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Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

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LOL, didn't you see the thread in the World Affairs section about this Economist article?

India and its near-abroad: New humility for the hegemon | The Economist

The Economist also said the India-Pakistan border had the highest risk of nuclear war, out of any other border on Earth. Now who's fault is that?

CD, there is a thread for discussion on that topic. why do you want to copy paste everything in the world in a thread where you logically don't have anything to post?
i am talking about the military chini not the population

LOL Pakistan? even they're own media has claimed that the only way they could stand up to India in a war is through the use of nuclear weapons but never conventionally 1948 1965 1971 and 99 are prime examples of this

Ha, you are calling us "Chinis" too now? Maybe I should call you guys "Yindu" if you think that is acceptable.

As for the rest, remember this?

“The people of India will expect us to respond. We won't have any other choice,”

- Home Minister P. Chidambaram

India loves to boast about not tolerating another Mumbai attack, and of "surgical strikes". Well, how many times has Mumbai been hit so far, and where is the response?

Respond to that first, then maybe you can think of taking on China.
both foreign and indigenous and thats where quantity comes in India's military can last in a long term conflict same with China's

Don't make me laugh. Lets talk about currently shall we. India has all foreign Precision weapons, Artillery, and even majority of tanks. Even indigenous things like the Arjun depend on the supply of German engines. There is no possible way of sustaining a war with that kind of foreign dominated inventory.
LOL, India is the same size as China in terms of population.

I think you need to worry about responding to Pakistan first before you start thinking about China.

May be you should stop bringing "other" countries when we're having some other conversation.
Ha, you are calling us "Chinis" too now? Maybe I should call you guys "Yindu" if you think that is acceptable.

As for the rest, remember this?

“The people of India will expect us to respond. We won't have any other choice,”

- Home Minister P. Chidambaram

India loves to boast about not tolerating another Mumbai attack, and of "surgical strikes". Well, how many times has Mumbai been hit so far, and where is the response?

okay first of all noone knows if Mumbai was even hit by Pakistani sponsored terrorists again if it was then that CONgress HM should keep true to his word and respond besides why are you changing the subject? bringing in Mumbai into a discussion about Vietnam?
Don't make me laugh. Lets talk about currently shall we. India has all foreign Precision weapons, Artillery, and even majority of tanks. Even indigenous things like the Arjun depend on the supply of German engines. There is no possible way of sustaining a war with that kind of foreign dominated inventory.

Arjun MK2 uses an Indian engine if the time need be we could replace them with Indian engines ^__^
Don't make me laugh. Lets talk about currently shall we. India has all foreign Precision weapons, Artillery, and even majority of tanks. Even indigenous things like the Arjun depend on the supply of German engines. There is no possible way of sustaining a war with that kind of foreign dominated inventory.

self delete
Don't make me laugh. Lets talk about currently shall we. India has all foreign Precision weapons, Artillery, and even majority of tanks. Even indigenous things like the Arjun depend on the supply of German engines. There is no possible way of sustaining a war with that kind of foreign dominated inventory.

There is no proof that Pakistan was involved. Lets get back to the topic.
What's there to prove? World knows you as a bully in the region where you are bullying around with the small neighbors with a desire to grab what rightfully belongs to them.

Was the British grabbing the Falklands from the rightful Argentinians? Why does no one care about those rules then?
What's there to prove? World knows you as a bully in the region where you are bullying around with the small neighbors with a desire to grab what rightfully belongs to them.

Same can be said about your neighbors' view on your expansionist policy.
You said you can stand up to Pakistan today. You clearly can't, look at what happened in 2008.

Pakistan has the fastest growing nuclear arsenal on Earth. Let's see what you can do.

you chinese still don't get it do you??? militarily we can but its not up to the military its up to the gov't don't criticize the military for the gov'ts incompetence

yes they do and we are building our own ABM system there is a thread somewhere on Indian defense talking about missile protection go give it a read ;)
how are we supposed to know that your incompetent government would have the military completely unprepared? We thought you guys would have at least the Divisions next to the border ready.

Its not 1962. China is 4 times Indias economy and the 2nd most powerful country in the world.

Are you sure about bold parts??
Do you really think China can even Match Russia in Raw Military Fire power??
If that would be the case then India should be the 3rd most powerful country if I were to go by you.
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