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War is Coming: US running a de-fang operation

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I will try to calculate the damage that will be done to US economy in the event of war with Iran

Right now oil price is 60$ per barrel. What will be the oil price in the event of war? Some say-150$ per barrel, but this doesn't make sense, because 150$ per barrel was the price of oil in 2007 --even without war.

In 2011 Stratfor estimated that oil price will climb to 500$ per barrel if Iran closes the Straight of Hormuz------but I will take an estimate that price will be 350$ per barrel in the event of closure of the Straight of Hormuz

First, US consumes 7,3 bln barrels of oil per year, while produce 4,3bln barrels of oil----Deficit: 3bln barrels of oil that needs to be imported.

With oil price being 60$ per barrel, US spent (7,3bln barrels*60$=) 440bln$ per year on oil (if oil price is 60$ per barrel)

Lets assume the war starts, Iran closes the Strait of Hormuz and oil price climbs to 350$ per barrel.

In order to protect US economy from oil shock, Congress will pass a law banning US oil exports and establishing a fixed price of domestically produced oil at 60$ per barrel (it will be forbidden by law for domestic oil producers to sell oil at a price higher than 60$ per barrel )----so 4,3 bln barrels of domestic oil will be sold at a fixed price of 60$ per barrel......But import oil---3bln barrels----will be bought at a market price of 350$ per barrel

So US spending on oil will be (4,3bln barrels*60$ + 3bln barrels*350$)= 1308 bln$ per year

So in peace time US spends 440bln$ per year on oil,---- during the war it will have to spend 1,3trln$ per year on oil--------this is three times more----meaning gasoline price will rise by a factor of 3----from 2,9$ per gallon---to 8,7$ per gallon

1308bln$ spending on oil at war time----minus ----440bln$ spending at peace time =difference of 870bln$

Now, if US household spend larger portion of their net income on gasoline---they spend less on other things like groceries or entertainment etc------If US household spend 870bln$ more on gasoline --they spend on other things 870bln$ less----MEANING OTHER SECTORS WILL EXPERIENCE FALL IN DEMAND WORTH 870BLN$

If demand on groceries, entertainment etc... falls by 870bln$---GDP will decrease by 870*1,5= 1300bln$ (1,5 is multiplier effect coefficient. Spending multiplier is---for example when you increase spending by 1 dollar, GDP usually growth by 1,5 dollars and vice versa)---1300bln$ recession--- is US GDP declining by 6,5%

Now the second issue is US exports----US exports is 1,6trln$-----70% of exports go to Asia and Europe and those regions will experience huge recession so US exports will fall ...let say...by 10%-----Meaning 160bln$........Exports decline by 160bln means GDP will decline by 240bln$ or 1,2% if we take multiplier effect into account (with coefficient 1,5)

Now, if GDP declines by 6,5% due to oil price increase and 1,2% due to decline in exports = 7,7% GDP decline----this means US budget revenues will fall by 7,7% as well.

Since US budget revenues are 3,65trln$---this means revenues will fall by 280bln$ and this amount will have to be borrowed by issuing new bonds and paying interest on them.

Then we have direct costs of war....In Desert Storm US deployed 500.000 troops. In 2003 invasion US deployed 280.000 troops......Lets assume that for the purpose of defense of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia US will deploy 350.000 troops......Deploying 1 fully equipped soldier in the war zone costs 1mln$ per year, meaning deploying 350.000 will cost 350bln$ per year.

In Desert Storm Coalition flew 98.000 sorties against Iraq which had a population of 18mln people back then. Iran has a population of 83mln people---4,6 times larger----so at least 450.000 sorties will be needed at the event of war with Iran.....One sortie costs 100k$ on average so 450.000 sorties will cost 45bln$

So direct costs of war ---350bln$ for deployment +45bln$ for air campaign = 395bln$ in first year of war.---this amount must be borrowed by issuing new treasures.

