Uh, it changes a lot of hands before getting into Nguyễn Tấn Dũng:Le Duan is the leader of South faction. The leadership later pass to Nguyen Tan Dung,
Meanwhile Ho Chi Minh faction is Northern faction.
Both dont like one another.
In fact, Nguyễn Tấn Dũng never makes it to General Secretary/Tổng Bí Thư.
And what's with about Lê Duẩn hating HCM and vice versa? Hell, HCM left it to Lê Duẩn to rule, he considers Lê Duẩn his Stalin to Hồ's Lenin.
You should probably visit Ba Chúc, provided you are even vietnamese in the first place.While China did sell out Vietnam, Vietnam also sell out Camdodia.
The Pol Pot genocide is first cook up by Vietnam to justify invasion.
In reality a lot is NOT true.
Then USA quickly pick it up and paint an ugly picture of communist in South East Asia.