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Vijay Diwas: 1971 Bangladesh war veterans to be honoured today Read more at: http://indiatoday.int

World Record of Bangladesh national anthem

More than 3 lakhs people gathered at Independence Tower, Sohrawardi Uddan to sing the national anthem 'Amar Shonar Bangla' (My Golden Bengal) today. Its also a world record. Previous record was set by India this year with 1 lakh 21 thousand people singing their national anthem.






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KOLKATA: A war that started in 1971 is finally coming to an end 42 years later, with Bangladesh finally bringing war criminals to justice, feel Mukti Joddhas who are now in Kolkata to participate in the Vijay Diwas celebrations.

They feel the execution of Abdul Quader Mollah, also known as the Butcher of Mirpur, has revealed to the world Bangladesh's resolve to prevent a recurrence of 1971. The Mukti Joddhas interacted with officers of the Indian Army's Eastern Command at Fort William on Sunday and shared their experiences.

"We had punished the outsiders (Pakistani troops) in 1971 itself. However, many in Bangladesh had sided with the Pakistani troops at that time and provided all kinds of support. Many, like Mollah, had participated in the killings directly. We are finally witnessing a purging of society. This is necessary as such elements will continue to poison society and wish for a recurrence of the genocide that occurred in 1971," said a Mukti Joddha.

The Vijay Diwas celebrations are being held at a time when pro-Jamaat activists are on the rampage in Bangladesh against Mollah's execution. Over 20 people have died in the violence. The Mukti Joddhas don't see much into this. They believe that the Jamaat has resorted to violence after losing support of the masses. It will come to an end soon, the liberation war heroes feel.

"Bangladesh has witnessed such violence by fundamentalists in the past. However, has the world ever witnessed something like the Shahbag movement in Bangladesh? It revealed the resolve of the younger generation in Bangladesh to bring war criminals to justice. It showed that there is no place for fundamentalism in Bangladesh," another Mukti Joddha said.

December 16, 1971, remains a landmark day etched in the history of Bangladesh, a day that is also celebrated as 'Vijay Diwas' in India, commemorating the victory of Indian Forces allied with the Mukti Bahini, over Pakistani forces during the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971.

A delegation of around 80 Mukti Joddhas, including their families, from Bangladesh are here in Kolkata to take part in Vijay Diwas-2013 celebrations. Indian War Veterans who had participated in the 1971 War are also here for the event.

Col (retd) Jafar Imam, team leader of Mukti Joddhas, recounted the events leading up to and during the 1971 War, thanked the Indian government and HQ Eastern Command for facilitating this opportunity to come together. Four speakers from Bangladesh shared their experiences while three officers from Indian Army also spoke on the occasion.

Lt Gen Dalbir Singh, GOC-in-C, Eastern Command, extended a very warm welcome to the entire delegation and thanked them for having accepted the invitation to join in the celebrations. The Bangladeshi delegation will be present at Vijay Smarak on Monday morning when wreaths will be laid to honour Indian martyrs. The memorial will be left open to the general public between 10.30am and 1pm.

End of our war: Mukti Joddhas - The Times of India
@BDforever @Anubis Seems odd, the soldiers in the first row seem disheveled and not at all presented suitably for a parade. On the other hand almost every picture I have ever seen of a BD soldier, the soldier in question is exceptionally well groomed and kitted. What's with the sudden deviation?

They are not there for a parade...its kinda informal!
Just came in this thread, it seems a bloodbath happened here before mods intervened!! :undecided:

:chilli:vijay diwas jay hindu bharath matha bangla

What does that mean? Kindly elaborate? :what:

The figure of 3 Millions deaths is just a myth, constantly being perpetuated. Nothing else.

Mujib's Fact Finding Committees:

1. On January 16, 1972 – “Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on Saturday asked the Awami League workers and MCAs to collect detailed reports on genocide, arson and looting submit these data to the Awami League Office within 15 days."

2. On 29 January 1972 - Sheikh Mujib formally instituted a 12-member Inquiry Committee, the membership of the committee was announced through a gazette notice. It's responsibility was to establish the exact extent of the loss in life and property due to the operation of the Pakistan Army and their Collaborators and submit their report to the Government by 30 April 1972.

Clearly Mujib and his Government were not just slavish growlers, they were determined vindictive who dearly wanted all manner of proof of ‘Pakistani Crime’, In this they showed motivation and made all conceivable moves to encourage, even entice, people in helping them with proof. The proof wanted was not water-tight evidence, only a nominal claim of sufferance.

