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Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

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you chinis still don't get it do you??? militarily we can but its not up to the military its up to the gov't don't criticize the military for the gov'ts incompetence

I actually agree with you here. If Narenda Modi was in charge, India's foreign policy would be infinitely more respected.

But it's MMS and Sonia who are in charge, and we know how they like to appease China on every issue, from trade, to stapled visas, to border airfields. :P

But do you think the Indian people will vote for Modi? Congress is the master of votebank politics, they will swing it back in their favour.
You said you can stand up to Pakistan today. You clearly can't, look at what happened in 2008.

Pakistan has the fastest growing nuclear arsenal on Earth. Let's see what you can do.

Where are you bringing "other" countries in from? Stop derailing the thread.
You said you can stand up to Pakistan today. You clearly can't, look at what happened in 2008.

Pakistan has the fastest growing nuclear arsenal on Earth. Let's see what you can do.

Piling up nuclear arsenal dosent win you a war, nor can you rain it on your enemy. Conventional weaponry does, N-war is the final one, and The world powers would know it even before it is readied for an attack. GPS is a complicated tool my friend and the buttons are in the hands of Yankees. Anything and everything can happen. So planning a country based on capitalizing the .1 % of "if at all any" negligence is a rarest way of defining a battle.:disagree:
Are you sure about bold parts??
Do you really think China can even Match Russia in Raw Military Fire power??
If that would be the case then India should be the 3rd most powerful country if I were to go by you.

Do you think a country is only measured by its military power? In raw Nuclear firepower Russia is even ahead of the US but does that make them first?

As for third India is 10th economically with a military weaker than Russia's. So no.
come and try take Arunachal from us see what will happen :) there is a reason for military modernization in our country Chinese on here still rant on about 1962 when still we control AP and China has not made 1 crack since 1987 to take it back from us because they know they can't

LOL. Just like Chinese would turn back when confronted by Indians in the foward policy right? Obviously never learn do you?
Piling up nuclear arsenal dosent win you a war, nor can you rain it on your enemy. Conventional weaponry does, N-war is the final one, and The world powers would know it even before it is readied for an attack. GPS is a complicated tool my friend and the buttons are in the hands of Yankees. Anything and everything can happen. So planning a country based on capitalizing the .1 % of "if at all any" negligence is a rarest way of defining a battle.:disagree:

Pakistan said they will use Nasr tactical warheads, if India implements Cold Start in a response to another attack on Mumbai.

India's nuclear doctrine means that any nuclear strike (including Nasr) will trigger an all-out nuclear response from the Indian side, leading to the meltdown of the subcontinent.

Do you think the Congress party would dare to even envision such a scenario?
I actually agree with you here. If Narenda Modi was in charge, India's foreign policy would be infinitely more respected.

But it's MMS and Sonia who are in charge, and we know how they like to appease China on every issue, from trade, to stapled visas, to border airfields. :P

But do you think the Indian people will vote for Modi? Congress is the master of votebank politics, they will swing it back in their favour.

after the rampant corruption from CONgress the lack of balls its only a matter of time (2014) before they are out of power
come and try take Arunachal from us see what will happen :) there is a reason for military modernization in our country Chinese on here still rant on about 1962 when still we control AP and China has not made 1 crack since 1987 to take it back from us because they know they can't

They came twice in 1967 and in 1987 but to there astonishment, they did not see a nation or the army they faced in 1962. Ripped them Off and captured Sikkim back from them in 1967 and In 1987 , Knowing all there plans PLA was welcomed with a large marching Indian Infantry approaching them, thus spoiling all there plans, Thanks to R&AW.
Pakistan said they will use Nasr tactical warheads, if India implements Cold Start in a response to another attack on Mumbai.

India's nuclear doctrine means that any nuclear strike (including Nasr) will trigger an all-out nuclear response from the Indian side, leading to the meltdown of the subcontinent.

Do you think the Congress party would dare to even envision such a scenario?

thats why we build ABM defense and hopefully BJP will have the balls to stick up for its people unlike minority appeasing CONgress
Do you think a country is only measured by its military power? In raw Nuclear firepower Russia is even ahead of the US but does that make them first?

As for third India is 10th economically with a military weaker than Russia's. So no.

Not only Nuclear wise conventionally Russia matches China in Ground forces department..... PLA- Army has more men but Russian have more equipment..... and they are technically ahead in most of the department.........economy does not determine the military strength..... If that were the case then Japan would be matching China and Pakistan/North Korea would match Bangladesh.

China still has to go miles before reaching the status which Russia has in Military power....... Its the Russian help which has helped China Military to grow at such a faster rate...... along with your hard work but the Catalyst factor of Russian technology transfer and Reverse engineering can't be denied.
They came twice in 1967 and in 1987 but to there astonishment, they did not see a nation or the army they faced in 1962. Ripped them Off and captured Sikkim back from them in 1967 and In 1987 , Knowing all there plans PLA was welcomed with a large marching Indian Infantry approaching them, thus spoiling all there plans, Thanks to R&AW.

"Large marching Indian infantry" LOL. Still using British continental methods of war I see.
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