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War is Coming: US running a de-fang operation

the Iraqi’s should just announce in a tv address to their public that the Americans are no longer wanted in the country. The Americans will be gone in a jiffy once the population gets riled up

Problem is the Iraqi government itself now. It can not survive without Americans boots on the ground in there. Iraqs country is also riddled with so much internal proxy militias are now running everywhere inside of Iraq they only answer to outside neighbourly country’s , and let’s not forget the awful Sectarian mess bit inside of Iraq Boom ......!!!!!!
Iran has to respond militarily. If they don't this will continue until Iranian forces cannot operate outside Iran.
This war in middle east will be fought, till, there remains no power to challenge Israeli power in the region.
Everything else is drama and actors. Scripted drama and Trained actors.

But as Allah says in Quraan: And they planned, and Allah planned too. And Allah is the best of planners.

This murder and killing in middle-east will end on the murder and killing of Every Israeli in Israel. Israelis are busy in tearing down their natural protective fabric, themselves. After that, the beasts of earth will overrun this earth, and none of Israelis will be spared.

But Allah knows better.
@Mangus Ortus Novem

First we look at a few simple facts to establish what is going on.

The Iranian Gen. was in civilian car/van going to a civilian airport... without much fanfare at that.

Simple question that arises if he was planning such an evil thing against the Yanks... would he be taking such an approach?

He was sure of things because he has been working with the Americans!

So this is a pure murder simple as that!

But why?
Why like this?

Why now?

Also, the killing of other people, Iraqiz.. doesn't show any apparent need or immediate military purpose... other than creating a broader circle to cover up the first murder... a kinda narrative building.

The OrangeKing even said that the general was planning attacks in the Gangu capital... so Trump saved Ganguz as well.. the same Ganguz who were milking the Persians... and we all remember where the Gangu Monkey was operating from....

By these killings the US has removed backdoor/diplomatic options for itself. And in the process it has also taken away options from Iran.

The US has now started a Game of Chicken which Persian play rather well....

Persians at the moment are in an enforced/imposed paralysis... given their history... they wish to have a lot of options before actions... and now the Yanks have reduced the Persian options to counter attack.

Now let us look at the entire theatre...

Syria is dead for all practical purposes to be a threat to anyone.

Iraq is dead.. and even if by magic they become a unified nation with functioning state... it will take them at least 30 years to be Iraq of the 1980s.

Jordan is irrelevant.

Lebanon is in total paralysis and is not coming out of it anytime soon.

Eygpt is bankrupt regardless of their weapon buying spree which is bankrolled by KSA-UAE combine...

KSA has been recieving BM from ragtag Houthiz and had its oil assets attacked... and couldn't do much of retaliation.

Afghanistan is nowhere near Peace... and Yanks don't wish to leave the prime realestate in Asia after wasting trillions... logical really.

And then we have GanguDaesh... moving towards HinduRashtra...and not a sound from OIC ... we both know what they did for PakKashmiris in IoJK!

So what is the possible Game here?

Given the PowerArchitecture of Persia... the General was number 2!

Therefore, his killing in this blatant manner is NO Ordinary act... the US has crossed a line which no previous US admin did....

Now the question is rather straight forward... did the US Deepstate did this?

I suspect so... because Trump is just Trump.... he can tweet all he wants... but Power resides with the US Deepstate... as in any developed country/regional/global power....

Now that the US has burnt bridges with Persia...what can we expect?

Persian have wargamed such scenarios?
Will they take the entire ME down with them if they go down?

The US, Venuzvela and Russia can take care of EU's oil needs... can even provide to GanguDaesh...

The oil supply effected means China pays higher prices for the crude even from Russians... its growth will be affected... frankly the entire golbal GDP will be effected ....

So whats the Game?

ME/GCC is already in the US camp... what more could they do.... more weapon purchases... Russia is not leaving Syria... So whats the Game?

