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War is Coming: US running a de-fang operation

Yep, The camel jockey trouble maker who chant "Death to Amerika" will now get a chance to back their talks of destroying the US.
**** you american bastard----your *** will be fucked up in the next conflict.

Stupid motherfucker----you spent 7trillion dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan and now your debt is 22 trl$---for what?---for nothing.

Next war will get you bankrupt, while China and Russia will dominate their regions.
I don't think you should seek any rational in Trump's decisions. It was his decision alone to do this. Almohandes was not the target. He was just in the wrong place in the wrong time. He was collateral damage. Which one of his other decisions have been rational so far or has been following a plan?

If Solemani was the only target they could have taken him out just like Israel took out Imad in 2008.

So this talk that Almohandrd was not the target is bull****.

5 Quds force operatives were in the vehicle including another General and Colonel.

In the other car another 5 PMU were there.

So US knew who they were taking out. They took out 5 high level Quds force operatives including 2 Generals. Right now the focus is on Solemani, but technically another General was killed as well.
If Solemani was the only target they could have taken him out just like Israel took out Imad in 2008.

So this talk that Almohandrd was not the target is bull****.

5 Quds force operatives were in the vehicle including another General and Colonel.

In the other car another 5 PMU were there.

So US knew who they were taking out. They took out 5 high level Quds force operatives including 2 Generals. Right now the focus is on Solemani, but technically another General was killed as well.

My thoughts exactly, The United States knew full well who it was they were going to kill and executed the plan.

Just sucks that we have to wait a week or two to see what the outcome of this heinous crime will be.
If Solemani was the only target they could have taken him out just like Israel took out Imad in 2008.

So this talk that Almohandrd was not the target is bull****.

5 Quds force operatives were in the vehicle including another General and Colonel.

In the other car another 5 PMU were there.

So US knew who they were taking out. They took out 5 high level Quds force operatives including 2 Generals. Right now the focus is on Solemani, but technically another General was killed as well.
Maybe read what you posted yourself about how Trump made the decision to kill Gen Soleimani. He and only he was the target. According to head of IRGC, Almohandes was there to greet him. And yes, there were other operatives with him who sat in two cars. US had to target both cars to make sure Soleimani is dead. It was not a sniper, it was a rocket so naturally everybody in those cars would die too and of course it was not something that would stop the operation.

It was a monetary decision by Trump that even surprised Pentagon and CIA. What US did or didn't back in 2008 is irrelevant because as I mentioned Trump doesn't follow any plans. He just makes decisions on the fly .
@TheImmortal, hey, don't bite everyone like a mad dog, and your claims are not worth for a reply.

Logical scenerios are being described. It is obvious that that this is a bait to drag Iran I into a conflict that would benefit their agenda.

The question is whether this will help Trump's re-election campaign because if anything this act has worked against them so far..
Maybe read what you posted yourself about how Trump made the decision to kill Gen Soleimani. He and only he was the target. According to head of IRGC, Almohandes was there to greet him. And yes, there were other operatives with him who sat in two cars. US had to target both cars to make sure Soleimani is dead. It was not a sniper, it was a rocket so naturally everybody in those cars would die too and of course it was not something that would stop the operation.

It was a monetary decision by Trump that even surprised Pentagon and CIA. What US did or didn't back in 2008 is irrelevant because as I mentioned Trump doesn't follow any plans. He just makes decisions on the fly .

There was no imminent threat by Solemani.

He could have been killed be the drone later in the night. So the decision wasn’t made to take out ONLY Solemani. The decision was made to take out Solemani and anyone connected to him if and possible.
Iran acted cocky by attacking Abqaiq, destroying US drone and seizing oil tankers----this was an escalation to war from Iranian part.

US needed to respond and response should have been as cocky and unpredictable---just to show to Iran that US is ready for war

But all this is a game of nerves.

US is not ready for war.

1) invasion of Iran is impossible due to the size of the country and mountainous terrain....1-1,5 million troops are needed to occupy Iran and this means annual military spending of 1-1,5trl$---US doesn't have this money. And now without invasion and overthrow of regime all airstrikes will have temporal effect

2) Airstrikes are possible only if Saudi Arabia allows US tactical air force to deploy in Saudi bases----but if so---Iran will destroy Aramco and water desalination plants-----so Saudis will be finished---they will not risk it (especially with Aramco IPO coming)

3) US budget deficit is 1trl$ this year, federal debt is 22trln$, baby boomers are retiring so future obligations will only increase together with future budget deficits, stock market is a bubble and US is on the verge of recession (just google US recession)

4) Iranian response in the oil rich Persian Gulf will get US economy into recession and depression

5) US global priorities are not in the Middle East-----Global priorities are China and Russia changing balance of power in their regions.

