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Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

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I don't understand why some chinese guys are going gung-ho on this thread. This is a diplomatic failure on the part of your government. Rather than threatening its neighbors it should introspect what's wrong with its foreign policy that is causing all of its neighbors to engage in some sort of maneuvers.
Bl[i]tZ;1984958 said:
I don't understand why some chinese guys are going gung-ho on this thread. This is a diplomatic failure on the part of your government. Rather than threatening its neighbors it should introspect what's wrong with its foreign policy that is causing all of its neighbors to engage in some sort of maneuvers.

Diplomatic failure is when diplomacy is respected by both countries.

We already gave them the option to share in oil extraction. They rejected it and claim the entire Area. What would you do in our position?
Too many excuses for its own failure.

doesn't matter anymore really this isn't 1962 we are prepared this time watching carefully we learned from our mistakes thats why you haven't been able to take Sikkim or AP from us like again in 1987 u made a military build up we responded with a similar build up and nothing happened that time because we were ready

size can only benefit you so many times
you know China has all these disputes with other countries over land maybe China is the problem and not the other countries ever think about that?
doesn't matter anymore really this isn't 1962 we are prepared this time watching carefully we learned from our mistakes thats why you haven't been able to take Sikkim or AP from us like again in 1987 u made a military build up we responded with a similar build up and nothing happened that time because we were ready

size can only benefit you so many times

You keep saying that like it matters. 1962 is certainly not today. China had no technological advantage over India back then. Not the case anymore.
You keep saying that like it matters. 1962 is certainly not today. China had no technological advantage over India back then. Not the case anymore.

like we had a technological advantage? soldiers still using lee enfield rifles and ww2 era weaponry/equipment plus China had technology and size back then that isn't the case now we have the advantage in terms of technology and quality :)
you know China has all these disputes with other countries over land maybe China is the problem and not the other countries ever think about that?

LOL, didn't you see the thread in the World Affairs section about this Economist article?

Too slowly, India is realising that poor relations with its South Asian neighbours hold back its global ambitions

Jul 30th 2011 | from the print edition

NO ONE loves a huge neighbour. For all that, India’s relations with the countries that ring it are abysmal. Of the eight with which it shares a land or maritime boundary, only two can be said to be happy with India: tiny Maldives, where India has the only foreign embassy and dispenses much largesse, and Bhutan, which has a policy of being happy about everything. Among its other South Asian neighbours, the world’s biggest democracy is incredible mainly because of its amazing ability to generate wariness and resentment.

Until recently it operated a shoot-to-kill policy towards migrant workers and cattle rustlers along its long border with Bangladesh. Over the years it has meddled madly in Nepal’s internal affairs. In Myanmar India snuggles up to the country’s thuggish dictators, leaving the beleaguered opposition to wonder what happened to India’s championing of democracy. Relations with Sri Lanka are conflicted. It treats China with more respect, but feuds with it about its border.

As for Pakistan, relations are defined by their animosity. One former Indian diplomat likened reconciling the two nuclear-tipped powers to treating two patients whose only disease is an allergy to each other. The observation underscores the fact that it takes two to have bad relations, and to be fair to India plenty of problems press in on it—many of them with their roots in India’s bloody partition in 1947. Pakistan has used a long-running territorial dispute over Kashmir as a reason to launch wars. It also exports terrorism to India, sometimes with the connivance of parts of the Pakistani state. India thinks Bangladesh also harbours India-hating terrorists.

India and its near-abroad: New humility for the hegemon | The Economist

The Economist also said the India-Pakistan border had the highest risk of nuclear war, out of any other border on Earth. Now who's fault is that?
Diplomatic failure is when diplomacy is respected by both countries.

We already gave them the option to share in oil extraction. They rejected it and claim the entire Area. What would you do in our position?

The region belongs to them as per International sea laws
Diplomatic failure is when diplomacy is respected by both countries.

We already gave them the option to share in oil extraction. They rejected it and claim the entire Area. What would you do in our position?

I'm sure that if you and your government are convinced that this is the right way to deal with Vietnam then it probably is. What I couldn't fail to notice is the maneuvering around China by all its neighbors.
India's relations with Japan, South Korea, Vietnam etc. are getting better at a faster pace and Chinese bilateral relations with each of these countries are contributing greatly to it. India is by far the most skeptical among the neighbors to make maneuvers against China.

By gentle pushes from every high ranking American diplomat to engage east and being at the receiving end of a more aggressive China all these nations will end up coming at the table and the outcome, however minuscule, will not be pretty for China.
LOL, India is the same size as China in terms of population.

I think you need to worry about responding to Pakistan first before you start thinking about China.

i am talking about the military chini not the population

LOL Pakistan? even they're own media has claimed that the only way they could stand up to India in a war is through the use of nuclear weapons but never conventionally 1948 1965 1971 and 99 are prime examples of this
like we had a technological advantage? soldiers still using lee enfield rifles and ww2 era weaponry/equipment plus China had technology and size back then that isn't the case now we have the advantage in terms of technology and quality :)

Quality in what? Foreign weapons that would you would run out of in the first days of any conflict?
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