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War is not an Option, We cannot Attack India

It's not a bluff. Come on. IK means it.

He should instead keep India guessing and keep the world on edge without coming across as a madman. Why? Because unpredictability and deception are the allies of a militarily weaker nation (when strong, pretend you are weak; when weak, pretend you are strong).

My suggested statement would achieve that goal. It also comes across as more calculated and professional, rather than whiny, and would imply the machinations of an experienced leader are at play here, by answering a difficult question without actually answering it. It oozes confidence in one's nation's ability to select ANY course of action rather than implying one's nation has been corralled into position by some sheepdog.

This is the weird thing about it all. Here is the one Pakistani that anyone in the world with some knowledge of sports would associate with strong leadership. As a Pakistani, you want IK as your guy to face the media and lecture your friends and foes alike....and yet, he fails to deal with this specific scenario repeatedly. He does well with other scenarios but not with this one. Someone here blamed his advisers - I believe that is the correct conclusion.

I cannot believe this statement comes from IK himself.
With respect, I do think you are underestimating IK.
Some of the answers to your questions you have given in your own post above.
I will never doubt his will to win.
He has done enough in his life to earn that much respect.
You just have to look at the way he played his cricket and organised his team's to know what he is about.
A leopard never changes his spots.
You have to understand that Pakistan's narrative and diplomacy has been neglected for decades.
We have allowed our enemies to frame the narrative to the extent that even our friends and well-wishers doubt our intentions and motives.
You have to understand that this has to be reversed before we can progress. We need to reverse the narrative so when the uprising starts in Kashmir and we go to war we are at least given a fair hearing in the world corridors of power rather than be judged on our reputation which has been falsely, but successfully, created by our enemies. It is very important because what the world thinks influences the diplomatic outcome at the end of the war, which is as important as the military outcome of the war.
The fact that Trump would not be drawn into calling Pakistan a terrorist state when prompted by Modi and the Indian press at the press conference tells you all you need to know about where IK's strategy is going.
We actually CAN attack india...WE just need them to initiate it first, we'll gladly take the fight to them on their land...don't forget ther Aslam Baig doctrine of offensive defense...
Earlier this year, we tandoored your jihadis in Balakot.

You tried to attack us, but were repelled.
You must've been high as a fucking kite back in Feb.

So a Crow is now a Jihadi!

Where is your proof that you hit anything? No wait. Here is your famous Journalist (Rahul) asking the BJP for proof...

As for you talkin' trash (out of your @$$), how many proofs of failures would you like of the IAF, hmmm...

I guess you missed this part.

Now that is proof of what we did to you all. I don't think we need to relive the whole Abhi-Nando's jet falling from the sky, him getting beaten up by the mob, recused by the PAK Army, being medically treated, having Tea, Confession, taking perp walk in a cheap Blue Blazer across Wagah/Atari Borader all over again.

What should be addressed is the sates of your current Military, specifically your Indian Air Force and the credits its earned in Year of 2019. Drum Roll, please...

IAF Crashes 2019

28 January: Jaguar crashed shortly after takeoff in Uttar Pradesh.

01 February: A Mirage 2000 crashed while on an acceptance sortie after being upgraded by state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) killing both Pilots.

12 February: A MiG-27 crashed at the Pokhran firing range.

19 February: Two Hawk aircraft of Surya Kiran aerobatic team crashed after hitting each other mid-air during a rehearsal for the AeroIndia Show. One of the pilots was killed in the accident.

27 February: Pakistan shot down one MiG-21 Bison during an aerial fight after India violated the airspace.

27 February: a Mi-17 chopper was also downed in Budgam District in Indian Occupied Kashmir killing all six on board.

08 March: A MiG-21 (Bison) crashed near Bikaner, western Rajasthan, due to a Bird strike, the pilot ejected safely.

31 March: A MiG-27 (UPG) crashed in Sirohi, Rajasthan, the pilot ejected safely.

03 June: An-32 crashed in Arunachal Pradesh. All 13 declared dead.

08 August: Su-30Mki crash in Tezpur. Both pilots ejected safely.

Tell me, what do you guys do for an encore? Planning on going for the Guinness World Records?!! Its okay. Stop. You guys already achieved it.

You said, "Deal with it".

Look, you couldn't nail a 2 Dollar wh0re. And if you're all so tough, ask any of your Top Guns if they'd like a another run in PAK Air Space (again). I'll give you a hint, Abhi-Nando's will call in 'Sick'.

