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Vikramditya & the IAC Vikrant Threat To Pakistan Waters

ur country tried that in 1971 and what happend? pns ghazi was sunk. so please , admit it, IN is way too powerful for PN to subdue
It is true that ACs posses Threats in its own ways but Pakistan has heavily invested in Carrier Killers as Weapons of choice, the motives and objectives should be well know to INavy, decommission ACs temporary out of War is in itself a major success but remains to be seen how effectively Pakistan Navy/Air plans would be. It would be understatement and underestimation by INavy and they should be concerned as with little investment Pakistan can potentially achieve the objectives to taking out ACs out of War..
Threat to Vikramaditya -

1) Pakistan Navy Procures Even 1 SSBN.
2) In case PN exploded Under Sea Nuke & Start a Nuke WAR
3) Pakistan Detonates ESM Bomb
None Rest.....
Dude, if they're putting NASR on boats, what's the point of having a navy then? It's pretty much game, set, and match if they put legendary NASR on patrol boats.

Rumors going around that they're putting NASRs on the backs of JF-17s, like why have an airforce? It's over.

Arrey Mazak kar raha tha woh
Since PK tests nassar for every missile india tests

On topic
IN without carrier is enough to blockade Krachi
Vikky can blind all the palnes in 500 KM range. Vikky parked near Jamnagar can blind the PAK plane up to some where around KARACHI. They can not see any Naval warship. So indirectly it is a protection to other ships floating around ViKky.
Threat to Vikramaditya -

1) Pakistan Navy Procures Even 1 SSBN.
2) In case PN exploded Under Sea Nuke & Start a Nuke WAR
3) Pakistan Detonates ESM Bomb
None Rest.....

SSBN are supposed to carry SLBM . You must be talking about SSN .
we will only use atom bomb to end the story

What do you think we will use in reply from land, air and sea?

On the topic, of course its a threat, a full blown CBG against a kindergarten Navy is obviously a threat.
What do you think we will use in reply from land, air and sea?

On the topic, of course its a threat, a full blown CBG against a kindergarten Navy is obviously a threat.
when u will attack than we will see
by the way check the Chinese site who they find many drawbacks in Vikramaditya
Mr Penguin...your skipped the Threat Posed by Buddy Re-fueling in your assertion......
No I didn't:
Buddy refuelling would eat into the Mig complement's punch carrying out tasks other than CAP. For the CAP units, it would increase the number needed to stay and defend 'home' i.e. the carrier force.
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What you say depends on where the Carrier is to be used.
If its against Pakistan -
1. India does not require a CBG to blockade Karachi and Gwadar. It can be accomplished without them easily enough.
2. If its against Pakistan - then IN will have access to IAF refuelers and other resources to be effective in a task assigned to it.
3. Alternatively they could just be used as decoys to add another threat from a completely different direction to the PAF's highly overburdened and over-stretched resources.
Multiple ways it can be used..
Agree on the first point. Not on second point (IAF will give priority to its own when providing tanker support, particularly considering 6+eventually another 6 tankers for over 200 IAF jets - it just isn't a big enough tanker fleet)
As for 3, well, in a real war scenario anything is possible.

However this particular Carrier is not potent in an individual situation in an area which has:
1. No Indian land based cover (Yes the Malacca Straits do have Indian land support)
2. The opposing faction has a professional airforce with the numbers to back it up.
I'll trade you my air defence destroyer or frigate for a carrier like Vikramaditya anyday. Plus you have to consider NAVY AIR tasks > primarily against another naval opponent and when outside of land-based air (why else would you need a carrier in the first place .....?). Life got complicated for carriers with long range land based jets like Su27/30 and J10 (or F15E for that matter)

However this Carrier can be thought of as the stepping stone to IN getting familiarized with modern Carrier ops with high performance jets on a proper Carrier - the last one barely cut it at around 20,000 tons.
Displacement:23,900 tonnes standard 2; 28,700 tonnes full load
You are about 1/3rd off....

Even so, the Italian Garibaldi of barely 14k tonnes yet with 16 Sea Harrier 2s cannot be ignored, nor can Spain's 16700 ton Principe d'Asturias with her 29 fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft. Or the 22k ton Invincible class with some 22 aircraft. THese were effective for what they are intended to do.
Even so, the Italian Garibaldi of barely 14k tonnes yet with 16 Sea Harrier 2s cannot be ignored, nor can Spain's 16700 ton Principe d'Asturias with her 29 fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft. Or the 22k ton Invincible class with some 22 aircraft. THese were effective for what they are intended to do.
IN had actually considered and entered negotiations with the italians for the garibaldi before geting the HMS hermes. IAC 1 with 42K tons seems underutilised with 12 Mig 29K's and 8 LCA's

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