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Violence in Rawapindi claims seven lives, 34 injured

I don't know how true following account is, someone from the area can confirm

In spite of being aware of the actual eye witness accounts, I have kept silent because what I know about the incident could have further inflamed the emotions here. But no one can be allowed to post such blatant lies and try to give another angle to the whole tragic episode. So I'll try to write what I know about the tragedy without going into the gory details.

Madrassa Taleem ul Quraan is one of the most important sunni seminaries in Rawalpindi. Its mosque is right in Raja Bazar and Juma prayers always spill over to the road in front of it. Yesterday also, the rows for prayers had extended to the road. It is a double road and there were prayer rows on one side of the road which were being guarded by a few police men. The ashoura procession was passing on the other side of the road. Suddenly, a large wave of the procession came and overwhelming the police spilled over to the side of the road where Juma prayers were being offered. Namazis got infuriated on this and asked the mourners to confine themselves to one side of the road. Heated arguments started and it soon got off the hand. Mourners started beating up namazis on the road while namazis inside the mosque started throwing stones on mourners below.

The whole incident had absolutely nothing to do with anything being said from the mosque. Now instead of sending large number of riot police to diffuse the situation, only one platoon of elite police was sent to the affected place. This platoon had no orders to shoot or even shoot in air and being elite force, had no training in crowd control. Participants of procession soon overpowered the elite force jawans who decided not to shoot back. In total 17 rifles were taken from these elite force personnel ans used to fire at the mosque.

Having a great advantage in numbers, the mourners in ashoura procession soon overcame the resistance in the mosque. After that they entered the mosque, killed several people (in a horrible un-human way) including the imam masjid and several children. Then they burnt the mosque and several nearby buildings. While this barbarism was going on, some leaders of the procession tried to stop the mourners but the youth in the procession seemed to be totally out of control. They also stopped fire brigade vehicles from dousing the burning buildings for more than 3 hours thus making the fire spread to many adjoining buildings. Police was totally helpless in controlling the crowd.

News of this atrocity soon reached other parts of the city and sunni youth came out on the streets and started attacking shia imam bargahs. This is when the government decided to impose the curfew. The whole episode was barbaric beyond words. I consider the perpetrators neither shia nor Muslim, but pure animals. If curfew had not been imposed similar atrocities would have happened against shias given how the emotions of sunnis had been inflamed after what had happened.

I do hope that situation calms down but things will never ge the same in Rawalpindi which had never seen any shia-sunni riots ever before.

In spite of being aware of the actual eye witness account... - justpaste.it


how about this tweet?
The Only Difference is that those Terrorist Attacks are carried out by Terrorist groups who represent less than 0.001 % of Sunnis's not to forget they have killed more sunnis than shias...This Barbaric Incident on the other hand was carried out by Common Shia's without relating to terrorist groups...And this is what really Worrying...

When a bomb goes off in a market do you think only deobandis or barelvis are killed and evil shias escape unhurt?

Does the same happen when a bomb goes off in a imam bargah,a shia funeral or a procession?

Even in this case... which is very shameful... who incited the crowd? and from what ive heard the sipa sahaba president of raja bazar n his goons were the first one to open fire? and even moulvi who was shouting hate filled nonsense on his loud speakers? how innocent?

How abt accepting the truth?tht both parties were wrong?....and those responsible should be punished.... Or are we still stuck with secterian nonsense?
I don't know how true following account is, someone from the area can confirm

In spite of being aware of the actual eye witness accounts, I have kept silent because what I know about the incident could have further inflamed the emotions here. But no one can be allowed to post such blatant lies and try to give another angle to the whole tragic episode. So I'll try to write what I know about the tragedy without going into the gory details.

Madrassa Taleem ul Quraan is one of the most important sunni seminaries in Rawalpindi. Its mosque is right in Raja Bazar and Juma prayers always spill over to the road in front of it. Yesterday also, the rows for prayers had extended to the road. It is a double road and there were prayer rows on one side of the road which were being guarded by a few police men. The ashoura procession was passing on the other side of the road. Suddenly, a large wave of the procession came and overwhelming the police spilled over to the side of the road where Juma prayers were being offered. Namazis got infuriated on this and asked the mourners to confine themselves to one side of the road. Heated arguments started and it soon got off the hand. Mourners started beating up namazis on the road while namazis inside the mosque started throwing stones on mourners below.

The whole incident had absolutely nothing to do with anything being said from the mosque. Now instead of sending large number of riot police to diffuse the situation, only one platoon of elite police was sent to the affected place. This platoon had no orders to shoot or even shoot in air and being elite force, had no training in crowd control. Participants of procession soon overpowered the elite force jawans who decided not to shoot back. In total 17 rifles were taken from these elite force personnel ans used to fire at the mosque.

Having a great advantage in numbers, the mourners in ashoura procession soon overcame the resistance in the mosque. After that they entered the mosque, killed several people (in a horrible un-human way) including the imam masjid and several children. Then they burnt the mosque and several nearby buildings. While this barbarism was going on, some leaders of the procession tried to stop the mourners but the youth in the procession seemed to be totally out of control. They also stopped fire brigade vehicles from dousing the burning buildings for more than 3 hours thus making the fire spread to many adjoining buildings. Police was totally helpless in controlling the crowd.

