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War is not an Option, We cannot Attack India

For all, but especially you.

If one thing the Quran teaches after the Oneness of God, it is diplomacy.

Prime Minister Imran Khan is at the helm of a nuclear power that has fought off an enemy 10 times its size with ease, made minced meat out of USSR intelligence agencies and handled and maneuvered through another massive international war in Afghanistan involving many, many nations and NATO who also happened to be the strongest and the richest nations on this planet economically, politically, militarily, and academically. Whomever the Pakistani state decides to smile at and who it points its guns towards is up to the Pakistani state itself. Pakistan is following the smile at everyone and bleed your enemy policy.

There is also something to be said about diplomacy, tact and class.

The Pakistani state needed and an honest person at the helm. PM Imran Khan is that person. The sooner crooks like Nawaz Sharif Butt and Zardari are hanged and their seeds purged will be better.

Please don't tell me that Islam or Quran teaches Pacifism ... cause I haven't had a good laugh in days .
P.S. In this section @Signalian and I have discussed Hybridwar ... it is a sticky.. when you have time do visit it. @Retired Troll is our SweetKraken still bound in human form... when the time comes he shall be released!
Not every war is military in nature. Pakistan's Military is already engaged on different fronts, IK is right, war is not an option. It's hard to make members understand the destruction that war brings - to everything.
Losers like you made me cut down to my activities on pdf.
i agree, though losers like them (i know about 3 or 4 in this forum, all of whom open their hate thread again and again) are not the real problem, the fact that there are mods who close their eyes on their posts is the problem
Please don't tell me that Islam or Quran teaches Pacifism ... cause I haven't had a good laugh in days .

Pretty clear in Surah Baqarah.. 190 to 195.

Then from the Prophet’s actions at Badr as well. He did not engage in battle even when the Meccan force was oncoming until the commandment came. If that is not pacifism I don’t know what is.

A pacifist is not one who will never fight, but rather one who avoids physical conflict as the last resort.
Hathi ke daant...
You need to look deeper.
Modi is acting the belligerent, while IK is portraying himself as a peacemaker.
It doesn't a bit of difference until a war starts and the world has to choose who to blame.
He's laying the groundwork.
world blames Palastinians for attack on Israel

china blames uygurs for existing

mayanmar blames rohinya for breathing!

do you see world community giving two fks about any of them? Pakistan is a muslim country and even if india bombs the shit out of us they will blame us so IK and psople like you need to stop living inside this bubble of peace and start realizing the reality!
For all, but especially you.

If one thing the Quran teaches after the Oneness of God, it is diplomacy.

Prime Minister Imran Khan is at the helm of a nuclear power that has fought off an enemy 10 times its size with ease, made minced meat out of USSR intelligence agencies and handled and maneuvered through another massive international war in Afghanistan involving many, many nations and NATO who also happened to be the strongest and the richest nations on this planet economically, politically, militarily, and academically. Whomever the Pakistani state decides to smile at and who it points its guns towards is up to the Pakistani state itself. Pakistan is following the smile at everyone and bleed your enemy policy.

There is also something to be said about diplomacy, tact and class.

The Pakistani state needed and an honest person at the helm. PM Imran Khan is that person. The sooner crooks like Nawaz Sharif Butt and Zardari are hanged and their seeds purged will be better.

The kind of BS I see here is stupifying. Pakistan made minced meat of USSR? Seriously?
Where do you guys learn such crooked history?

US funded and armed Afghan fighters. You guys provided training. For a fee ofcourse.

You were merely a middle man.
Pretty clear in Surah Baqarah.. 190 to 195.

Then from the Prophet’s actions at Badr as well. He did not engage in battle even when the Meccan force was oncoming until the commandment came. If that is not pacifism I don’t know what is.

A pacifist is not one who will never fight, but rather one who avoids physical conflict as the last resort.

Modern day Pacifism revolves around the Jesus presenting the other cheek or Gandhi .. So that is not what Islam or Quran teaches, Quran is very clear about its defensive wars . When IK say he is a Pacifist I want to know what he meant by that, cause he often talk about the model of Medina, the same city lead by Prophet and also take defensive measure against his enemy . Prophet Muhammad pbuh never said that Diplomacy is the only solution he has , he kept his companions to go on a assault until the decree from God comes that allowed them to fight, India has/is/will fulfilled all those reasons which Muslims were given permission to fight . Oppression , Discrimination , capturing your land/property , Killing your people, disrespecting your women, inability to practice your faith .

I was watching this press conference , when a Journalist ask him that what is the other option besides diplomacy, IK has no answer but he said, War is not an Option and we can not attack India ..

Let us give respect to your PM wherever it is due...His intent is pretty genuine. Basically, he is trying his best to avoid war as much as possible...Because, it is a big trap whoever initiate any war between India and Pakistan, whole world will see them as aggressor...

