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Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

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Oh yeah, Nehru was a really trusting guy :-)lol:), by backstabbing us twice and not expecting to get hit back in the face.

In 1959 by hosting our largest separatist group, and in 1962 with his failed forward policy.

LOL, he was trying to be a two-headed snake. He only started crying when he lost the war.

Denying its own failure is not wise, this will ensure he will repeat that failure again in the future.
Nehru backstabbed you guys by hosting DaiLai Lama? dang someone is oversensitive

besides Nehru was foolish anyways he let Zhou stab him the back he shoulda saw it coming

Like I said, it was INDIA who backstabbed us first.

"1959" happened BEFORE "1962", do I really need to tell you that? :lol:
Mods, will you put an end to this Chini trolling? They have brought everything in the world to troll on this thread.

Chini trolling?

the 4th post starts on Chinese. Do you not expect responses for Indian trolling?

Got to give it to the Vietnamese; they really don't take cr@p from someone bigger. That is one deadly attitude that contributed to their thrashing of PLA out of Vietnamese territory. As I always said, it is best to supply them good weapons. Vietnamese can handle easily on their own with good weapons. They are one lethal pack.
LOL what a hypocrite, it was your own fellow Indians who said this:

You don't need a reason for what you do.. Every one pretty well knows you know on PDF.. If some one acted idiotically do you need to become one.. For god sake use your IQ and report the post rather then using it as a shield for acting stupid.. What a waste of time you are??
how are we supposed to know that your incompetent government would have the military completely unprepared? We thought you guys would have at least the Divisions next to the border ready.

Its not 1962. China is 4 times Indias economy and the 2nd most powerful country in the world.

because we did not expect war! Nehru believed Enlai like a fool and did not respond to the Chinese military buildups along the border despite calls from IA generals and defense staff to act Nehru called the bluff and lost

Economy size blah blah we still use better technological equipment and really 2nd best? who told you this CCP? what happened to Russia and USA?
You don't need a reason for what you do.. Every one pretty well knows you know on PDF.. If some one acted idiotically do you need to become one.. For god sake use your IQ and report the post rather then using it as a shield for acting stupid.. What a waste of time you are??

Are you surprised when people react when False flaggers use racial slurs? Start a few posts deriding real troll behavior like dumdum and maybe you'll have some credibility in this department.
You don't need a reason for what you do.. Every one pretty well knows you know on PDF.. If some one acted idiotically do you need to become one.. For god sake use your IQ and report the post rather then using it as a shield for acting stupid.. What a waste of time you are??

Yet I haven't given out any racial slurs or personal attacks on this thread, that was only the Indian members here. :azn:

What a waste of time you are??

If you're so interested in reporting posts, then report your own for calling us "Chini kids", and for the personal attack above. :lol:
because we did not expect war! Nehru believed Enlai like a fool and did not respond to the Chinese military buildups along the border despite calls from IA generals and defense staff to act Nehru called the bluff and lost

Economy size blah blah we still use better technological equipment and really 2nd best? who told you this CCP? what happened to Russia and USA?

Yeah, we are overall 20 years behind US, but it is still enough to take care of India.
Chini trolling?

the 4th post starts on Chinese. Do you not expect responses for Indian trolling?

and what exactly do you think is wrong in what Tshering22 said? As far as we know, Vietnam don't give a cr@p to all your bullying.. They are ready to fight you without worrying about your size and strength.. Also this thread is about Vietnam, India collaboration so nothing he said was offtopic.
how did we backstab you ? by hosting DaiLai Lama? LOL

By hosting our largest separatist group in 1959, immediately after they failed to violently overthrow the Chinese government.

This was despite Nehru's two-faced singing about "Hindi Chini bhai bhai" (notice that is in Hindi, not in Chinese).

And even after the next backstabbing (1962 Forward policy), India STILL couldn't win.
Yet I haven't given out any racial slurs or personal attacks on this thread, that was only the Indian members here. :azn:

If you're so interested in reporting posts, then report your own for calling us "Chini kids", and for the personal attack above. :lol:

Chini is how you are called in Hindi.. nothing offensive in it and you guys are acting like kids on the thread so you ought to be called chini kids..
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