With respect, I do think you are underestimating IK.
Some of the answers to your questions you have given in your own post above.
I will never doubt his will to win.
He has done enough in his life to earn that much respect.
You just have to look at the way he played his cricket and organised his team's to know what he is about.
A leopard never changes his spots.
You have to understand that Pakistan's narrative and diplomacy has been neglected for decades.
We have allowed our enemies to frame the narrative to the extent that even our friends and well-wishers doubt our intentions and motives.
You have to understand that this has to be reversed before we can progress. We need to reverse the narrative so when the uprising starts in Kashmir and we go to war we are at least given a fair hearing in the world corridors of power rather than be judged on our reputation which has been falsely, but successfully, created by our enemies. It is very important because what the world thinks influences the diplomatic outcome at the end of the war, which is as important as the military outcome of the war.
The fact that Trump would not be drawn into calling Pakistan a terrorist state when prompted by Modi and the Indian press at the press conference tells you all you need to know about where IK's strategy is going.
I'm willing to believe that is all a very possible narrative. Like I alluded to, IK is overall doing great, just a few things I disagree with. But he has my support in his endeavours and I even hope he proves me wrong in that his *extremely* soft touch wins some liberal pacifist democracies (e.g. Europeans) to his side.

Where is your proof that you hit anything? No wait. Here is your famous Journalist (Rahul) asking the BJP for proof...
Clown journo. He doesn't dare question India's state narrative any more since he got reminded he lives in a controlled fascist state.
I'm willing to believe that is all a very possible narrative. Like I alluded to, IK is overall doing great, just a few things I disagree with. But he has my support in his endeavours and I even hope he proves me wrong in that his *extremely* soft touch wins some liberal pacifist democracies (e.g. Europeans) to his side.

Clown journo. He doesn't dare question India's state narrative any more since he got reminded he lives in a controlled fascist state.

I don't which Europeans you are talking about, the only European countries that matter in the international arena are Germany and France and both of them don't give a damn about Imran Khan, he is no body for them. UK is a bit** of USA so calling it "European" is injustice to the word "European" itself, they don't matter in politics of Europe particularly after Brexit. Since I am in Germany there have been couple of instances when Pakistani prime ministers came to Germany on "official visit" within the last 10 years and no news related to their visit ever got reported in any German newspaper in Germany even though Pakistani media was reporting it as "very successful" visit. That is how Pakistani media and newspapers fool Pakistanis who cannot read German or French language newspaper published in these countries. And Germans or French don't give a f*** to english language or english language media like BBC or CNN etc. Germans first source of information are their own German language media and newspapers, so if a news/narrative doesn't get published in leading German newspapers then for majority of Germans that news/narrative doesn't exist.
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What a stupid topic cherry picking headline.

I just watched his entire press conference video. It was one of the best media talk IK has conducted today. Answered all the questions well in detail and with logic. Latest Kashmir problem was well explained especially in front of international journalists. I urge every one to watch this press conference on youtube rather than posting bullshit about the war/attack stuff.
PMIK has eluded towards turning the tables on the so called "developed world" regarding money laundering...I think in the coming days, we can see fatf losing its teeth & being called out since the countries sitting there don't tighten their own money laundering laws & quietly let the corrupt third world mafia push stolen money into the banks of those so called "developed countries".

What a stupid topic cherry picking headline.

I just watched his entire press conference video. It was one of the best media talk IK has conducted today. Answered all the questions well in detail and with logic. Latest Kashmir problem was well explained especially in front of international journalists. I urge every one to watch this press conference on youtube rather than posting bullshit about the war/attack stuff.
I disagree with you there. He would've scared a lot of people if he had said that with all peaceful options exhausted, at the end of the day, war is ALWAYS the last option.
is this a suggestion for me ? or Imran Khan ?

For all, but especially you.

If one thing the Quran teaches after the Oneness of God, it is diplomacy.

Prime Minister Imran Khan is at the helm of a nuclear power that has fought off an enemy 10 times its size with ease, made minced meat out of USSR intelligence agencies and handled and maneuvered through another massive international war in Afghanistan involving many, many nations and NATO who also happened to be the strongest and the richest nations on this planet economically, politically, militarily, and academically. Whomever the Pakistani state decides to smile at and who it points its guns towards is up to the Pakistani state itself. Pakistan is following the smile at everyone and bleed your enemy policy.

There is also something to be said about diplomacy, tact and class.

The Pakistani state needed and an honest person at the helm. PM Imran Khan is that person. The sooner crooks like Nawaz Sharif Butt and Zardari are hanged and their seeds purged will be better.
War and peace are politics by different means...

Modi's politics will get a boost with a war....

IK's politics will reap benefits with peace....

However, "you never can tell" even as per a die hard atheist like George Bernard Shaw...
What a stupid topic cherry picking headline.

I just watched his entire press conference video. It was one of the best media talk IK has conducted today. Answered all the questions well in detail and with logic. Latest Kashmir problem was well explained especially in front of international journalists. I urge every one to watch this press conference on youtube rather than posting bullshit about the war/attack stuff.

Same here I just finish watching his whole conference. It was the best indeed. Some People of Pakistan and specially hater of Imran khan can't sleep because he is really doing something for kashmir on international level. They want just go on war and when we look back these wanna be will be far from the real war. They say they are neutral but infact they have only one thing in common spread negativity about Pakistan and for specially Imran khan.
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