Kudos to IK...Feel bad that he become PM of Pakistan in one of most toughest moment of the history of Pakistan..
If he could have been PM at the time when MMS from India and Obama from US was president, history could have been different.
Please don't tell me that Islam or Quran teaches Pacifism ... cause I haven't had a good laugh in days .
If you think diplomacy means pacifism then I see no point in anymore discussion.

Diplomacy implies being backed a massive and deadly military power.
In front of whole world standing next to POTUS endia pm chest thumbed about war (in-between Two Nuclear Countries) ,,,, endia Army chief talked about War ………………..
And Pakistani PM asking (actually now begging ) for peace …………… Make sure in history people will not be able to blame Pakistan ……………
Rest war is coming ………….. Maybe this week , maybe next month , maybe in 2022 ,,,,,,, But war is coming and very soon .. IK and Pakistani elite like it or not want to fight it or not ………

Do not give too much of importance to Houston rally of our PM...It was more like a photo op than any real substance on ground. Basically, Mr Trump need India to buy Texas Oil in place of Iran and Modi want to assure his fans in India about his aura in domestic politics of India...

The real deal between India and US depends on the diplomatic success between India and POTOUS of US that will happen behind the scene.
Nobody prefer war but war is last resort when all others options get failed to stop oppression and aggression.

It appear Pakistani don't treat Indian occupied Kashmir or their people same as azad Kashmir. What we will do if India try to attack Azad Kashmir and oppress their people?

Would we give same excuses and show same weakness? I am sure we will not sit quiet and respond aggressively irrespective of consequence. We did not scare of war when India damaged our trees and responded aggressively and same approach was needed for Kashmir if we consider them fellow brothers and part of us

Please don't tell me that Islam or Quran teaches Pacifism ... cause I haven't had a good laugh in days .
If it was their own mother or father who would be facing the same fate as Kahsmiri Muslims then they would simply forget all logic and reasoning and would use all power they had to stop zulam and abuse
The kind of BS I see here is stupifying. Pakistan made minced meat of USSR? Seriously?
Where do you guys learn such crooked history?

US funded and armed Afghan fighters. You guys provided training. For a fee ofcourse.

You were merely a middle man.

The USA wasn't willing to risk a front in Europe for Afghanistan. Jimmy Carter was scared shirtless about what the USSR might do next and the primary focus for the Americans was to secure the oil GCC countries. The Cuban missile crisis was fresh on American minds and a repeat of it was unimaginable.

When the USSR invaded Afghanistan it deployed nuclear assets at its border, increased naval alertness and was in no mood for interference from the USA.

Just like in the WW2, the USA came in at the near end and took almost all the credit. The GCC monarchies spent a lot more money BTW.

Pakistan made minced meat out of USSR intelligence agencies, including that of India during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

If one were to believe the tantrums emanating from Afghanistan at present one might think Pakistan did the same to the current occupiers too.
You didn't rule us. Ever. You were formed in 1947. Before that, we were both ruled by foreign powers.

In 1965, you tried to take Kashmir, and failed.

In 1971, we cut you into two.

Earlier this year, we tandoored your jihadis in Balakot.

You tried to attack us, but were repelled.

You want to take our Kashmir, but never will.

We will always be stronger than you militarily, economicaally, and in every other way.

Deal with it.

So in other words, you don't dare. What is the point of all this online bragaddo? You are inferior militarily, and always will be. Deal with it.
1948 we took Kashmir half of it without an army.
1965 one of your general claimed that he will have tea in Lahore well he left his jeep there we had tea ready but we are finally relieved to finally give it to Abhinanadan.
1971 lol let me give you an example here is the guy who headed the operation in Bangladesh Sam Manekshaw answering a ganghoo dreamer like you.
Now should we take his word seriously or yours a nobody?
Regarding Kashmir you had control over that land for 70 years you PM imposed curfew sent another some more soldiers do some article shit and wow you have won a ww3 lolzzzzz.
Really you really think your airforce came to balakot killed 350 people and just in one night Pakistan army cleaned up the whole scene. Lolz
Your general Bakshi crys about 90000s Indian soldiers killed since 1990's till day so I guess at this moment you claim 90000s surrendered well we killed 90000 of your soldiers truly meat grinder according to your general. By next year or two it will hit 100000.
The kind of BS I see here is stupifying. Pakistan made minced meat of USSR? Seriously?
Where do you guys learn such crooked history?

US funded and armed Afghan fighters. You guys provided training. For a fee ofcourse.

You were merely a middle man.

Pakistani intelligence assets were deployed on Day 1 of the USSR invasion without any backing from any 3rd party. The funding from USA came in later, but that too as a great general put it, was "peanuts".

I ask you the same question. Where do you learn your perspective of history? The misinformation taught in Indian schools is horrendously alarming.

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