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Violence in Rawapindi claims seven lives, 34 injured

You are out of your freaking mind.... not making sense.

You sure do.. dnt you? 
Did any Shia killed in this massacare? Zilch! So your defensive/appologetic attitude towards Shia crowd is pathetic

And how do you know? and how am i being appologetic toward those who were involved in such low live activities?

Lanat on those involved in this attack... now have some shame and condemn those involved from the other side? 
Its just not the molvis only Khumenis are doing the same. So they are both equally responsible. And but the khomeni lovers just cry minority when they are hit. But they are both wrong.

Sir first tell me what "hit" means? killing innocent?

Lanat on those terrorists who kill innocent...
These mofo moulvis are dividing the country and posters and batman,peaceful citizen,zarvan are their poster boys... 

Oh kuch sharam kar bhai... ya muj say seekh lay... atleast call a spade a spade!

Hum tou yeh keh rahay haien k jou kuch huwa ghalat tha... but u on the other hands..

every one can prepare a list, you clearly are out of argument..
So what do you suggest ? what should be done to These "Blask Dressers" , who are worse than Hindu Extremists !! Should they be crucified or burnt alive or be killed by a bomb ??
Extremism and Riligious bigotry is main issue. There should be only one section of Islam everywhere under government ... Government should take control on all madrasa and mosques of pakistan.. If anyone challenging the government on this issue, Deal with iron hands.
An eye witness shared this on a Facebook Page: "the whole operation was preplanned and planted.
neither Shia muslims are Sunni muslim burnt the mosque , i was standing there with my sunni brothers and allhumdulillah they all stood united with me.

90% of the people commenting were not even there and dont know the actual story and yet they are judging each other.
no SHIA was angry on Sunnis or anyone else other then the Molvi who intentionally turned on the loud speaker at exactly 0300 pm , at which point most of the namazi had left the mosque after jummah , he started quoting and said something that was in favor of Yazeed and as far as i have heard he said something against Hazart hussain A.S in reply to that , the shias outside who were reciting Nohas did nothing more then raising their volume and continued their rituals until few boys aging 20-22 started yelling "SHIA KAFIR SHIA KAFIR" to avoid this from growing two police officer , went upstairs and asked them to quite down , at the same time the boys on top of the building started throwing stones from above.( i have a video evidence ) at the same time more officers rushed inside that building and the people on the road panicked to provide cover for women and children a few men started throwing stones toward the people on top of the building . the police force on the other side without realizing what actually happened fired tear gas on the crowed which eventually turned the crowed against the police.
on the other side , the two police officer who went inside to settle things out were reported dead (a senior office later told ).
i noticed some people on the roof top with Aks, i had no choice but to keep a distance so i walked back , about 150 meters away and the moment when they started Arial firing all the police mobile started falling back (see picture 5 for reference ) the crowed wanted protection and the police was running away that is the reason they were stoning that fat A** .
after a minute or so the firing stopped and things cooled down a bit. at the same time , on the other end of the road a huge crowed was addressed by the "mukhtar force " (Pvt security unit) in which they appealed the police and the authorities to clear the area so we can move the women and children to safety . they also demanded the arrest of the molvi .
at that time , smoke from behind the complex arose not the masjid not the market but it was behind the whole block , black smoke i think it was Tyre .
nothing on the front (the route of jaloos) was on fire at that time.
a few minutes after the silence, 0312 i believe the firing started again (a guy died in that , as told by a rescue 1122 guy) and a group of people exits the mosque . who were chased by the police and the people in the jaloos , the group of people joined another big group of people who were already waiting for them with wooden bats and sticks and stones (seen in the second picture) . mobile service was suspended i wonder how they all got there within seconds **

after 4 5 minutes fire appears from inside the corridor of the gate way to the building which also leads to the mosque (the mosque is on the 1st and second floor or a building, two shops on ground floor )
a few men accompanied by the police enters the mosque to see if its clear and is weapon free . i have no idea what happened inside but i did saw a few kids of age 20-25 holding alot of copies of Quran , they were running and were trying to find a place to Secure the Quran. my friend Ali was one of the person who got them out . a few men holding wakie takie asked people to move back from the mosque the people and at that time no one was allowed access .
the people protested and demanded the person responsible for all this . and after few minutes the front of the building ,( not the mosque) was on fire . i have still pictures of that as well.
fire brigade which was always on stand by was not called until the first 30 minutes of the fire . ( mis-coordination i am sure) but that really made alot of people pay a heavy price.
the fire brigade came when the whole front turned black at that time a small group of people protested against the mismanagement in front of the fire brigade for a few minutes.
to add more salt an idiot police men fired some rounds in the air and the crowed dispersed .

on the other side the jaloos never stopped and followed the route and plan .

i left that area after that, but i still managed to collect all the possible information i could from my non biased sources .

the firing continued for hours. i could still see the smoke coming out till 0600 after that.
note : No one in the jaloos was carrying a weapon and they other party was directly firing at them later.

I dont really think that those 100-200 people who are responsible for this mess were representing Islam so dont think we should blame the whole community for something done by a few individuals.
i still love all of my muslims brothers and believe in treating equally.
we all must think before commenting on a public forum, it can create more distance between us.

Imam hussein Once said "Jis cheez ka tumhay ilm nahi ussy itraz mat karo "

Extremism and Riligious bigotry is main issue. There should be only one section of Islam everywhere under government ... Government should take control on all madrasa and mosques of pakistan.. If anyone challenging the government on this issue, Deal with iron hands.

And the Million Dollar Question is "Which section of Islam should it be"?