Final costs of war with Iran:

1) 870bln$ per year---US households overpaying for gasoline

2) GDP decline by 1,3trln$ or 6,5% + GDP decline due to exports declining by 240bln$ or 1,2%--------total GDP decline ---7,7%

3) Direct costs of war------395bln$ in first year of war.

4) US federal debt rising by additional (395bln$ + 280bln$) = 675bln$ ----just because of war

5) damage due to Stock market decline-----hundreds of billions

6) additional indirect costs like pensions for veterans of Iran war, interests on debt etc...----unknown

Total damage: 870bln$+1,54trln$+ 675bln$=3085bln$ +hundreds of billions due to Stock market decline

And all this is for USA-----countries in Asia and Europe will experience even more severe recession

The only winner will be Russia----price of oil will increase so will Russian budget revenues +US will be distracted in a new quagmire, thus giving Russia time to rise in Europe

So Dotard will think twice before attacking Iran even if Iran crosses the red line

You forgot the biggest equation. How much money lives and years have US spent on their bases in ME? In the event of full scale war. Iran will have no other option but to destroy every single American base in ME. US will have to spend even more rebuilding. That is if they manage to do it. Before Russia and China does
Iran won't fight against USA face to face, they might do something via their supported forces. Trump said 'Iran never won a war, but never lost a negotiation!', this claim tells a lot.

you know this is a little ironic given Iranian forces defeated the pro Chinese terrorists in oman in the 70s in the dhofar rebellion....

around the same time china got humiliated as they watched Vietnam conquer their Cambodian puppet while a Chinese war was powerless to stop it... also around the same time china was unable to prevent their super ally Pakistan from getting cut in half by India... right under Chinese nose in territory with extreme significance to china...

besides beating India once in a surprise border skirmish., when was the last time china did anything, or better yet when was the last time china participated in a miltiary conflict and didn't get humiliated???? mao was a laughing stock in international circles for not having the balls to militarily take back Chinese territory under euro occupation.... while even the Indians were brave enough to militarily kick the portoguese out
When Solemani was target last night, a part of me wondered if this was an opening salvo in a complex operation for military conflict.

Solemani would be tasked with Quds Force reaction and responsibilities in any war with the US/Israel. Thus it is possible US would decide to take him off the board in hopes that would blunt the effect of an upcoming war.

Now we are seeing more air strikes targeting Iraqi milita far beyond any justified “deterrence and reaction role”. It seems US is taking a page out of the Israeli handbook where it is willing to risk the prospect of war in exchange for “de-fanging Iran and its allies”.

Iran is in tough place. If it doesn’t respond equivocally to these provocations then US will continue to strike Iranian assets throughout Syria and Iraq. This is called de-fanging. It was used on Saddam.

Then one day when Iran has been weakened US will feel it has enough of upper hand for armed conflict directly with Iran on Iranian soil.

So the choice is wether Iran wants war now or later down the road when it is weaker along with its allies?

This war in middle east will be fought, till, there remains no power to challenge Israeli power in the region.
Everything else is drama and actors. Scripted drama and Trained actors.

But as Allah says in Quraan: And they planned, and Allah planned too. And Allah is the best of planners.

This murder and killing in middle-east will end on the murder and killing of Every Israeli in Israel. Israelis are busy in tearing down their natural protective fabric, themselves. After that, the beasts of earth will overrun this earth, and none of Israelis will be spared.

