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War is Coming: US running a de-fang operation

If it weren't for fighting the ISIS and all the media hype about the ISIS around the world, we wouldn't have known Soleimani's name either. That doesn't change anything.
Did anyone know Ghaani's name before he replaced Soleimani? No.

Yes. I get it that he was an important public figure in Iraq, Syria and Iran and he was seen as a national hero, but in military terms, assassinating the commander of CENTCOM is a measured response against an equal target.

That’s not a proportional response. There is no proportional response. The military in US is built entirely different than Iran. CENTCOM commander is just a guy sitting in a office doing paperwork. Soleimani was a commander who spread Iranian influence throughout Middle East and fought in the battlefields together with his troops.
That’s not a proportional response. There is no proportional response. The military in US is built entirely different than Iran. CENTCOM commander is just a guy sitting in a office doing paperwork. Soleimani was a commander who spread Iranian influence throughout Middle East and fought in the battlefields together with his troops.
Iran's influence in the region comes from decades of investment, not one general. Although I truly like the guy, but do not make Soleimani bigger than he is. He was definitely not bigger than Mostafa Chamran. Rest assured, Iran's influence will continue to grow in the region without General Soleimani
The way things are cooking up. It looks to me that the response will be far greater than anticipated. I think Iran is going to respond in such a way that it sends the message to US that Iran is ready for a full scare military conflict
Don't except anything from currupted old men
The OrangeKing even said that the general was planning attacks in the Gangu capital... so Trump saved Ganguz as well..
when trump said this ....??

I am not following him ..... so could you plz share the link for further reading
چاپ گونجی ھے گلی میں تو ھراساں مت ھو
ھر بلا تیرے ھی گھر آئے، ضروری تو نہیں

"Chaap goonji hae gali main, tau harasaan mat ho
Her bala tairay he ghar aaye, zaroori tau naheen"
Hope you will get the concerns
یہ بلاے ناگہانی کسی در بھی جاے
اگر لوٹی تو لوٹیگی اس ہی گھر پہ

موت ناچیگی اس گلی میں پھر سے
ہوگی شام غریبان اس کوچہ میں پھر سے

my only concern is that may Iran not decide to retaliate America in Afghanistan or in Pakistan
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If you are a genuine Iranian, you will be the enemy of your own ppl to risk them into a total war with USA. And don’t defend your fake American fellows.


the good old "just take the shots, and play dead and hope they take mercy" approach.....

war with the US is unpleasant. but allowing the US to commit an act of war that's left unanswered is worse...

you do everything you can to avoid war, but if the enemy brings war to you, you have no choice.

the only thing worse then war, is running away from a justified defensive war and giving up your legitimate national interests and surrendering out of fear... I cannot fathome how pathetic someone has to be to advocate that.... perhaps its that cultural attitude that made China the European/Japanese plaything for centuries???

I remember reading in history where there was a rebellion in China and a lot of euro colonialists were slaughtered by the Chinese populace.... the history lesson they took from that was the Europeans were terrified of the Chinese people, the Chinese people were terrified of the Chinese puppet leaders, and the puppet leaders were terrified of their euro masters...

it was a delicate balance that could be maintained as long the Chinese maintained their inferiority complex.... the only way to deal with a bully is to punch them in the mouth..

history has shown the only language euro-centred empires understand and respect is force. If you want them out fo your lands, you fight and slaughter them till the last breath in your body.
Relax, some groups are becoming emotional after the funeral.

This is only the beginning. I said it last night attacks would start today and go all the way to the 40th anniversary day of Solemani’s passing.

As I predicted
General Solaimani was the second most powerful person in Iran. Who will be the proportionate US counterpart ?
No one as I thought no one in american army could be taken as equivalent ... but if they could take out the potus as american has asked for proportionate response & as the one whom ordered it ..
No one as I thought no one in american army could be taken as equivalent ... but if they could take out the potus as american has asked for proportionate response & as the one whom ordered it ..
Nothing sort of the P
No one as I thought no one in american army could be taken as equivalent ... but if they could take out the potus as american has asked for proportionate response & as the one whom ordered it ..
Plus a prince ( you know who) . That equation will be more acceptable.

The De-Fang Operation is moving full steam. This base was rumored to house Iranian BMs for Syria.

Looks like US is trying to eliminate BM and rocket stocks of Iran and Iran backed militias and force Iran to fire BMs from Iranian soil.

This removes Iran’s ability to deny the BMs were fired by them and not some rouge group.

The De-Fang Operation is moving full steam. This base was rumored to house Iranian BMs for Syria.

Looks like US is trying to eliminate BM and rocket stocks of Iran and Iran backed militias and force Iran to fire BMs from Iranian soil.

This removes Iran’s ability to deny the BMs were fired by them and not some rouge group.
The only option is "balance of terror" either Iran would do that or this circus would go on ... our response must be too painful in order to restore the balance ....

Fk off now.

The Iranians have yet to respond to this attack and will most likely respond in a way that will leave Americans embarrassed although that is yet to be seen.

A key thing PDF members need to take away from this is that Iran is in no way, shape or form afraid of a shooting-war with the United States military. This misconception of Iranian weakness is not a smart position to take. Iran can and will let loose missiles from dusk till dawn for however long it takes. It will be war at that point so all bets are off. You could probably count on Hezbollah and many other militia groups killing Americans wherever they can get to them. Israel and Lebanese Hezbollah could also have another go at each other as well since there would general mayhem going on, why not exploit the fog of war to your benefit.

The Iraqi parliamentary vote next week as well as Iranian decision to respond to this attack is yet to be determined, name calling the 'Persians' as loudmouths won't do your stance any good other than you coming off as a know it all prick.

Iran with its tin pot military is in no position to directly confront war with united states. US can and will send Iran to stone age without even sweating, all its need to drop few thermo nuclear bombs on Iran and finish Iran once and for all. No one, I repeat no one will be able to stop Iranian annihilation, it was foolishness of Persians to give away their nuke programme in return of some $$ and now facing this humiliation. Except some rudimentary rockets fired here and there to blow hot and cold and that's about it.

Anything less then assassination of Mossad or CIA topman in revenge will be classed as meek surrender by Iran, because Solamani was equivalent in stature in Iran. You know and I know, this is not going to happen.

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