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Vikramditya & the IAC Vikrant Threat To Pakistan Waters

Interesting article about Vikramaditya's electronics warfare capabilities.
It says not a single aircraft(including Mig-29K, Su-33s and IL-38) could detect Ins Vikramditya when electronics warfare system was On during trails. It detected those aircrafts and made them blind as far as 400Km away.
INS Vikramaditya has might but little protection against air attacks - Indian Express

If it were actively jamming (ECM) , that would immediately reveal its position. If not jamming, it would be merely listening (ESM).

Are you trying to write a Hollywood film script? seriously! :-)
No, seriously.
You can't even able built a rocket to deliver a TV size satellite to earth's lower orbit, which require a very low tech as compare to your so called highfy nuclear missile technology, you are farting about. Stop day dreaming and face the the reality. Annihilate India......hm....are you smoking some superior shit like Zaid Hamid??? You first survive from TTP, then think to fight with us. You are not more than a a rotten society, who can't even accept their soldiers martyrdom when fighting against terrorist. You can produce nothing more than some salwar wearing terrorist...hahaha.....Annihilate India...Our war planners know that If you throw a stone at shit, it will blow back and dirty your cloths, so let the shit convert into dust automatically and that is what happening with you!!!!! .....Gazwa e Hind....You can't even walk to your own city Miran shah and you are dreaming about Gazwa e Hind!!!!!.....One More Sir Zaid's fan child....hahahaha....Gazwa e Hind!!!

American even has the information about the pin of your every hand grenade, let alone fissile material!!!!! Why do you think Americans built a 2nd Pentagon in Islamabad?? to sell chocolates, I think!!!!!
oye jaan de weera chadd inna nu !!!!

well thing is they have been force fed that "1 pakistani = 10 Indians" and still consider indians to be the same as there great grand parents left when they went to pakistan 66 years back but you see they will never aknowledge Indian might...lolzzz they even dream of conqureing USA & West one day

the thing actualli is there establishment played a laying game with them for long and got away with almost every thing till USA came here for so called "WOT" after that there secrets started coming owt like leaves of a onion and the process is still going on

lolzz they cant even control there financial capital , cant even have there states writt over there 40% country and they dream of "Gazwa E Hind" ever wondered why ?

well now about Indian navy & specially INS Vikrmaditya ..well to all of them . owr land based Radars + Air force can take care of all pakistans fancy dreams against us and we can & will pay you back at appropriate time(100 sonar ki aur ek lohar ki) till then have fun . secondli we dont need to use a sabre to do a needels work...

the onli thing thats saving them from not being eaten up alive by USA/WEST & Taliban is chinese interests in baloochistan / Gilgit & balistan (both wich they have leased to China)and from there to afghanistan and beyond

i guess its time Mods closes this thread for good now ..hope hes watching :coffee:
If it were actively jamming (ECM) , that would immediately reveal its position. If not jamming, it would be merely listening (ESM).

No, seriously.
Thanks. Anyway can you give more info on that??
If it were actively jamming (ECM) , that would immediately reveal its position. If not jamming, it would be merely listening (ESM).

Well Viky's radar will detect any **** assets way before anything else, quite simply because its radars are far more advanced, moreover, as soon as P-3s or Erieyes are spotted, it will disappear if confrontation is not on the menu, however, if breakfast needs to be served, Migs will unleashed, plenty to counter. Secondly, in an all out conventional war IN, IAF will play offensive, with crippling Brahmos strikes, after day 2, there will be no operational bases where PAF can take off from.

With the amount of air defences being gradually inducted, no **** aircraft will make it beyond 3-5 km into India.
e most knowledgable person regarding Naval warfare. understand or cyclestand?.
Thanks. Anyway can you give more info on that??
EW has three branches: Electronic Support Measures (ESM), Electronic Countermeasures (ECM), and Electronic Counter-Counter Measures (ECCM).

Electronic support measures (ESM) search the RF spectrum for emissions and analyze the results to exploit the weapons or sensors involved. Exploitation includes tactical early warning, identification for counterweapon selection and recording to support countermeasures development.

The second major division of Electronic Warfare is ECM, and of the three divisions it is probably the best known. Partly this is because ECM tends to be visualized as "black boxes" that display a visible realization of electronic warfare. Often it appears that if one understands the black boxes, then one has an understanding of ECM, but such an attitude is very narrow because it ignores the two types of ECM: jamming and deception.

Of the two types of electromagnetic radiating systems against which ECM may be employed--either sensors and/or communications systems--enemy sensors receive by far the greatest attention. The primary reasons for this fact are: (1) the enemy sensor system produces an immediate threat, whereas the communications system does not, and (2) the sensor system is usually specifically directed toward the friendly forces, and communications are not.

From a strategic point of view, using ECM against an enemy communications system is questionable, for by so doing the opportunity to gain valuable information by eavesdropping is lost. Tactically, however, it may be very advantageous to jam the enemy communications system in order to cause a breakdown in his battle plan.

Typical electronic sensors against which ECM might be used include long-range passive detectors; radar-warning picket ships; airborne radar patrols (AWACS); long-range early-warning radar sets; ground-controlled intercept radar sets; fighter intercept radar; missiles guided by radar or infrared; radio and radar navigation equipment; electronic bombing equipment; electronic identification equipment (IFF); terrain-following radar; antiaircraft artillery (AAA); fire control radar; and surface-to-air (SAM) control radar, etc. The particular method used will depend upon the tactical situation.

