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War is Coming: US running a de-fang operation

When Solemani was target last night, a part of me wondered if this was an opening salvo in a complex operation for military conflict.

Solemani would be tasked with Quds Force reaction and responsibilities in any war with the US/Israel. Thus it is possible US would decide to take him off the board in hopes that would blunt the effect of an upcoming war.

Now we are seeing more air strikes targeting Iraqi milita far beyond any justified “deterrence and reaction role”. It seems US is taking a page out of the Israeli handbook where it is willing to risk the prospect of war in exchange for “de-fanging Iran and its allies”.

Iran is in tough place. If it doesn’t respond equivocally to these provocations then US will continue to strike Iranian assets throughout Syria and Iraq. This is called de-fanging. It was used on Saddam.

Then one day when Iran has been weakened US will feel it has enough of upper hand for armed conflict directly with Iran on Iranian soil.

So the choice is wether Iran wants war now or later down the road when it is weaker along with its allies?

Well it could also be a "defanging" of the idealogical corp of Sepah, headed by QS who happened to be the most charismatic and respected right and middle wings' figure, vs. augmenting, and speeding of, the ascendance of the professional corp of the Sepah! At any rate a blow to Khameniesm that was in control for the past 30+ years - aided and abated by the idealogical corp, the seminaries, and a great portion of the Iranian people - and instead hastening the transfer of power to the second generation of Iranian revolutionaries. Long live Peace. Long Live the US. Long live Iran. Be safe!
Good, We will wipe out that disgusting race once and for all and put an end to our problems in that region, And anyone who tries to stand in our way will die screaming alongside with them.

By race, you are talking about the Iranian people?
Iran is really in a tight corner now.

Conventionally, it is in a compromised position against US and Israel.

If it decides to play its proxies against US assets in the region that too would prompt a conventional response from the US which would ultimately force Iran to blunder and go conventional.

Economically, its hands are tied and economy is crippling.

And if it doesn't respond to Solemani's killing (who was almost single handedly a symbol of national pride and resolve) then it would put Iranian integrity into jeoperdy.

Iran has really been cornered this time. A time where national pride and future both are at stake.

If they don't figt, they lose their integrity.
If they fight, they lose their future.

The question is does Iran want to use the Samson option.

All iran has to do is hit Saudi/Qatar/UAE oil fields and terminals and oil will start shooting upwards of $150 a barrel.

All major shipping insurers will stop insuring any tanker for fear of having to pay HUGE sums of money if they are target in tanker wars.

All of sudden the world starts plunging into a global economic recession.

That has ALWAYS been Iran’s Trump card (no pun intended). The Armaco attack was designed as a little taste and was purposely calculated to not cost long lasting economic damage to Saudi oil production.

But in war Iran will go for the jugular. So quite frankly Iran doesn’t need to win a SINGLE militarily battle to force the world to its economic knees.

The only reason Iran has not done this yet is because this option hurts Russia and China as well. No country will be spared from the effects of oil at $200 a barrel.

You will see how much the world then loves Trump when they are paying $8-9/gallon in the US to fill up their car.

Well it could also be a "defanging" of the idealogical corp of Sepah, headed by QS who happened to be the most charismatic and respected right and middle wings' figure, vs. augmenting, and speeding of, the ascendance of the professional corp of the Sepah! At any rate a blow to Khameniesm that was in control for the past 30+ years - aided and abated by the idealogical corp, the seminaries, and a great portion of the Iranian people - and instead hastening the transfer of power to the second generation of Iranian revolutionaries. Long live Peace. Long Live the US. Long live Iran. Be safe!

upper echelon of IRGC are actually the most moderate in terms of thinking and pragmatic nature. They use Americans products, they drink alcohol, and they don’t view the need to control the domestic population.

So you have it backwards. It is the religious establishment that will get de-fanged. Sepah is a pragmatic body that controls 40% of a $400 billion dollar economy. It is not going anywhere.

I heard about Solemani in 2002 merely 5 years after he headed Quds force. He was largely unknown because he chose to be. Then the government brought him out of the shadows to be a poster boy hero.