But Allah knows better.
@Mangus Ortus Novem
You forgot the biggest equation. How much money lives and years have US spent on their bases in ME? In the event of full scale war. Iran will have no other option but to destroy every single American base in ME. US will have to spend even more rebuilding. That is if they manage to do it. Before Russia and China does
The truth is that financial and military damage to US will be so severe that US will cease being a superpower and Trump knows it.-----he has no balls to attack Iran.----Iran should respond harshly to Soleimani murder and see how US will make a step back
you know this is a little ironic given Iranian forces defeated the pro Chinese terrorists in oman in the 70s in the dhofar rebellion....

around the same time china got humiliated as they watched Vietnam conquer their Cambodian puppet while a Chinese war was powerless to stop it... also around the same time china was unable to prevent their super ally Pakistan from getting cut in half by India... right under Chinese nose in territory with extreme significance to china...

besides beating India once in a surprise border skirmish., when was the last time china did anything, or better yet when was the last time china participated in a miltiary conflict and didn't get humiliated???? mao was a laughing stock in international circles for not having the balls to militarily take back Chinese territory under euro occupation.... while even the Indians were brave enough to militarily kick the portoguese out

Well , you should read more books , specially about Korean war and how Chinese forces fight with USA ....
10 years ago US imported a lot of oil---and closure of Straight of Hormuz was a real deterrence during Bush era

But in 2019 US produced 12mln barrels of oil per day and consumed 20mln barrels of oil per day----so US imported 8mln barrels of oil per day---mostly from Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia.

North American is mostly self-sufficient in oil production and most of ME oil goes to Asia and Europe.

In the event of war US Congress can install a fixed price on oil produced domestically and ban oil exports, but US will still have to pay a market price for the import of 8mln barrels of oil per day.

So in the event of war in the Persian Gulf, gasoline price will go up and this will generate inflation in USA (+another 3-6% to inflation). Federal Reserve will increase interest rates to fight inflation and credit will become more expensive, thus decreasing aggregate demand and pouring US economy into recession.

The other damage to US-- is its trade-----US exports 1,6 trln$ worth of goods and imports is 2,6trln$
When there will be a global recession in Asia and Europe---US exports will fall and this will intensify recession in US


In 2025 US can produce (by some estimates) 16mln barrels of oil----so they will become more or less self-sufficient and destruction of oil infrastructure in the Persian Gulf will no longer be a deterrence.

Iran has few years before its LARGEST DETERRENCE to US attack will no longer work.---So Iran has few years to go nuclear to protect itself.

Openly enriching uranium for nuclear bomb is dangerous because US will detect it and can attack-----so the only option is enriching uranium under IAEA supervision and secretly buy nuclear weapons from North Korea

According to RAND, North Korea will have fissile material for 100 nuclear warheads by 2020. That is more than enough for North Korea ---and if the price is right, Iran can buy 10-15 warheads.

US ground force is not a threat --since they will be ineffective in the mountains of Iran.

The only threat is US Air Force that can deploy 1500 aircraft in 30 air bases in Saudi Arabia----so Iran needs at least 30 nuclear warhead to destroy US air force.
lol you're delusional
My thoughts exactly, The United States knew full well who it was they were going to kill and executed the plan.

Just sucks that we have to wait a week or two to see what the outcome of this heinous crime will be.

How naive of the Iranians to let their top general go to a volatile country, not just once but repeatedly.
Well , you should read more books , specially about Korean war and how Chinese forces fight with USA ....

I got nothing against china.. and respect their history.. but my response was to that Chinese troll who was stroking trumps c&&K and speaking BS. I was just reminding him that if he wants to play that game, china has a worse record.

and as for korea…. Korea is right on Chinese territory.. the fact that a handcuffed US used a small portion of its military power (and didntt even use nukes even though they easily could have then) to carve out a puppet south Korean state right on the Chinese border itself was an achievement.

north korea with the entire communist world standing behind it, with direct Chinese support should have been able to finish off south korea if you ask me

and the US army in the 50s didn't have the significant conventional military technological edge they do today.... they were still fighting mostly with a ww2 army that was probably still inferior to the german army of the early 40s
Tomm is the Iraqi funerals and Sunday is Solemani’s funeral in Tehran.

I predict attacks will start soon culminating in the 40th day of Solemani’s passing.

What a joke. China can’t keep US out of its own sea and Russia hasn’t had the balls to engage the US since 1980s.

