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War is Coming | Amidst escalating tensions, Pakistan weighs its options

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It has been foretold Indian army would attack Pakistani Kashmir from Upper jhelum. ( there is a river named river Tawi which is above jalalpur jaata, from there Indian army will cross and attack Pakistan)

Whistle blower...... Seeking asylum Hell is only left.....
I am dead sure about that!!!!!!!!!!!

You better be dead sure because if this escalates then there wont be a next time for anyone. South Asia will be a nuclear wasteland.
War is Coming................. OK

what mean of transportation it is using :undecided:
what day and time it will arrive :confused:

are u guys gonna welcome her :pop:

enjoyed a thread like neverbefore...

this thread should be in stupid and funny section for all the chest thumping and nukes flying..
just saw the ticker on Indian Army firing at Rawalkot- use of heavy weapons, and when Pakistan Rangers responded with their's, Indians went silent.....reminded me of this :angel: [video]www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdzwDpoVvmE[/video]

:omghaha: Classic. Which movie is it ?
just saw the ticker on Indian Army firing at Rawalkot- use of heavy weapons, and when Pakistan Rangers responded with their's, Indians went silent.....reminded me of this :angel: [video]www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdzwDpoVvmE[/video]

If I am not wrong, those are Indian actors playing Pakistani......again !! :blink:

Was that movie even shot in Pakistan??
NO offense this sounds far more fanboyism than any indian ever said......ever...

By all means lets have an intellectual discourse, refute my argument with logic instead of posting a one line troll and expecting me to take you seriously :). What i have wrote, i stand by it. If you think i am wrong, please prove me wrong.
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