There are other Quds Force generals including Ghani who is very close to the supreme leader since Iran-Iraq war.
By race, you are talking about the Iranian people?
Yep, The camel jockey trouble maker who chant "Death to Amerika" will now get a chance to back their talks of destroying the US.
Iraq parliament has called for a vote on whether foreign forces should stay or leave. If that vote is positive which is what seem to have been promised to PMU to convince them to leave US Embassy alone, then all of this will be over.
That still wont fully settle this I`m afraid,even if the americans are forced to leave,and thats a big if,soliemanis assassination will still have to be payed for and that will likely be with the death of a similarly high ranking us official.The smartest move would be working with the pmus and restricting the assassination to iraq,with either the targeting of the highest ranking military or political figure currently in the us occupation forces.The other option would be to wait for a suitably higher value target to visit iraq [pompeo?] and then to take them out.Unfortunately the danger with waiting is that no immediate response may encourage both the us neo fascists or the zionists to even greater continued aggression.Ultimately the deterrence status quo MUST be reestablished as quickly as possible even if this risks a wider war in the region.
Yep, The camel jockey trouble maker who chant "Death to Amerika" will now get a chance to back their talks of destroying the US.

Good, We will wipe out that disgusting race once and for all and put an end to our problems in that region, And anyone who tries to stand in our way will die screaming alongside with them.

So, are you essentially promoting genocide here? Maybe I'm getting something wrong, I'm guessing you didn't really mean that.
Good, We will wipe out that disgusting race once and for all and put an end to our problems in that region, And anyone who tries to stand in our way will die screaming alongside with them.

that is very disgusting and arrogant thing to say, don't be Arrogant because every Empire has its rise and fall .. Yes Iran and your Americans interests conflicted but don't call for mass murder or Genocide of Iranian people , I don't think that even Mad Mullah's of Iran ever ask for Mass murder of Jews or Israeli people which they despise and hate . I am noticing some very crazy trend here that Western people are talking about Mass murder and Genocide of people they don't agree with, Yesterday an Australian wants to topple China and kill Millions of Chinese because he doesn't like Communism , and now this comment from you , If you are American than its really a matter of concern that how your country thinks about weaker country . You are showing the traits of the same Genocidal European Powers who becomes civilized after 2 World wars .
The question is does Iran want to use the Samson option.

All iran has to do is hit Saudi/Qatar/UAE oil fields and terminals and oil will start shooting upwards of $150 a barrel.

All major shipping insurers will stop insuring any tanker for fear of having to pay HUGE sums of money if they are target in tanker wars.

All of sudden the world starts plunging into a global economic recession.

That has ALWAYS been Iran’s Trump card (no pun intended). The Armaco attack was designed as a little taste and was purposely calculated to not cost long lasting economic damage to Saudi oil production.

But in war Iran will go for the jugular. So quite frankly Iran doesn’t need to win a SINGLE militarily battle to force the world to its economic knees.

The only reason Iran has not done this yet is because this option hurts Russia and China as well. No country will be spared from the effects of oil at $200 a barrel.

You will see how much the world then loves Trump when they are paying $8-9/gallon in the US to fill up their car.

upper echelon of IRGC are actually the most moderate in terms of thinking and pragmatic nature. They use Americans products, they drink alcohol, and they don’t view the need to control the domestic population.

So you have it backwards. It is the religious establishment that will get de-fanged. Sepah is a pragmatic body that controls 40% of a $400 billion dollar economy. It is not going anywhere.

I heard about Solemani in 2002 merely 5 years after he headed Quds force. He was largely unknown because he chose to be. Then the government brought him out of the shadows to be a poster boy hero.

There are other Quds Force generals including Ghani who is very close to the supreme leader since Iran-Iraq war.
Don't know what u're thinking about Iran's economy/refineries in this calculus. They will be the first to be hit by the US and Arabs if Iran uses this 'Trump Card'.

Iran can barely sustain escalation and is handcuffed due to failing economy. Hitting any high value oil target will instantly draw unprecented brutal response to Iran and the world will ensure that Iran's ability to sabotage world's economy is neutralized before any significant damage is done (I will question that ability too).

Why would the 'world' let Iran play with its economy? Why would Iran try to drag the 'world' in this mess? That would be a deadly blunder on Iran's part. No country is ready to tolerate it's economic interests being sabotaged just because Iran lost a general.