We must ignore both the Persian and American posters here.. brovadoz!

We need to take a very detached view of things...and calculate the impact on OurLand, OurPeople.... we are going to be effected by this murder one way or the other... regardless of the fact we shall remain neutral from this....

Is The Bloodborders scenario still alive?

BLA/PTM/TTP/KhooniLiberals/MarasiMedia is still intact.. and doing its thing nonstop.

The ONLY Game I can percieve is that GanguTerroristArmy attacks us from the East and terrorists from Kabulistan... Persia goes up in flame along with everybody in GCC...

But in this Game... the killings will be of FirstWorldWar proportions... and there will be only fires..and the hounds of hell will be unlocked onces again in ME and our region....

I have suspected WinterWar imposed upon OurLand by the GanguFacistRegime... in two front war... i.e. Kabulistan and GanguTerroristArmy... with placement of BraMouse in IoJK and in Gangu Occupied Punjab... things are moving in this direction...

And when everyone is busy fighting everyone... and new phase of Choas emerges to sortch the Earth...

I have taken a mortal view of things and not relied upon Metaphysical.

The Yanks murdered the No.2 in Persian PowerStructure... without any evidence a la WMDs...and in that process taken away options from both themselves and Persians...

Now the US will keep on killing until Persia responds... which Persia doesn't like... because they play their own chess...

Anyhow, we must remain alive to defend The Heartland from GanguAgression....knowing full well that GanguFacistRegime is not alone in this Design....

A war in The Heartland will push Pakistan back at least 30 years
... hence, we have been avoiding this war... but if imposed...then there should be no GanguDaesh left... for simple reason.... without victory we are TOAST!!!

Hell awaits the living!


@PakSword @WebMaster @Irfan Baloch @The Eagle @HRK @RescueRanger @Major Sam @Dubious @Reddington @SIPRA @Verve @Signalian @Oscar @Horus @Windjammer @messiach
First we look at a few simple facts to establish what is going on.

The Iranian Gen. was in civilian car/van going to a civilian airport... without much fanfare at that.

Simple question that arises if he was planning such an evil thing against the Yanks... would he be taking such an approach?

He was sure of things because he has been working with the Americans!

So this is a pure murder simple as that!

But why?
Why like this?

Why now?

Also, the killing of other people, Iraqiz.. doesn't show any apparent need or immediate military purpose... other than creating a broader circle to cover up the first murder... a kinda narrative building.

The OrangeKing even said that the general was planning attacks in the Gangu capital... so Trump saved Ganguz as well.. the same Ganguz who were milking the Persians... and we all remember where the Gangu Monkey was operating from....

By these killings the US has removed backdoor/diplomatic options for itself. And in the process it has also taken away options from Iran.

The US has now started a Game of Chicken which Persian play rather well....

Persians at the moment are in an enforced/imposed paralysis... given their history... they wish to have a lot of options before actions... and now the Yanks have reduced the Persian options to counter attack.

Now let us look at the entire theatre...

Syria is dead for all practical purposes to be a threat to anyone.

Iraq is dead.. and even if by magic they become a unified nation with functioning state... it will take them at least 30 years to be Iraq of the 1980s.

Jordan is irrelevant.

Lebanon is in total paralysis and is not coming out of it anytime soon.

Eygpt is bankrupt regardless of their weapon buying spree which is bankrolled by KSA-UAE combine...

KSA has been recieving BM from ragtag Houthiz and had its oil assets attacked... and couldn't do much of retaliation.

Afghanistan is nowhere near Peace... and Yanks don't wish to leave the prime realestate in Asia after wasting trillions... logical really.

And then we have GanguDaesh... moving towards HinduRashtra...and not a sound from OIC ... we both know what they did for PakKashmiris in IoJK!

So what is the possible Game here?

Given the PowerArchitecture of Persia... the General was number 2!

Therefore, his killing in this blatant manner is NO Ordinary act... the US has crossed a line which no previous US admin did....

