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War is Coming | Amidst escalating tensions, Pakistan weighs its options

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What party? If a war is going to happen, we all are going to be french fries... Enjoy till then..

oh come on, you think there is a war coming? they are just playing it for fun.. it aint real, dont you dare start making excuses nott to study due to this party :P
It's FUNNY to see your frustration.Nothing can happen without the permission of ISI/Army.Your GEO TV showed Kasab's village and within some quick time his relatives etc were removed by ISI.:bunny:

We got nothing to gain by any "proxy" and we like direct fight.You know you would be beaten in direct war so doing proxy.Also we don't let our soldiers rott in enemy land but we know you left your soldiers rotting on Indian land.:omghaha:

Its funny to see a liar calling others liars.Your were shamed in Abbotabad of your lies.

lol.. now go back and read again what you said... is it reply to me or accepting? bloody looser liar...
Why-o-why... whenever Nawaz Shareef comes into power we've to go on a conflict with India? In 97' it was Kargil, now this.

It's time India pays the price of what they had been doing to Pakistan for over 5-years now. The prison-breakers from DI Khan are already on their way to Kashmir and other parts of India. It's pay back time baby.

so you are saying, pak can't even guarding jail's that to where the terrorists held.... that is why training terrorists..??????/ hmm good.... bt pak is already in war with it self... oh yeah bankrupt already... can it afford another war...
Indian and Pak army will fire a few salvos. 30 - 36 men will be mostly injured and a few killed on either side (mostly due to ineffective weapons by both countries). Both countries wouldn't gain an inch of the either side's land. Both countries will declare self victories. Both countries will declare those days of war a public holiday, martyrs day, etc. PDF members will continue the war online for decades. China, USA, France, Germany, Israel, UK, Russia will rub their hands in glee as the race begins to acquire new aircraft, guns and other boom booms (even tho not a single fighter aircraft took to the skies in that war). Both countries will then start plans to build long range missiles which can penetrate as far away as Egypt without considering or giving any reasons for doing so (even tho not a missile was fired in that war). Indo-Pak war is funny :D
Indian and Pak army will fire a few salvos. 30 - 36 men will be mostly injured and a few killed on either side (mostly due to ineffective weapons by both countries). Both countries wouldn't gain an inch of the either side's land. Both countries will declare self victories. Both countries will declare those days of war a public holiday, martyrs day, etc. PDF members will continue the war online for decades. China, USA, France, Germany, Israel, UK, Russia will rub their hands in glee as the race begins to acquire new aircraft, guns and other boom booms (even tho not a single fighter aircraft took to the skies in that war). Both countries will then start plans to build long range missiles which can penetrate as far away as Egypt without considering or giving any reasons for doing so (even tho not a missile was fired in that war). Indo-Pak war is funny :D

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I think the big boys have covered this debate a lot of times, just to recap -> your better Jets are quite limited by Russian Missiles while PAF's mediocre Jets are equipped with the superb AMRAAM & AIMs. In essence, it may not be a surprise that the air battles, especially within Pakistani airspace are 3:1 or better in favor of PAF especially with SAM & AWEACS cover inside Pakistani airspace.

We have seen odds worse then those and have beaten them!

I say, bring it on. It is us, actually, that really really need to unite.

You really believe that it is a bunch of rag tag militants that is pulling off splendid and astonishing attacks across Pakistan almost daily? If you believe that then you must surely believe that the real rag tag militants have defeated 2 super powers in Afghanistan so how much can we dream to achieve?

Indian AWACS can see 300-400 km inside Pakistan and guide BVR AAMs, fired by Indian jets at multiple targets while flying 100 km inside India from Indo-Pak border. About the range and comparison with Indian BVRs, just try Google and find which AF is going to be massacred, If war happens today. So stop war mongering.....
You really are not reading my posts before replying aren't you? How can I relax? I am 19. The future generation of India. Probably the generation that is going to be invading you. There is much work to be done, a lot of toil, before we can make that happen. Definitely no time to relax.

When a ship is going under, and water starts rushing in, all rats and mice on board unite together as they rush towards dry ground.

Much help that proves for them.

No, I can visualize the size sitting right here. You must need a wheelbarrow to carry them with you wherever you go.

yes, now stop smelling them
Indians if you want to start war than do it other wise shut your mouth and stop crying like bunch of babies

I have tears in my eyes after watching this, simply too funny. This video is also relevant to a lot of fights that happen between both Indians and Pakistanis on a personal level. Just last week i was trying to separate a fight between a Delhite and a Keralite. This movie scene was an exact replica of that fight :D

On Topic

India cannot initiate a war against Pakistan because it lacks the capability to impose battlefield dominance against Pakistan. It still lacks the equipment, training and sophistication to achieve dominance against Pakistan on the field. Contrary to what Indian fanboys think, PA is still a very disciplined foe that can go mano to mano against the IA on the field. IA knows this, and this is why it has avoided a knife fight against PA.
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On Topic
India cannot initiate a war against Pakistan because it lacks the capability to impose battlefield dominance against Pakistan. It still lacks the equipment, training and sophistication to achieve dominance against Pakistan on the field. Contrary to what Indian fanboys think, PA is still a very disciplined foe that can go mano to mano against the IA on the field. IA knows this, and this is why it has avoided a knife fight against PA.

NO offense this sounds far more fanboyism than any indian ever said......ever...
Balle balle Ladai aa hi gayi..... kha tak phaaunch chuki ye ladai.... Diwali manegi is bar asli wali......
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