Jamming Tactics.
Self-screening jammers (SSJ)Stand-off jammers (SOJ).Stand-forward jammers (SFJ).

The other major type of active ECM is deception. In contrast to noise jamming, deception tries to mimic the radar echo so that the radar will respond as if it is receiving an echo from another aircraft or ship.

Electronic Counter-Countermeasures (ECCM)

Electronic counter-countermeasures is the art of reducing the effectiveness of an EW threat with the objective of making the cost of effective EW prohibitive for the enemy.

the ship's electronic warfare systems defeated all incoming aircraft by blinding them with directed energy.
INS Vikramaditya has might but little protection against air attacks - Indian Express
While the attacking aircraft would be blinded, the opponent might use its ESM to locate the source of the directed energy (=jamming) from a MPA, ship or shore based installation. As a ship group you maintain EMCON (emissions control), you only start jamming at the point where you come under attack (i.e. after you've been spotted). Jamming helps prevent a succesfull attack (e.g. opposing force's weapons' lock) but it doesn't render your own assets invisible or undetectable.
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Pakistanis relax.

Vikramaditya isn't going to see action.
6 migs means a continuous patrol of just 2 aircraft ....


You are forgetting one very important thing. The MIG29's are severely short legged. They are not being launched through a catapult, it is through a ski jump. Most likely the pilots will have to take off with half the weight as they would have already burned up most of their fuel during the take off. I would say they would have a maximum patrol radius of 250-300 km. In order for the aircraft to be effective against the enemy, IN commanders would have to bring the Carrier forward making it vulnerable to enemy's ASM strikes.

You are forgetting one very important thing. The MIG29's are severely short legged. They are not being launched through a catapult, it is through a ski jump. Most likely the pilots will have to take off with half the weight as they would have already burned up most of their fuel during the take off. I would say they would have a maximum patrol radius of 250-300 km. In order for the aircraft to be effective against the enemy, IN commanders would have to bring the Carrier forward making it vulnerable to enemy's ASM strikes.

Your Eminence has forgotten IN has Buddy Refuelling and IAF Also has Buddy refuelling + Aerial Tankers...

You are forgetting one very important thing. The MIG29's are severely short legged. They are not being launched through a catapult, it is through a ski jump. Most likely the pilots will have to take off with half the weight as they would have already burned up most of their fuel during the take off. I would say they would have a maximum patrol radius of 250-300 km. In order for the aircraft to be effective against the enemy, IN commanders would have to bring the Carrier forward making it vulnerable to enemy's ASM strikes.
Well Mig-29Ks have a combat radius of 850KM with full internal fuel(4500KG) while It is able to take off with a total 5500KG load (including internal fuel) from Ins Vikramaditya so, with full fuel it can carry 4 BVR missiles easily for a range of 850 KM combat radius(more than enough for patrolling).

Again for maritime missions, it can carry around 3000KG fuel+ 2500KG weapon load(2-3 anti-ship missiles, 3-4 bvr missiles) for around 500KM combat radius. Also it has buddy refueling option. I find this more than enough for above mentioned tasked i.e patrolling and maritime missions.
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You are forgetting one very important thing. The MIG29's are severely short legged. They are not being launched through a catapult, it is through a ski jump. Most likely the pilots will have to take off with half the weight as they would have already burned up most of their fuel during the take off. I would say they would have a maximum patrol radius of 250-300 km. In order for the aircraft to be effective against the enemy, IN commanders would have to bring the Carrier forward making it vulnerable to enemy's ASM strikes.

Doesn't matter to this point. Flying CAP for the carrier (not going anywhere else), Mig29Ks would be lightly loaded anyway (AAMs+ fuel). It is the rest of the Mig's that your point would apply to.

Well Mig-29Ks have a combat radius of 850KM with full fuel(4500KG) while It is able to take off with a total 5500KG load(including fuel) so, with full fuel it can carry 4 BVR missiles easily for a range of 850 KM combat radius(more than enough for patrolling).

Again for maritime missions, it can carry around 3000KG fuel+ 2500KG weapon load(2-3 anti-ship missiles, 3-4 bvr missiles) for around 500KM combat radius. Also it has buddy refueling option. I find this more than enough for above mentioned tasked i.e patrolling and maritime missions.

Buddy refuelling would eat into the Mig complement's punch carrying out tasks other than CAP. For the CAP units, it would increase the number needed to stay and defend 'home' i.e. the carrier force.

Your Eminence has forgotten IN has Buddy Refuelling and IAF Also has Buddy refuelling + Aerial Tankers...

The IAF currently operates 6-7 IlyushinIl-78MKIs in the aerial refueling (tanker) role. As the Indian Air Force inducts new high-value aircraft, the need for aerial refueling tankers grows along with them. The IAF's requirement for mid-air tankers is urgent as it will be acquiring 200-300 additional combat aircrafts over the next two decades. In response, the IAF plans to buy another 6 aerial tankers. IN january 2013 Airbus got the order for 6 A330 MRTT air refuelling tankers.

... I doubt the IN (navy) would get much use of those .....
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