US wasted 20 years in the ME wasting 7trln$ and got nothing-------hardly they are stupid enough to waste another 20 years and trillions in a grossly destabilized region, thus giving China and Russia time to expand.

Russia has economic problems now, but high oil prices due to crisis will be like a gold rain for their economy and they will feel more confident to invade Ukraine while US is distracted in a quagmire in the Middle East

6) we have a president who is amateur and a businessman who always calculates money. He became president because of his statements about waste of money in the ME and need to get out of the region.

7) Why the **** US needs to attack Iran? What is the benefit? US only interest in this region is free flow of oil---and nothing damages this interest as war with Iran. (note that even nuclear weapons in Iranian hands are not a threat to US as many US politicians like Robert Gates and Zbigniew Brzesinski pointed out)

8) This attack on Suleimani is a response to Iranian cocky behavior in the Persian Gulf and escalation from Iranian part after attack on Abqaiq facilities

9) never forget that we are dealing with Trump----who is a dilettante and is hated by his own intelligence community and Pentagon----he thinks he can put pressure and frighten Iran by unpredictable escalation---but the truth is he doesn't have the balls to start an expensive, damaging and nonprofitable war
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i think iran should make agreement with russia and china to stop u.s invasion in iran as china is importing huge oil from iran and u.s wants to halt chinese growth ,I think china and russia should send navy ships,submarines as well as fighter jets in middle east to deal with u.s
Iran needs to escalate and use its proxies to expel Americans from Iraq and Syria---attack them-----pragmatic US especially with Trump as president has no balls to escalate further to damaging and unprofitable war that will cost US its superpower and bring its economy to the verge of default on its debt

Trump should be punished for his dilettantism
Tomm is the Iraqi funerals and Sunday is Solemani’s funeral in Tehran.

I predict attacks will start soon culminating in the 40th day of Solemani’s passing.

i think iran should make agreement with russia and china to stop u.s invasion in iran as china is importing huge oil from iran and u.s wants to halt chinese growth ,I think china and russia should send navy ships,submarines as well as fighter jets in middle east to deal with u.s

What a joke. China can’t keep US out of its own sea and Russia hasn’t had the balls to engage the US since 1980s.

Those two powder puff powers are good for picking on weak countries. They won’t put their *** on the line for anyone.
russia has stopped u.s in Syria while u.s failed to attack nkorea due to china,when u.s is fighting trade war with china there is high risk that they want to halt oil supply to china so their economy badly suffer,china and russia will have to support iran through weapons and other support against u.s as well they need to supply antiaircraft weapons to afghan taliban to build pressure on u.s army at the same time
You are going way too far, if you want a war with USA, send your navy to Persian gulf. Big countries solve problems by negotiations or supporting a third party, support iran with weapons and tech are more than enough.

Can you kindly explain 'EL' to me, I've never heard of it:-).

Tomm is the Iraqi funerals and Sunday is Solemani’s funeral in Tehran.

I predict attacks will start soon culminating in the 40th day of Solemani’s passing.

What a joke. China can’t keep US out of its own sea and Russia hasn’t had the balls to engage the US since 1980s.

Those two powder puff powers are good for picking on weak countries. They won’t put their *** on the line for anyone.
Iran won't fight against USA face to face, they might do something via their supported forces. Trump said 'Iran never won a war, but never lost a negotiation!', this claim tells a lot.
This just show his ignorance ....

Cyrus the great , Darus the great , surena , ardevan 5h , Shapur the first , shapur the second , khossrow the first , khossrow the second , Yaqoub leith Saffari , Three buyid brothers , Sammanians , Shah Ismail , Shah Tahmasp , Shah Abbas the great , Nadir Shah the great , Karim Khan Zand , Agha Muhammad Khan Qajar , Abbas Mirza Qajar , Muhammad Reza Pahlavi and even Islamic Republic have series of victories ....

the list would go so far and event the weight of this list is greater than American capability to understand ...

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