News of this atrocity soon reached other parts of the city and sunni youth came out on the streets and started attacking shia imam bargahs. This is when the government decided to impose the curfew. The whole episode was barbaric beyond words. I consider the perpetrators neither shia nor Muslim, but pure animals. If curfew had not been imposed similar atrocities would have happened against shias given how the emotions of sunnis had been inflamed after what had happened.

I do hope that situation calms down but things will never ge the same in Rawalpindi which had never seen any shia-sunni riots ever before.

In spite of being aware of the actual eye witness account... - justpaste.it

Imagine, how media will falsify the accounts.
When a bomb goes off in a market do you think only deobandis or barelvis are killed and evil shias escape unhurt?

Does the same happen when a bomb goes off in a imam bargah,a shia funeral or a procession?

Even in this case... which is very shameful... who incited the crowd? and from what ive heard the sipa sahaba president of raja bazar n his goons were the first one to open fire? and even moulvi who was shouting hate filled nonsense on his loud speakers? how innocent?

How abt accepting the truth?tht both parties were wrong?....and those responsible should be punished.... Or are we still stuck with secterian nonsense?

You didn't get my point...ASWJ and sipahe sahaba has nothing to do with common Sunnis,they even killed Sunnis who were trying to protect their shia co-travellers in a Bus Accident...This Barbarism was carried out by Common Shias not some terrorist organisation which is worrying and that's my point because they have provided opportunity to the likes of ASWJ to recruit more....

And no they were not Fired at before they set to blaze the Mosque full of People...Try to Accept Reality and stop justifying their wrong doing..
When a bomb goes off in a market do you think only deobandis or barelvis are killed and evil shias escape unhurt?

Does the same happen when a bomb goes off in a imam bargah,a shia funeral or a procession?

Even in this case... which is very shameful... who incited the crowd? and from what ive heard the sipa sahaba president of raja bazar n his goons were the first one to open fire? and even moulvi who was shouting hate filled nonsense on his loud speakers? how innocent?

How abt accepting the truth?tht both parties were wrong?....and those responsible should be punished.... Or are we still stuck with secterian nonsense?

Did you witness all what you wrote?
In any case, how would you justify killing? killing of Muslim kids?
So the evil shias attacked a deobandi mosque without any reason and only innocent deobands were killed?

Yes shia attacked on Mosque.... I already posted pictures and video .. post Number, 98, 114, ,127 ,130.... More than enough evidence if you open your eyes...... Hated speech doesn't mean that you kill people and children with knife... Burn mosque, madrassa,. quran and other things.... As there are other many terrorist organisations, real face of shia is also exposed...
You didn't get my point...ASWJ and sipahe sahaba has nothing to do with common Sunnis,they even killed Sunnis who were trying to protect their shia co-travellers in a Bus Accident...This Barbarism was carried out by Common Shias not some terrorist organisation which is worrying and that's my point because they have provided opportunity to the likes of ASWJ to recruit more....

And no they were not Fired at before they set to blaze the Mosque full of People...Try to Accept Reality and stop justifying their wrong doing..

All im saying is wait for the full investigation report... and yes im not advocating anybody! anybody responsible should be punished severly... no doubt abt tht!

But what happened? how did it happen? who started it? who started it? why did it happen? do we ignore those people? Are/Were they not responsible aswell?
You didn't get my point...ASWJ and sipahe sahaba has nothing to do with common Sunnis,they even killed Sunnis who were trying to protect their shia co-travellers in a Bus Accident...This Barbarism was carried out by Common Shias not some terrorist organisation which is worrying and that's my point because they have provided opportunity to the likes of ASWJ to recruit more....

And no they were not Fired at before they set to blaze the Mosque full of People...Try to Accept Reality and stop justifying their wrong doing..

Agree - Terrorists are fcuking terrorists, but common people doing this is most worrying. It can trigger sectarian clashes in street which is far more dangerous than all terrorists combined.
Tensions spilling onto Multan now.

My friends over there say that Multan also in semi-lockdown. Army patrols ongoing. A heavy presence of SSP militants can also be seen.
Shahbaz Shareef is still in Lahore. Imran Khan was late for 3 hours to reach Peshwar and we know how media was blaming Imran Khan. Now what about Shahabaz Shareef?

Problem with Imran is his name ends with KHAN....
Did you witness all what you wrote?
In any case, how would you justify killing? killing of Muslim kids?

Dude dnt quote me ur baisness and hate for shias is not hidden from anybody... some one says something abt ur saudi frnds... ur quick to point at him as a shia and a khomeini lover n whatnot!

And read my posts again.. unlike you im not pointing my finger at a specific community!
All im saying is wait for the full investigation report... and yes im not advocating anybody! anybody responsible should be punished severly... no doubt abt tht!

But what happened? how did it happen? who started it? who started it? why did it happen? do we ignore those people? Are/Were they not responsible aswell?

If you are referring to Bad mouthing about Shias by Sunni Cleric than Any one from RWP-ISL can confirm that both parties deliver hate speeches against each other During Jumma Khutba's and its a routine there at least in some areas there...Does it mean that they start Burning each other alive not even sparing Children...So why they did it now just because they got Euphoric by Sensational speeches in Imam Barghaa's and Started killing Randomly Innocent People...
I agree here with some comments here that LEJ, SSP are terrorists groups and if they do something then we know they are terrorists but common people doing this is non-acceptable. Afraid a revenge is waiting against SHIAS for what they did yesterday.
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