Now the question is rather straight forward... did the US Deepstate did this?

I suspect so... because Trump is just Trump.... he can tweet all he wants... but Power resides with the US Deepstate... as in any developed country/regional/global power....

Now that the US has burnt bridges with Persia...what can we expect?

Persian have wargamed such scenarios?
Will they take the entire ME down with them if they go down?

The US, Venuzvela and Russia can take care of EU's oil needs... can even provide to GanguDaesh...

The oil supply effected means China pays higher prices for the crude even from Russians... its growth will be affected... frankly the entire golbal GDP will be effected ....

So whats the Game?

ME/GCC is already in the US camp... what more could they do.... more weapon purchases... Russia is not leaving Syria... So whats the Game?

We must ignore both the Persian and American posters here.. brovadoz!

We need to take a very detached view of things...and calculate the impact on OurLand, OurPeople.... we are going to be effected by this murder one way or the other... regardless of the fact we shall remain neutral from this....

Is The Bloodborders scenario still alive?

BLA/PTM/TTP/KhooniLiberals/MarasiMedia is still intact.. and doing its thing nonstop.

The ONLY Game I can percieve is that GanguTerroristArmy attacks us from the East and terrorists from Kabulistan... Persia goes up in flame along with everybody in GCC...

But in this Game... the killings will be of FirstWorldWar proportions... and there will be only fires..and the hounds of hell will be unlocked onces again in ME and our region....

I have suspected WinterWar imposed upon OurLand by the GanguFacistRegime... in two front war... i.e. Kabulistan and GanguTerroristArmy... with placement of BraMouse in IoJK and in Gangu Occupied Punjab... things are moving in this direction...

And when everyone is busy fighting everyone... and new phase of Choas emerges to sortch the Earth...

I have taken a mortal view of things and not relied upon Metaphysical.

The Yanks murdered the No.2 in Persian PowerStructure... without any evidence a la WMDs...and in that process taken away options from both themselves and Persians...

Now the US will keep on killing until Persia responds... which Persia doesn't like... because they play their own chess...

Anyhow, we must remain alive to defend The Heartland from GanguAgression....knowing full well that GanguFacistRegime is not alone in this Design....

A war in The Heartland will push Pakistan back at least 30 years
... hence, we have been avoiding this war... but if imposed...then there should be no GanguDaesh left... for simple reason.... without victory we are TOAST!!!

Hell awaits the living!


@PakSword @WebMaster @Irfan Baloch @The Eagle @HRK @RescueRanger @Major Sam @Dubious @Reddington @SIPRA @Verve @Signalian @Oscar @Horus @Windjammer @messiach
چاپ گونجی ھے گلی میں تو ھراساں مت ھو
ھر بلا تیرے ھی گھر آئے، ضروری تو نہیں

"Chaap goonji hae gali main, tau harasaan mat ho
Her bala tairay he ghar aaye, zaroori tau naheen"
None of the options are strategic and a merely tit for tat. There is no attack that Iran can do that will avenge Solemani, but not garner a counter attack. So then escalation to war rises.

Thus knowing Iran and it’s pragmatic approach.

I believe at the SNSC, it was agreed Iran will attempt to build a nuclear bomb and detonate it by summertime.

Iran can build enough centrifuges using IR-6 in small rooms hidden underneath cities to be undectable.

This is a much more strategic long lasting decision that will embarrass the US/Republican Party/and the president.

It is the only option that truly makes sense in my opinion. Kinetic attacks are not going to change facts on the ground nor damage the US in any significant way or change the behavior. (Kinetic counter attacks on Israel have done nothing to change their behavior).

