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War is not an Option, We cannot Attack India

Some one shall tell this dhuken, Pakistan defeated USSR without attacking USSR.
Hathi ke daant...
You need to look deeper.
Modi is acting the belligerent, while IK is portraying himself as a peacemaker.
It doesn't a bit of difference until a war starts and the world has to choose who to blame.
He's laying the groundwork.
Perfectly played.

Diplomacy means saying sweet, pacifist, calming and peaceful words while being loaded with deadliest weapons known to mankind.
He is doing Appeasement only.
He's right, we do not have the capability to wage war; these jingos here rooting for jihad and war, don't have the slightest idea of what the consequences would be. Hence why we have always been on the defensive posture and will remain so as the strength gap between India and Pakistan is just too large giving their massive population and economy.

A war wouldn't end in India's favor either, hence why other than domestic-focused jabs, they haven't done anything and probably never will as long as Pakistan is intact and stable (which they have been trying to change), though Pakistan is not as powerful, it's strong enough to inflict devastating casualties on any invasion and India would not want to sacrifice their economy either, these fears will keep them at a distance for now.

There will never be a military solution to Kashmir.

When you think traditionally then yes, war is not an option because we just cannot win a war against India. However, when you think of Jihad, which is its own reward, then the idea of defeat or win escapes your mind because then your entire trust is in Allah based on your path to protect His beings.

In my opinion, if we truly wage an Islamic Jihad on India, we can annihilate the RSS ideology!
The USA wasn't willing to risk a front in Europe for Afghanistan. Jimmy Carter was scared shirtless about what the USSR might do next and the primary focus for the Americans was to secure the oil GCC countries. The Cuban missile crisis was fresh on American minds and a repeat of it was unimaginable.

When the USSR invaded Afghanistan it deployed nuclear assets at its border, increased naval alertness and was in no mood for interference from the USA.

Just like in the WW2, the USA came in at the near end and took almost all the credit. The GCC monarchies spent a lot more money BTW.

Pakistan made minced meat out of USSR intelligence agencies, including that of India during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

If one were to believe the tantrums emanating from Afghanistan at present one might think Pakistan did the same to the current occupiers too.
Ever heard of operation cyclone? Soviet would have pounded entire afghans from their helicopters had it not been US stingers in the hands of afghan fighters.
Some one shall tell this dhuken, Pakistan defeated USSR without attacking USSR.

Did Pakistan do it alone? Or was Pakistan acting on resources of USA and Middle East?
US and middle east? where did that come from?

Both the Saudis and US were pouring Billions of USD into the Afghan Jihad effort. And the tide changed only once the US supplied the Mujahideen with the capability to shoot down Russian Helos and Tanks.
True, there will never be a proper military solution there.

word of advice for overzealous Islamist Pakistani nationalists, do not overestimate Indian Kashmiris "love" for Pakistan, it'll serve you well.
I think they must have understood from the 4 wars by now. Artificial resentment can only go till stone pelting and creating unrest. Even Kashmiri know the trajectory and future of both the countries.
Pretty clear in Surah Baqarah.. 190 to 195.

Then from the Prophet’s actions at Badr as well. He did not engage in battle even when the Meccan force was oncoming until the commandment came. If that is not pacifism I don’t know what is.

A pacifist is not one who will never fight, but rather one who avoids physical conflict as the last resort.
I didn't find your definition of pacifist in any dictionary, from Britannica:
Pacifism, the opposition to war and violence as a means of settling disputes. Pacifism may entail the belief that the waging of war by a state and the participation in war by an individual are absolutely wrong, under any circumstances.
One is pacifist only to the point when he or his family is safe --- All the flag bearers of pacifism will forget what's pacifism when attacked by enemy.---- The legendary Imran Khan will never understand what it means to see your family get killed/raped.

and Plz, don't give your own meaning to Surah Baqarah 190:195
Perfectly played.

Diplomacy means saying sweet, pacifist, calming and peaceful words while being loaded with deadliest weapons known to mankind.


IK is known to have destroyed careers of opposition team players. He has that break-the-jaw instinct in him.

Only fools believe that he won't give Pak Army the green signal. The world saw the order he gave for 27th Feb and the world knows what he's capable of, only fools don't!
I disagree with you there. He would've scared a lot of people if he had said that with all peaceful options exhausted, at the end of the day, war is ALWAYS the last option.

In Parliament and various other places, he and even DG ISPR said that war is the LAST option.

he didn't need to repeat that, the world knows that Pakistan, a nuclear armed state, always has the war as an option. This is about diplomacy.
Well said this crap only suits few liberandus in Pakistan who are ready to handover PAkistani Kashmir to india also.
And sitting in office/home in front of laptop/PC at Karachi/Lahore or other cities of Pakistan and talking tall and senseless/cheap doesn't make you expert of geopolitical situation of the subcontinent, Pakistan has currently a weak economy if the the war will happen Pakistan doesn't sustain this war much longer, and then this war become Nuclear no one left on the Subcontinent including you ,Billions of life in our hands, who are you're saying that Liberals want to give AJK to India, From day one all govts of Pakistan is claiming we don't want to be aggressor Country ( to Start/initiate war). you assume yourself a smartest guy in Pakistan, use the commonsense/logic, and not become to emotional @rak_987
Not every war is military in nature. Pakistan's Military is already engaged on different fronts, IK is right, war is not an option. It's hard to make members understand the destruction that war brings - to everything.

Particularly the destruction of luxurious lifestyles that is being lead in DHA housing schemes and other "high-class" elitist posh areas across the country. For majority of common people in Pakistan their life is already miserable and "full of destruction" on daily basis even in the absence of the so-called "destructive wars".

................... so IK and psople like you need to stop living inside this bubble of peace and start realizing the reality!

We are being ruled by a "mummy daddy" guy and his "mummy daddy" gang right at this moment who live in their own "mummy daddy" world.
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Ever heard of operation cyclone? Soviet would have pounded entire afghans from their helicopters had it not been US stingers in the hands of afghan fighters.

Did Pakistan do it alone? Or was Pakistan acting on resources of USA and Middle East?
KSA had resources , could they do anything against Iranian/yemani houthi attacks on Aramco Facilities ? .

Willingness , preparedness , expertise are they keys to succeed in such warfare .
Both the Saudis and US were pouring Billions of USD into the Afghan Jihad effort. And the tide changed only once the US supplied the Mujahideen with the capability to shoot down Russian Helos and Tanks.

Saudis have been pouring billions of dollars into Yemen war against Houthi with miserable results for them, they also have been pouring billions of dollars in the pockets of US weapons companies to "strengthen" their defence to another level yet they proved to be "miserable" and "helpless" to stop a deadly attack on Aramco which halted half of Aramco's daily oil output.

It was NOT the money that defeated USSR in Afghanistan, it was the courage of Afghani and Pakistani fighters in Afghansitan that defeated the USSR. Yes there were as many Pakistani fighters (mainly from Pakhtun and Punjabi ethnicities) fighting in Afghanistan against USSR in 80s as there were indigenous Afghanis (pashtuns, Tajik ethnicities).

It is NOT the gun, it is always MAN behind the gun that matters!


Only fools believe that he won't give Pak Army the green signal. The world saw the order he gave for 27th Feb and the world knows what he's capable of, only fools don't!

They don't need any signal from a mummy daddy PM like Imran Khan to enter into a war, which world you are really living in :lol:.

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