Some of the reports became public, here is an example: Reporting from the Noakhali district Abdul Muhaimin, well-known author, Awami League MCA and long time friend of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, had this to say: “As a Member of the Constituent Assembly I was entrusted with the responsibility of finding out the casualty figure for the whole of Noakhali district. After contacting different Police Stations and Unions the figure I had was less than seven thousand. Even after adding up the number of Razakars killed, the total did not exceed seven and a half thousand. At that time, Bangladesh had 19 districts. All these districts were not equally affected by the war. Noakhali was one among the districts which had seen severe fighting. If the figure obtained from Noakhali was seen as the mean average for the rest of the districts, even then the total killed would not exceed more than one hundred twenty five thousand.”

On 6 June 1972, William Drummond of Guardian reported: "Since the third week of March, when the Inspector General's office in the Bangladesh Home Ministry began its field investigations, there have been about 2,000 complaints from citizens about deaths at the hands of the Pakistan Army have been received."

According to Abdul Muhaimin, the Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh, had informed him that, "Only 72,000 claims were received. Of them relatives of 50,000 victims had been awarded the declared sum of money. There had been many bogus claims, even some from the Razakars, within those 72,000 applications." This figure also included those died in Indian refugee camps and false claimants. This figure was still a lot less than Col. Akbar Hussain's disclosure at Bangladesh National Assembly (300,000).

Later, sources in Bangladesh reported that the draft report showed an overall casualty figure of 56,743. When a copy of this draft report was shown to the Prime Minister, "he lost his temper and threw it on the floor, saying in angry voice 'I have declared three million dead, and your report could not come up with three score thousand! What report you have prepared? Keep your report to yourself. What I have said once, shall prevail."

So, in the end it was no accident that Mujib and his Government preferred to keep studied silence over the outcome of their fact findings as if these have never been attempted.

What happened then with the MCAs' report which was set in motion on 15 January 1972?

What became of the report of the 12-member Inquiry Committee which was formed on 29 January 1972 and was asked to report on or before 30 April 1972?
The actual report and the original list of dead ppl and Muktijoddha were burned by Snake Jamal.Snakes Mujibs son.Dr.Kamal hosain was there,you can ask him.so was Mushtak and Tajuddin.

Is 3 million martyrs a myth?

The Mathematics of a Genocide

Abul Kasem

President Yahya said, "Kill three million of them and the rest will eat out of our hands". (Robert Payne, Massacre, The Tragedy of Bangladesh and the Phenomenon of Mass Slaughter Throughout History; P50; New York, Macmillan, 1973)

A few Neo-Razakars and some Pakistanis are in the devious game again. They are trying to sow the seed of doubt in the minds of new generation of Bangalees about the severity of 1971 Genocide. One of these Neo-Razakars even had the audacity to say that only about few hundred thousand (150 000 - 250 000) people were killed in Bangladesh. We know why these people are suddenly active again when the Bangladesh election is just a month away. One Pakistani even said that it is nearly impossible for the 90 000 Pakistani soldiers to kill 3 million Bangladeshis in just 9 months time. Let us do some calculations to refute their well design plan. Let us take our calculator and do some calculations based on international data. We shall do this calculation and compare that with those of Cambodia, another land of genocide.


In 1981, UN's declaration of Universal Human Rights writes; "Among the genocides of human history, the highest number of people killed in lower span of time is in Bangladesh in 1971. An average of 6000 (six thousand) to 12 000 (twelve thousand) people were killed every single day..........This is the highest daily average in the history of genocide's." The occupation army of Pakistan committed this holy act for an approximate period of 260 days (from the night of 25 March,1971 to their surrender on the 16th. December, 1971). Using UN's figures multiply them with 260 days. What figures do we get? Please take a calculator and check this one out.

(1) Lower limit of Bangalee killed = 6 000 x 260 = 1 560 000 (1.56 million) Higher limit of Bangalee killed = 12 000 x 260 = 3 120 000 (3.12 million) We can take an average value of 2 340 000 (2.34 million)

(2) In 1971 there were around 75 million people in Bangladesh. The average size of a Bangalee family was around 5 (five) at that time. Divide 75 million by 5 which gives 15 million families in Bangladesh in 1971. Number killed per family = 0.16 (2.34 million divided by 15 million) Number of families affected with at least one family member killed = 6.4 (15 million divided by 2.34 million).

This is 42.7% (6.4 multiplied by 100 and divided by 15) of families. For simplicity, let us use a round figure of 40%. This means that 40% of Bangalee families were affected with the loss of at least one family member. Of course, there were thousands of families where the loss of family members was more than one. In many cases, the entire family excepting a lone survivor was wiped out. If these facts are taken in to consideration then the average percentage affected (40%) will change.

(3) Numbers killed by each Pakistani soldier = 26 persons (2.34 million divided by 90 000 soldiers) in 260 days. I have excluded the Razakars who joined the Pakistani soldiers later. An approximate number of Razakars will be around 50,000 to 60,000 or may be more. No one knows the real data). Do your own calculations if you want to include the Razakars.

