society is still licking the boots clinging to their evil.minions like they are some messiah unwilling to change their and lives of future generations! thats frustrating bro!

Mashallah.... just mimic Indian line of thinking. Why not also say that Kashmir is integral part of India and we are causing trouble in internal matter of India

well this narrative will be pushed to you my friend very soon and you will accept it like a fact!! peace in the region economic fking prosperity fk kashmir and kashmiris!
Mashallah.... just mimic Indian line of thinking. Why not also say that Kashmir is integral part of India and we are causing trouble in internal matter of India.

If for one sec we accept that IK is establishment puppet, then why did independent democratic awaami leader Nawaz Sharif not have a foreign minister for 5 years?
Evn if he hasnt hve forighen minster still pakistan was much better under him, economicly, security wise and Thts a great fact, this PTI govt has nothing but slogans and its working on the agenda given by IMF to let India take pakistan in bits and pices while this pupet will keep singing peace song?
Some one may ask him, is he deaf or blind to realise there issue in this world has ever resolved by talks?
untill now
Be it palasstine, Bosnia, rohignia, Afghanistan, North Korea, Vietnam????
So his knowledge about this world and its affairs is same as if a 15 years old noting more then tht , and In a sense he is encouraging india to take more from Pakistan????
well this narrative will be pushed to you my friend very soon and you will accept it like a fact!! peace in the region economic fking prosperity fk kashmir and kashmiris!

I don't think that this would now be possible. You must appreciate that current scenario is an inadvertant joint creation of Modi, IK and Pakistan army, in a sense. It, in my view, would lead to certain uncontrollable circumstances, which are currently, beyond our reckoning. A severe conflict is there writ on the wall, in my opinion.
Evn if he hasnt hve forighen minster still pakistan was much better under him, economicly, security wise and Thts a great fact, this PTI govt has nothing but slogans and its working on the agenda given by IMF to let India take pakistan in bits and pices while this pupet will keep singing peace song?
Some one may ask him, is he deaf or blind to realise there issue in this world has ever resolved by talks?
untill now
Be it palasstine, Bosnia, rohignia, Afghanistan, North Korea, Vietnam????
So his knowledge about this world and its affairs is same as if a 15 years old noting more then tht , and In a sense he is encouraging india to take more from Pakistan????
LMAO only a donkey eater would think an economy that had a current account deficit of $19b every year, stagnant exports, rapidly rising circular debt and non-existant tax-to-GDP ratio was doing better. Didn't bother reading the rest of your garbage post. First improve your intellectual level before engaging with people.
Yes. You are right. But, loosing hope is also no choice.
Talks, talks and peace peace, whts it has brought us?
50,days of siege of innocent ppls of IOK?
DO U know why it's been done?
To show these innocent ppls, that there is no power on earth which can come to help them, thy hve one choice accept India, convert to Hinduism, give thier daughters, sisters, mothers to who ever pundit wants them for as many nights and after that send them to dark brothels?
Same as what thy did to, Naga ppls, and Assam Muslims, Gujrat Muslims?
And kill all male kids and youngsters in valley?
It's not Jst a slap on so called pakistan which claimed, Tht kashmir is its "sharag " bt it's also a slap to so called Hummanity itself, our generals don't wana fight a war, which doesn't bring them good jobs in middle Est later after thier retirement of the extention thy Jst got, nor it ill bring anything to politicians like imran, who doesn't hve any knowledge about the conflicts and thier solutions, right now no matter how much he can talk, India Isnt moving 1 inch out of kashmir and it ill surly attack and take muzaffara bad cause now thy know cowards in pak elites doesn't want a war with modi ji india?

