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Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

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poorly armed? WTF you guys had 80,000 men in that war we barely had a division to fight up against Tanks artillery of the PLA....... some of our soldiers were still using 303 lee enfield rifles while PLA soldiers had Type 56 rifles if anyone was poorly armed equipped and poorly supported it was us

besides don't forget about the political background of the time Nehru was foolish and let Zhou Enlai stab him in the back despite CONgress being in power today they are not the same naive people like they were 50 years ago things are different now the after math of that border war like 1967 Chola incident is proof

LOL tanks? We could barely supply men never mind tanks. 80,000 in theatre and you had 100,000. Its not our fault you're incapable of using them at all.

Backstabbing? When you keep poking your room mate and he punches you in the face are you surprised?
Nehru already stabbed China in the back in 1959 by hosting our largest separatist group.

He allowed India to be defeated and to lose territory, all for a political chip (the Dalai Lama) who now says that he does not even support Tibetan independence. :D

exactly the political leadership is really to blame for the 1962 conflict not the military itself, Nehru screwed India over with license Raj and by trusting Zhou Enlai
thats exactly what you've been doing SPECULATING with no proof other than pictures see thats the thing about you guys whenever you do something and someone else does the same thing back you get your panties in a bunch why is that ???

And all you have quoted is speculations from forums and articles with no proof. And who called who a copy cat first?

oh yeah you

coming from the guys who copy Russian equipment? :rofl: at least we are trying to be self sufficient by conducting R&D so we don't need to copy or depend on other nations in the future
J-15 is still under development watch the actual video before commenting about it

J-11A was built under license, i don't know what Russians have to complain about.

You must mean J-11B right? But the pic you posted is J-11A, not J-11B.
LOL tanks? We could barely supply men never mind tanks. 80,000 in theatre and you had 100,000. Its not our fault you're incapable of using them at all.

Backstabbing? When you keep poking your room mate and he punches you in the face are you surprised?

100,000 men? whatever kind of history CCP teaches you guys man.... 10,000 men not 100,000 get your facts straight

we had 1 division to protect both fronts we were attacked caught off guard if we had 8 more divisions up there the end result would have been different 1962 war was a surprise attack on a unsuspecting India fooled by naive Nehru
And all you have quoted is speculations from forums and articles with no proof. And who called who a copy cat first?

oh yeah you

who is the person who started commenting on defense equipment? you saying how we need Russian and American equipment to satisfy your our needs all i did was respond back with the fact that you guys copy Russian weaponry albeit at a variable quality :)
exactly the political leadership is really to blame for the 1962 conflict not the military itself, Nehru screwed India over with license Raj and by trusting Zhou Enlai

Oh yeah, Nehru was a really trusting guy :-)lol:), by backstabbing us twice and not expecting to get hit back in the face.

In 1959 by hosting our largest separatist group, and in 1962 with his failed forward policy.

LOL, he was trying to be a two-headed snake. He only started crying when he lost the war.
100,000 men? whatever kind of history CCP teaches you guys man.... 10,000 men not 100,000 get your facts straight

we had 1 division to protect both fronts we were attacked caught off guard if we had 8 more divisions up there the end result would have been different 1962 war was a surprise attack on a unsuspecting India fooled by naive Nehru

You're right 8 Indian divisions is far more than 100,000 men. Chinese divisions are around 10,000 men while Indian ones go by Western 10,000 to 15,000.

We only sent that much because we expected you guys to actually use the 8 nearby divisions you had. Overestimation of Indian reaction. Our bad
You're right 8 Indian divisions is far more than 100,000 men. Chinese divisions are around 10,000 men while Indian ones go by Western 10,000 to 15,000.

We only sent that much because we expected you guys to actually use the 8 divisions you had. Overestimation of Indian reaction. Our bad

what 8 divisions did we have? we only had 1 division to fight against 80,000 men had we been actually prepared the end result would have been different this isn't 1962 anymore buddy your leaders and our leaders both know that we didn't even have a border protection agency back then or any good intelligence agency but we learned from our mistakes thats why there hasn't been a repeat of 1962 since.
Mods, will you put an end to this Chini trolling? They have brought everything in the world to troll on this thread.
Oh yeah, Nehru was a really trusting guy :-)lol:), by backstabbing us twice and not expecting to get hit back in the face.

In 1959 by hosting our largest separatist group, and in 1962 with his failed forward policy.

LOL, he was trying to be a two-headed snake. He only started crying when he lost the war.

Nehru backstabbed you guys by hosting DaiLai Lama? dang someone is oversensitive

besides Nehru was foolish anyways he let Zhou stab him the back he shoulda saw it coming
what 8 divisions did we have? we only had 1 division to fight against 80,000 men had we been actually prepared the end result would have been different this isn't 1962 anymore buddy your leaders and our leaders both know that we didn't even have a border protection agency back then or any good intelligence agency but we learned from our mistakes thats why there hasn't been a repeat of 1962 since.

how are we supposed to know that your incompetent government would have the military completely unprepared? We thought you guys would have at least the Divisions next to the border ready.

Its not 1962. China is 4 times Indias economy and the 2nd most powerful country in the world.
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