So I expect an attack, but the true gift will be when Iran detonated a nuclear bomb this year to enter the nuke club.
what about cyberattack...:azn:
@zartosht, dude, you are amazing, I don't bother to reply you now, you should argue with this turk warrior @MMM-E living in German occupied Ottoman empire, once you two sorted out who can stand for muslim world, then argue with me.:cheesy:

If ur leader kindly asks China send ur ppl to see god, we can do that in 30 mins, after enjoying the big mushroom, don't forget to pay the ticket. :cheesy:

or how about you stfu, stop trolling and find something better to do with your time little gamer china stronk living in aussie land...

go discuss big mushroom clouds on your games.
China is in it's own scheme too in respect to Taiwan so they may get indirectly involved. Pakistan has a moral dilemma of wanting to help Iran but not upsetting Saudis. Then there is the elephant in the room India who was bosoming upto the Iranians and has now has to show their cards,intent and game plan. India is fu(ked either way.

The Saudis have been investing heavily lately in Rapistan. Modi received medals from Arab countries. This wasn't free lunch. America also has expectations from Hindustan. India is not in the luxurious position of choosing one side or remaining neutral.
General Solaimani was the second most powerful person in Iran. Who will be the proportionate US counterpart ?
He was not. He was the second most influential military person in Iran.
And a proportionate US counterpart is the commander of CENTCOM.
The truth is that financial and military damage to US will be so severe that US will cease being a superpower and Trump knows it.-----he has no balls to attack Iran.----Iran should respond harshly to Soleimani murder and see how US will make a step back

The way things are cooking up. It looks to me that the response will be far greater than anticipated. I think Iran is going to respond in such a way that it sends the message to US that Iran is ready for a full scare military conflict
He was not. He was the second most influential military person in Iran.
And a proportionate US counterpart is the commander of CENTCOM.

He also had forei
He was not. He was the second most influential military person in Iran.
And a proportionate US counterpart is the commander of CENTCOM.
Majority of Americans don't even know the name of their CENTCOM commander. How is he a proportionate counterpart ?
He also had forei

Majority of Americans don't even know the name of their CENTCOM commander. How is he a proportionate counterpart ?
If it weren't for fighting the ISIS and all the media hype about the ISIS around the world, we wouldn't have known Soleimani's name either. That doesn't change anything.
Did anyone know Ghaani's name before he replaced Soleimani? No.

Yes. I get it that he was an important public figure in Iraq, Syria and Iran and he was seen as a national hero, but in military terms, assassinating the commander of CENTCOM is a measured response against an equal target.
First we look at a few simple facts to establish what is going on.

The Iranian Gen. was in civilian car/van going to a civilian airport... without much fanfare at that.

Simple question that arises if he was planning such an evil thing against the Yanks... would he be taking such an approach?

He was sure of things because he has been working with the Americans!

So this is a pure murder simple as that!

But why?
Why like this?

Why now?

Also, the killing of other people, Iraqiz.. doesn't show any apparent need or immediate military purpose... other than creating a broader circle to cover up the first murder... a kinda narrative building.

The OrangeKing even said that the general was planning attacks in the Gangu capital... so Trump saved Ganguz as well.. the same Ganguz who were milking the Persians... and we all remember where the Gangu Monkey was operating from....

By these killings the US has removed backdoor/diplomatic options for itself. And in the process it has also taken away options from Iran.

The US has now started a Game of Chicken which Persian play rather well....

Persians at the moment are in an enforced/imposed paralysis... given their history... they wish to have a lot of options before actions... and now the Yanks have reduced the Persian options to counter attack.

Now let us look at the entire theatre...

Syria is dead for all practical purposes to be a threat to anyone.

Iraq is dead.. and even if by magic they become a unified nation with functioning state... it will take them at least 30 years to be Iraq of the 1980s.

Jordan is irrelevant.

Lebanon is in total paralysis and is not coming out of it anytime soon.

Eygpt is bankrupt regardless of their weapon buying spree which is bankrolled by KSA-UAE combine...

KSA has been recieving BM from ragtag Houthiz and had its oil assets attacked... and couldn't do much of retaliation.

