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War is not an Option, We cannot Attack India

They don't need any signal from a mummy daddy PM like Imran Khan to enter into a war, which world you are really living in :lol:.

It's a joint strategy. IK gives a lot of weight to what COAS and DG ISI have to say. Red lines and responses have all been agreed already.

Was IK a mummy daddy captain under the thumb of the team selectors and PCB?
It's a joint strategy. IK gives a lot of weight to what COAS and DG ISI have to say. Red lines and responses have all been agreed already.

Was IK a mummy daddy captain under the thumb of the team selectors and PCB?

Culturally and from mindset point of view he has always been a mummy daddy, born in the most posh area of its time (zaman park Model Town Lahore back in 50s), studied in elite "aitchison college", fond of "UK culture and social values", that is the classic mummy daddy according to how people understand this concept in Pakistan. Don't you see other mummy daddy people like Shireen Mazari, Andaleeb Abbas, Zulfi Bukhari, Uzma Kardar etc. that Imran Khan is always surrounded by. A mummy daddy likes the company of other mummy daddies the most, it is a natural thing.
Culturally and from mindset point of view he has always been a mummy daddy, born in the most posh area of its time (zaman park Model Town Lahore back in 50s), studied in elite "aitchison college", fond of "UK culture and social values", that is the classic mummy daddy according to how people understand this concept in Pakistan. Don't you see other mummy daddy people like Shireen Mazari, Andaleeb Abbas, Zulfi Bukhari, Uzma Kardar that Imran Khan is always surrounded by. A mummy daddy likes the company of other mummy daddies the most, it is a natural thing.
So is the majority of our ruling elite. What is your point.
My point is that they are all POS and should be thrown in the arabian sea to become food of Sharks and other marine predators.
I concur on the basic premise of getting rid of our ruling elite. What happens next is the problem. You're left with a politicial gap and seeing that we're a nuclear capable country; US of A won't take lightly to it.
My point is that they are all POS and should be thrown in the arabian sea to become food of Sharks and other marine predators.

And then what? Zaid Hamid?

Who gets your vote (other yourself of course!)?
Why would we attack India?
for any nation to be successful in military might you need 4x (Four times) bigger force if you are invading. we are half (1/2) the size of indian armed forces.

same reason india cannot attack and win from pakistan they are twice (2x) the size of pakistan army. but they need to be four (4x) times the size in order to be successful.

But with imran khan even if we were 4x bigger army he would say no to war. he doesn't like war , he is not that kind of a leader or human being. he knows what war does to people.

Chaos Is A Ladder

A true leadership always emerge in a crisis. I agree with @Simurgh
Entire corrupt/
treacherous/pacifist elite needs to hanged on the poles.

True leader did emerge out of crisis. The balancing act. Hence IK is at the helm after decades of imbalance and chaos.

Disagree all you want but that is the reality. And he'll be at the helm for 6-7 years in total.

Next leader has 6 or so years to climb this ladder.
Do not give too much of importance to Houston rally of our PM...It was more like a photo op than any real substance on ground. Basically, Mr Trump need India to buy Texas Oil in place of Iran and Modi want to assure his fans in India about his aura in domestic politics of India...

The real deal between India and US depends on the diplomatic success between India and POTOUS of US that will happen behind the scene.
It is irrelevant(in terms of India’s attractiveness) who is sitting on the seat. Our PM echoed exactly what Ive been saying regarding the massive market everyone sees.
What is lost upon all whenever these “comparisons” occur is that one country is 4 times its land mass and 6 times its population. In no context is that an equal comparison or potential.

To do as well as India Pakistanis will have to increase their GDP contribution output 18 times per person for the next 10 years which they are both physically and mentally incapable of.

The world sees that and so do some pragmatic elements in Pakistan which is why the hands in every basket approach being taken with world issues.
Particularly the destruction of luxurious lifestyles that is being lead in DHA housing schemes and other "high-class" elitist posh areas across the country. For majority of common people in Pakistan their life is already miserable and "full of destruction" on daily basis even in the absence of the so-called "destructive wars".

We are being ruled by a "mummy daddy" guy and his "mummy daddy" gang right at this moment who live in their own "mummy daddy" world.
IK is just a puppet real direction regarding foreign policy comes from high throne blame them and not him!

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