LMAO only a donkey eater would think an economy that had a current account deficit of $19b every year, stagnant exports, rapidly rising circular debt and non-existant tax-to-GDP ratio was doing better. Didn't bother reading the rest of your garbage post. First improve your intellectual level before engaging with people.
Wars never fought with super economies, be it vietnam, Afghanistan, sirya????
Wars only fought on the will of a proud nation, and thats our holy book says those who run away when the time of jihad been called, will keep suffering from all of the evils, no matter what ever they try?
Before, commenting go look the history of this world, evn for kashmir what ever kashmir u hve its because the father of nation Quaid E azam, with no arms, no economy ordered even our tribes to go and get as much as kashmir thy Can in 1948?
Now is pakistan economicaly stronger or weaker then of 1948?
Economicaly, or defensvly?
Donkeys siting and doing nothing bt singing dam peace songs in the govt thy won't hve any argument left after 27th, after the dam speech day?
Thn nation has the right to ask them how much thy took to this sell of pakistan and Kashmir to modi and king trump?
If not thy all should be tried and hanged with article 6 paper on thier dead faces at least?
To all advocates of full-scale war, please take a good look.




This would be our fate as well, thanks to modern weapons which can destroy stuff from substantial distances.

Do not wish for horrors and mass destruction. Fear Allah Almighty and strive for goodness.
I don't think that this would now be possible. You must appreciate that current scenario is an inadvertant joint creation of Modi, IK and Pakistan army, in a sense. It, in my view, would lead to certain uncontrollable circumstances, which are currently, beyond our reckoning. A severe conflict is there writ on the wall, in my opinion.

bhai growing up we used to hear that agar pakistan aur PA plastine keh paraosi hotay ajj itna zulm na hota wahan!

and look at kashmir 50 days we have no information keh wahan kia zulm ho rahay hain and our cutipies are talking peace!

khair i agree with you there will be an indigenous resistance and PA and Gop wont be part of it but their cuteness would be of no use because at the end they will be blamed but brcause of lack of support from Pak Kashmiris will feel betrayed and hate us like everyoje hates us!

To all advocates of full-scale war, please take a good look.




This would be our fate as well, thanks to modern weapons which can destroy stuff from substantial distances.

Do not wish for horrors and mass destruction. Fear Allah Almighty and strive for goodness.
what about when kafir occupies Muslims land rapes Muslim women and murder Muslim men?

or you dont consider part of Pakistan? and what will your reaction be if they come in amd occupy AJK? will you share the same pics and scare people of destructions of war?


Dont be such an Angraiz. Call them who they are, Brahmins.

Anyhow wait before a third party sparks the war between India and Pakistan. You can mob thrash the Brahmins in war hysteria, well the ones who are slow to escape.
qilay may beth jaye gay bhai aur waheen say flight lay keh arab keh pass chowkidari ki zimaidari dain gay!
what about when kafir occupies Muslims land rapes Muslim women and murder Muslim men?

or you dont consider part of Pakistan? and what will your reaction be if they come in amd occupy AJK? will you share the same pics and scare people of destructions of war?

qilay may beth jaye gay bhai aur waheen say flight lay keh arab keh pass chowkidari ki zimaidari dain gay!
If they 'impose' war on Pakistan, then WE shall do whatever WE can to defend ourselves and our property.

But WE must not wish for WAR and/or overlook its horrors at personal capacity and otherwise. WE did not create Pakistan only to destroy it at a later stage, WE are striving for prosperous way of life at large.

I do not think India will be stupid enough to attack Pakistan. They will try to annex IOK at most.
If they 'impose' war on Pakistan, then WE shall do whatever WE can to defend ourselves and our property.

But WE must not wish for WAR and/or overlook its horrors at personal capacity and otherwise. WE did not create Pakistan only to destroy it at a later stage, WE are striving for prosperous way of life at large.

I do not think India will be stupid enough to attack Pakistan. They will try to assimilate IOK at most.
we dont wish war but war is already imposed on us Hindu has occupied Kashmir the land we claim our jugular vien if thats not war i dont understand what is!
bhai growing up we used to hear that agar pakistan aur PA plastine keh paraosi hotay ajj itna zulm na hota wahan!

and look at kashmir 50 days we have no information keh wahan kia zulm ho rahay hain and our cutipies are talking peace!

khair i agree with you there will be an indigenous resistance and PA and Gop wont be part of it but their cuteness would be of no use because at the end they will be blamed but brcause of lack of support from Pak Kashmiris will feel betrayed and hate us like everyoje hates us!

No. You have misunderstood my post. My opinion is that a severe conflict with India is going to happen, under all circumstances, most probably and their is no escape from it. Circumstances would impose this war.
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