(4) Numbers killed by each Pakistani soldier per day is 0.1 person. (26 divided by 260).

That is, one Pakistani soldier killed at least one Bangalee in every ten days. Is that an impossible job? Are these numbers unbelievable? The 3 million people killed by the Pakistani soldiers is not at all impossible. The above calculations clearly demonstrate this fact. That was exactly what happened in Bangladesh. In fact, the September 1972 issue of National Geographic clearly writes that more than 3 million people were killed in Bangladesh. This fact was revealed almost after a year of the carnage. Therefore, the records are surely more authentic and free from bias.


Let us now look in to another genocide, which has no match in human history. This is the genocide by Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Official figure of genocide toll is 1.7 million (many sources quote a figure of around 2 million. But let us work with the 1.7 million figure). This was not done in 260 days (like Pakistani soldiers) but within a period of Khmer Rouge rule of 4 (four) years (from 1975 to 1979). Cambodia's population in 1970 was 6.94 million and its population in 1988 was 7.87 million. The average population growth in Cambodia can be taken as 2.3% (Source: Book of Vital World statistics; by The Economist Books (page 16). Published by Hutchinson Business books Ltd. London, 1990). Using this population growth rate we can calculate the following. The population of Cambodia in 1974 (genocide year) would have been around 7.6 million (1.023 raised to the power of 4 then multiplied by 6.94 million). Number of Cambodians killed = 1.74 million. Therefore, % of population killed = 22.8% (in Cambodia) % of population killed in Bangladesh = 4% (using the 3 million figure) I do not have the data for the average family size in Cambodia. So, using the same assumption as in Bangladesh (5 members per family). Numbers of families in Cambodia in 1974 = 1.52 million Numbers of people killed per family in Cambodia in 1974 = 1.14 Number of people killed per day (for 4 years) = 1192

Now, let us assume that the Khmer rouge squeezed the time of killing to 260 days instead of 4 years. Then the number of people killed per day (in 260 days) would have been around 7000 (seven thousand per day). This figure is not very far off from the daily killings in Bangladesh.

We can conclude the following

The figure 3 million is not a pie in the sky figure. It is quite an accurate estimate of the people killed in Bangladesh in 1971. 90,000 Pakistani soldiers can and did kill the 3 million Bangalees in approximately 9 months time. It was not an impossible task as suggested by some Pakistani. In terms of severity and the density of people killed per family, the Cambodian genocide is far worse than Bangladesh genocide. (1.14 per family in Cambodia vs.0.16 per family in Bangladesh). In reality, the density of killing in Cambodia was about 7 times more ferocious than in Bangladesh. Approximately 40% families in Bangladesh lost at least one family member. Every family in Cambodia lost more than one family member. In terms of speed of killing, Bangladesh genocide is the worst in history. An average of 9000 (mean of 6 000 and 12 000 of the U.N figure) people killed per day for 260 days versus approximately 1200 people killed per day (for 4 years) in Cambodia. The big difference between the Bangladesh genocide and the Cambodian genocide was this. Cambodia set up a People's Revolutionary Tribunal in August 1979 to try Pol Pot and Ieng Sary. They were tried in absentia (at least). This was the first genocide trial based on UN policy. No such trial ever took place in Bangladesh. Do our politicians have the guts to do what the humble Cambodians did for justice? To my mind, the answer is simply 'no'. All our politicians are impotent. They are still hooked on 'Islamic brotherhood.� The people must revolt and establish their own tribunal to bring justice. This tribunal should also try our impotent, gutless politicians for failing to deliver justice when they were in power. Is this possible in Bangladesh?

Some afterthoughts

The gratuitous and wanton killing of astronomical number of unarmed Bangalees by marauding soldiers of Pakistan should not go unpunished. We ask the International Tribune on Human Rights to look into this crime against humanity seriously and do the needful. Some of the officers are still in theirs sixties and seventies. Time is running out. Some of these killers are respectable citizens of Pakistan who are collecting their pension sitting in the comfort of their home. These killers should be apprehended and bring to International Court of Justice in The Hague, The Netherlands.

Is 3 million martyrs a myth? [The Mathematics of a Genocide]
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The war ,which was a part of another longer war ,that started in 1952, is in its middle ,its a long way to freedom for us,we have come this far,Insha Allah we will finish it.May be not in our lifetime, but surely someday in distant future.
We will finish off all the traitor s of BD with its ratsh... Dalals and all the busted.... that are trying their best to destroy us.
Insha Allah.
Hey, why did Loki bro delete my first post? It was just a picture. BD set record by making largest human flag ever. The last time the record was set by another country hence I posted the pic. Instead of congratulating the achievement of setting a record the picture got deleted. Huhh :hitwall:
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