Ironically you are saying that religious bigotry is main issue , And the next three lines by you are purely based upon your religious bigotry !!
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You sure do.. dnt you? 

And how do you know? and how am i being appologetic toward those who were involved in such low live activities?

Lanat on those involved in this attack... now have some shame and condemn those involved from the other side? 

Sir first tell me what "hit" means? killing innocent?

Lanat on those terrorists who kill innocent...

Bro Lanat ho maulvi par if he incited the Shia crowd. But tell us, What Maulvi did was verbal, he didn't killed anybody. A verbal spat should have remained as verbal. Shia could have chanted slogans against those in masjid.
Bro Lanat ho maulvi par if he incited the Shia crowd. But tell us, What Maulvi did was verbal, he didn't killed anybody. A verbal spat should have remained as verbal. Shia could have chanted slogans against those in masjid.

Bhai... im not supporting anyone.. there are several accounts of this story... all i say is lets wait for the investigation report... and whoever is found involved screw him and make an example out of him! 
It was just one cent question... :buba_phone:

Quaid e Azam gave us this country for exactly the same reason right? lets make this country another saudi arab... just poor and with shitty laws and whatnot..

Wahabism zindabad!
It was just one cent question... :buba_phone:
DECISION OF MAJORITY (in the parliment)...

We are a republic and not a direct democracy . In a republic , the majority cannot take away certain inalienable rights , what you are suggesting is not possible without direct democracy .
So , unfortunately , the question remains unanswered
Somebody posted this on facebook:


All those posting videos and pictures of yesterday's incident in Rawalpindi

These posts will result more bloodshed. If you can't stop it don't play a role in spreading more violence.

We the Sunnis and our Shia brothers and sisters are living together for ages, no one of us or them is killer. The killers in yesterday's incidents were simply non Muslims....

Try to stop this issue.....play your role in protecting human life.....if any person after watching your picture or video do something serious.....will you share its responsibility on the day of judgment?......Allah gave you brain and enlightened it with education.....please don't act like those who don't have both these blessings....!
Just saw this on my newsfeed #Facepalm

Somebody posted this on facebook:

All those posting videos and pictures of yesterday's incident in Rawalpindi

These posts will result more bloodshed. If you can't stop it don't play a role in spreading more violence.

We the Sunnis and our Shia brothers and sisters are living together for ages, no one of us or them is killer. The killers in yesterday's incidents were simply non Muslims....

Try to stop this issue.....play your role in protecting human life.....if any person after watching your picture or video do something serious.....will you share its responsibility on the day of judgment?......Allah gave you brain and enlightened it with education.....please don't act like those who don't have both these blessings....!

With due respect to poster and you, IMHO - we should not run away from ground realities and try to settle down matter on false grounds, we should admit that there are radicals and miscreants in all sects, and instead of using our energies to defuse the situation like always we should use these energies to get ba$$tard sectarian extremists banned and force govt. to make harsher laws against hate speech (which we need more than blaspheme laws) and restrict all kind of religious activities to designated places with permissions from state. Otherwise - same kind of incident keep happening, for how long you will be able to control the situation with these slogans, this is a ticking bomb.
U DEOBANDIS FOREIGN ND INDIAN AGENTS R NOT EVEN 5% OF PAKISTAN. PAKISTANS shiite population is at official estimates at 80 million some put it as high as 90 million shiites r 45% of pakistan all the landlords big landlords businessman tycoons richest families political nd military elite r MOSTLY SHIITES of pakistan in reality shiites control pakistan nd pakistans founder quaid e azam muhammad ali jinnah was also a shiite pakistani shiites r very patriotic nd shiites in pakistan form the largest chunk of society shiites r the largest segment of pakistani society nd there r not even barelvis nd deobandis tht contain such high number of segment of pakistani society ontop of tht iran has a shiite population of 98% in iran in iraq has a shiite population of 90% to 95% kuwait has a shiite population of 45% of kuwait by official estimates bahrain has a shiite population at 90% 90% of bahrain is shiite yemen has a shiite population of 60% to 65% nd yemeneese r anti saudi big time nd LEBANON IS 70% SHIITE nd azerbaijan is 99% shiite nd lebanon has a shiite population at 70% nd u know hezbollah operates there who r anti israeli nd pro syria nd saudi arabia has a shiite population at 40% so the biggest evils in this game r israel saudi arabia= YAHUDI ARABIA ND SAUDI FAMILY= YAHUDI FAMILY UNDERCOVER JEWISH FAMILY ND INDIA they r destablising PAKISTAN ND all the islamic countries nd middle east in callabaration whereas saudis or saudi family= yahudi family in reality undercover jewish family. Wat is goin on in syria is an american israeli saudi qatari nd turkish game 2 destablise syria nd destroy its millitary for the purpose of israel BC AS UR KNOW TURKEY IS NATOS DOG ND ISRAELS DOG TURKEY PURSUES INTERESTS OF ISRAEL ND NATO IN THE REGION JUST LIKE TURKEY NATO ND SAUDI ARABIA= YAHUDI ARABIA ND SAUDI FAMILY= YAHUDI FAMILY UNDERCOVER JEWISH FAMILY PLOTTED AGAINST LIBYA ND QADDAFI.

According to Amnesty International survey in 2008,shia's number not more than 12 % of Pakistan but the number is not higher than 20 % even according to the most ridiculous estimates.
Your sect ,if i dare say so,makes up not more than 8 % of the total Muslim population of the world. 
The reason shia's are obsessed with wahhabism is that the army of King Abdul Aziz sacked karbala and kept the shrine closed for many years.
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