Those two powder puff powers are good for picking on weak countries. They won’t put their *** on the line for anyone.

Not totally accurate. In the past the Soviet Union went against USA. In the past China fought USA in Korea. That war is really China vs UN led by USA. Nowadays Russia invade Georgia against USA warning and Crimea against USA warning. It is USA that doesn't fight. China take SCS and USA doesn't fight. Russia fight in Syria even though USA is fighting in Syria as well. I don't think Russia and China definitely can be called doesn't want to fight USA. It is just very high risk and everyone is very careful before real war. Even USA can't fight North Korea.

I think you were just saying this because you feel it will be like Iran alone vs USA and complaining about Russia and China not 100% supporting Iran in this by assuming they don't. But still the result of this is you are actually still right! I also don't believe China or Russia will involve. They will enjoy USA spending more time and money like many people said. At most will supply military equipment through sales to Iran since Iran is actually very wealthy in oil. If it became directly Russia or China's business in their area, then they may fight USA but now we have not seen any superpower fight another power country since second world war. So risky for everyone and no one really knows.

I got nothing against china.. and respect their history.. but my response was to that Chinese troll who was stroking trumps c&&K and speaking BS. I was just reminding him that if he wants to play that game, china has a worse record.

and as for korea…. Korea is right on Chinese territory.. the fact that a handcuffed US used a small portion of its military power (and didntt even use nukes even though they easily could have then) to carve out a puppet south Korean state right on the Chinese border itself was an achievement.

north korea with the entire communist world standing behind it, with direct Chinese support should have been able to finish off south korea if you ask me

and the US army in the 50s didn't have the significant conventional military technological edge they do today.... they were still fighting mostly with a ww2 army that was probably still inferior to the german army of the early 40s

China was one of the world's poorest during Korean war. Just had arguments with Soviets. Had civil war. Also totally divided by Communist and Nationalist. Also had parts taken over by Japan before during second world war and recovering. Too much mess and no real training or weapons. Some of the worst weapons available and very few resources. It's not totally like China could easily take south korea with north korea against USA which had UN ally forces too. USA had fighters, bombers, at least very advanced weapons and nuclear bomb. China I think just experimented with nuclear bomb around that time or after.

But whatever. This has nothing to do with China but many always want to involve it and so what if people convince themselves China cannot beat USA in 1960s. If you make the point China was weak against world's superpower during one of China's weakest time, what is the point?
you know this is a little ironic given Iranian forces defeated the pro Chinese terrorists in oman in the 70s in the dhofar rebellion....

around the same time china got humiliated as they watched Vietnam conquer their Cambodian puppet while a Chinese war was powerless to stop it... also around the same time china was unable to prevent their super ally Pakistan from getting cut in half by India... right under Chinese nose in territory with extreme significance to china...

besides beating India once in a surprise border skirmish., when was the last time china did anything, or better yet when was the last time china participated in a miltiary conflict and didn't get humiliated???? mao was a laughing stock in international circles for not having the balls to militarily take back Chinese territory under euro occupation.... while even the Indians were brave enough to militarily kick the portoguese out

Yep , you are an Indian in disguise.
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Mao whether some people love or hate him had some of the biggest balls. The Communists waged war against Nationalists and selectively let Japanese through. It was three groups fighting for control. Communists under Mao's leadership eventually beat their biggest threat which was the Nationalist. Europeans were out by second world war! Definitely Mao was not pussy to beat out Europeans. Europeans were already out dumb troll.

Oriental Gamer is trying to troll everyone. So many false flags. Provoke some emotions and take this thread into mess.

Iran and USA will not have a war. USA is not stupid enough to go full war. This attack was response to Saudi oil attack and embassy attack. If USA keep escalating, Russia and China will be smiling. USA cannot win and they know because if they do totally remove Iran's government and put their own, Russia and China will both do whatever it takes to prevent this. So USA is not stupid and will not do this stupid activity.
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