Afghanistan is nowhere near Peace... and Yanks don't wish to leave the prime realestate in Asia after wasting trillions... logical really.

And then we have GanguDaesh... moving towards HinduRashtra...and not a sound from OIC ... we both know what they did for PakKashmiris in IoJK!

So what is the possible Game here?

Given the PowerArchitecture of Persia... the General was number 2!

Therefore, his killing in this blatant manner is NO Ordinary act... the US has crossed a line which no previous US admin did....

Now the question is rather straight forward... did the US Deepstate did this?

I suspect so... because Trump is just Trump.... he can tweet all he wants... but Power resides with the US Deepstate... as in any developed country/regional/global power....

Now that the US has burnt bridges with Persia...what can we expect?

Persian have wargamed such scenarios?
Will they take the entire ME down with them if they go down?

The US, Venuzvela and Russia can take care of EU's oil needs... can even provide to GanguDaesh...

The oil supply effected means China pays higher prices for the crude even from Russians... its growth will be affected... frankly the entire golbal GDP will be effected ....

So whats the Game?

ME/GCC is already in the US camp... what more could they do.... more weapon purchases... Russia is not leaving Syria... So whats the Game?

We must ignore both the Persian and American posters here.. brovadoz!

We need to take a very detached view of things...and calculate the impact on OurLand, OurPeople.... we are going to be effected by this murder one way or the other... regardless of the fact we shall remain neutral from this....

Is The Bloodborders scenario still alive?

BLA/PTM/TTP/KhooniLiberals/MarasiMedia is still intact.. and doing its thing nonstop.

The ONLY Game I can percieve is that GanguTerroristArmy attacks us from the East and terrorists from Kabulistan... Persia goes up in flame along with everybody in GCC...

But in this Game... the killings will be of FirstWorldWar proportions... and there will be only fires..and the hounds of hell will be unlocked onces again in ME and our region....

I have suspected WinterWar imposed upon OurLand by the GanguFacistRegime... in two front war... i.e. Kabulistan and GanguTerroristArmy... with placement of BraMouse in IoJK and in Gangu Occupied Punjab... things are moving in this direction...

And when everyone is busy fighting everyone... and new phase of Choas emerges to sortch the Earth...

I have taken a mortal view of things and not relied upon Metaphysical.

The Yanks murdered the No.2 in Persian PowerStructure... without any evidence a la WMDs...and in that process taken away options from both themselves and Persians...

Now the US will keep on killing until Persia responds... which Persia doesn't like... because they play their own chess...

Anyhow, we must remain alive to defend The Heartland from GanguAgression....knowing full well that GanguFacistRegime is not alone in this Design....

A war in The Heartland will push Pakistan back at least 30 years
... hence, we have been avoiding this war... but if imposed...then there should be no GanguDaesh left... for simple reason.... without victory we are TOAST!!!

Hell awaits the living!


@PakSword @WebMaster @Irfan Baloch @The Eagle @HRK @RescueRanger @Major Sam @Dubious @Reddington @SIPRA @Verve @Signalian @Oscar @Horus @Windjammer @messiach

Just to add, we need to understand that this whole scenario is driven by fulfilling of prophesies by both Zionist Christians (USA) and Zionist Jews (Israel).

Why do these Zionist Christians fully support Zionist Jews? First is waiting for return of Christ and the second the arrival of their Messiah ( anti-Christ according to Christians) and the precondition for both prophesies is the gathering of all Jews in ONE place.

And according to Christians, Christ return will lead to wiping off of Jews by Christ and his army! Hence the support to start wars that favours Jews.

Jews know this very well and have no issues with it all as their prophesies differ.

So USA will do everything it can to make Israel the big daddy in ME for all Jews of the world to move there.

All events in ME are leading up to that.

And we have our own prophesies to analyse and strategize accordingly.

Northern War and then The Final War with India first before Dajjal (Messiah/anti-Christ) shows up.

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