Iran is highly unlikely to do such a blunder. Best bet is too exhaust all efforts to keep response in the sub conventional domain and prevent the US from declaring all out conventional war on Iran. That is Iran's biggest challenge now. To construct a response that is effective but at the same time doesn't let the US escalate further.
We're not going anywhere, Iraqi parliament will make the right choice.

Just watch us.
that is very disgusting and arrogant thing to say, don't be Arrogant because every Empire has its rise and fall .. Yes Iran and your Americans interests conflicted but don't call for mass murder or Genocide of Iranian people , I don't think that even Mad Mullah's of Iran ever ask for Mass murder of Jews or Israeli people which they despise and hate . I am noticing some very crazy trend here that Western people are talking about Mass murder and Genocide of people they don't agree with, Yesterday an Australian wants to topple China and kill Millions of Chinese because he doesn't like Communism , and now this comment from you , If you are American than its really a matter of concern that how your country thinks about weaker country . You are showing the traits of the same Genocidal European Powers who becomes civilized after 2 World wars .

Fvck stop trying to reason with this subhuman. Let him eat himself to death waving his birthday cake flag.
Good, We will wipe out that disgusting race once and for all and put an end to our problems in that region, And anyone who tries to stand in our way will die screaming alongside with them.

Eat shit you tyrannical American pig, Persia has a rich history dating back many millennia, who the heck do you think you are stupid narcissistic dog.. Your the disgusting race you stupid mongrel, the bastard artificial child of the failed European colonial project.

The worst death will be reserved for your unholy kind for the destruction of the many continents with your sick neocolonialism.. You satanic pigs destroyed over 100 million lives, in hell you will rot...
That still wont fully settle this I`m afraid,even if the americans are forced to leave,and thats a big if,soliemanis assassination will still have to be payed for and that will likely be with the death of a similarly high ranking us official.The smartest move would be working with the pmus and restricting the assassination to iraq,with either the targeting of the highest ranking military or political figure currently in the us occupation forces.The other option would be to wait for a suitably higher value target to visit iraq [pompeo?] and then to take them out.Unfortunately the danger with waiting is that no immediate response may encourage both the us neo fascists or the zionists to even greater continued aggression.Ultimately the deterrence status quo MUST be reestablished as quickly as possible even if this risks a wider war in the region.

None of the options are strategic and a merely tit for tat. There is no attack that Iran can do that will avenge Solemani, but not garner a counter attack. So then escalation to war rises.

Thus knowing Iran and it’s pragmatic approach.

I believe at the SNSC, it was agreed Iran will attempt to build a nuclear bomb and detonate it by summertime.

Iran can build enough centrifuges using IR-6 in small rooms hidden underneath cities to be undectable.

This is a much more strategic long lasting decision that will embarrass the US/Republican Party/and the president.

It is the only option that truly makes sense in my opinion. Kinetic attacks are not going to change facts on the ground nor damage the US in any significant way or change the behavior. (Kinetic counter attacks on Israel have done nothing to change their behavior).

So I expect an attack, but the true gift will be when Iran detonated a nuclear bomb this year to enter the nuke club.
None of the options are strategic and a merely tit for tat. There is no attack that Iran can do that will avenge Solemani, but not garner a counter attack. So then escalation to war rises.

Thus knowing Iran and it’s pragmatic approach.

I believe at the SNSC, it was agreed Iran will attempt to build a nuclear bomb and detonate it by summertime.

Iran can build enough centrifuges using IR-6 in small rooms hidden underneath cities to be undectable.

This is a much more strategic long lasting decision that will embarrass the US/Republican Party/and the president.

It is the only option that truly makes sense in my opinion. Kinetic attacks are not going to change facts on the ground nor damage the US in any significant way or change the behavior. (Kinetic counter attacks on Israel have done nothing to change their behavior).

So I expect an attack, but the true gift will be when Iran detonated a nuclear bomb this year to enter the nuke club.

I hope you're right man, I really do hope you're right....
I believe at the SNSC, it was agreed Iran will attempt to build a nuclear bomb and detonate it by summertime.
Are you hoping this would be the case? Or do you have some news that confirms this?

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