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Vietnam - Cambodia Relationship: What is your opinion?

Quite deep thought you have here. Sadly few among us will bother to even read. We are here to have "fun" with our Chinese friends.

Yep, and you guys talk the same about Great Han. What do you call it in Chinese, something along the line "Heavenly Regime"?
many countries have nationalists including china.

but our.leader never encourages such idea not like yours.

and we never tried to rebuild it with our force unlike you guys
Quite deep thought you have here. Sadly few among us will bother to even read. We are here to have "fun" with our Chinese friends.

Well i just give opinion, i know people here love to troll, nghiencuuquocte net got discussion from professor though, redvn also got various topic related, u can go there
Patriot also can not stop a bullet .
Are you going to bury us with your bullets ?
TPP is coming and it just make CN stock lost lots of money, so , together wt US, we will bury your economy in TPP , more CN kids may starve to death in trash bin again.

many countries have nationalists including china.

but our.leader never encourages such idea not like yours.

and we never tried to rebuild it with our force unlike you guys
Bcz ur leader is corrupted & coward, they only think abt making money for their own family. The never have the guts to build a tank center in other nations like VN tank center in Battambang province of Kam- just 300km from BangKok:pop:

You guys are arguing on something meaningless.
Nowadays it is not easy to start a war, as the global is looking carefully.
No country can invade others without causing public anger..
So lets stop about military things and think about economy..
Economy is something more useful to merge countries than bullets.
We dont need to invade Laos-Kam AGAIN , we did it in 1979 already. Millions VNese r Laotian-Kambodian now. Many Laos-Kam generals r VNese.

So why we need to kill our VNese bros in Laos-Kam ??:pop:
They've requested help many times, and it just fell on CN deaf ears coz CN is so coward :pop:

I have always been surprised/amazed to see a small poor country like Vietnam being able to exert so much influence in Cambodia and Laos despite 'big' China opposition. This is something i don't get. China has to first dominate/exert influence in its immediate neighborhood before even dreaming of doing so abroad like the west/U.S/Russia have been doing for a long time now IMO.:pop:

Good going though Vietnam, keep doing your thing.:cheers:
I have always been surprised/amazed to see a small poor country like Vietnam being able to exert so much influence in Cambodia and Laos despite 'big' China opposition. This is something i don't get. China has to first dominate/exert influence in its immediate neighborhood before even dreaming of doing so abroad like the west/U.S/Russia have been doing for a long time now IMO.:pop:

Good going though Vietnam, keep doing your thing.:cheers:
VN was under CN control for 1,000 years , so ,most of VNese understand the value of True freedom. Ho Chi Minh once said : "I for one would rather sniff French shit for five years than eat Chinese shit for the rest of my life.. So, We will do everything we can to protect our freedom from the bloodthirsty invaders like CN and US.

How can we fight against both US-CN if they collude again to harm VN like in 1979 ?? SO Unifying sub-Mekong region is the only way for VN to become much bigger and stronger to counter that threat.

We simply just dont wanna be enslaved again .Thats it :)
VN was under CN control for 1,000 years , so ,most of VNese understand the value of True freedom. Ho Chi Minh once said : "I for one would rather sniff French shit for five years than eat Chinese shit for the rest of my life.. So, We will do everything we can to protect our freedom from the bloodthirsty invaders like CN and US.

How can we fight against both US-CN if they collude again to harm VN like in 1979 ?? SO Unifying sub-Mekong region is the only way for VN to become much bigger and stronger to counter that threat.

We simply just dont wanna be enslaved again .Thats it :)
:rofl: You are the size of Germany. Quit acting like a little baby and fight like a man. Are you ready for a megasized 1974 / 1988 style naval spanking? Remember, when you dip your toes on the beach, you need a visa from China!
:rofl: You are the size of Germany. Quit acting like a little baby and fight like a man. Are you ready for a megasized 1974 / 1988 style naval spanking? Remember, when you dip your toes on the beach, you need a visa from China!
in 1988, CN still had daddy US support, but now, daddy US dont like CN no more. Thats why CN lost shamefully in oil rig conflict even when CN forces were triple VN's ones

CN army only can fight when having daddy US ( now is daddy Russia ) back up:pop:
in 1988, CN still had daddy US support, but now, daddy US dont like CN no more. Thats why CN lost shamefully in oil rig conflict even when CN forces were triple VN's ones

CN army only can fight when having daddy US ( now is daddy Russia ) back up:pop:
LOL Viet whines but China ignores. Beat Viet fisherman. Drill oil in Paracels.

China has seriously infringed upon Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) archipelago in the East Sea by launching a military exercise to the northeast of the group of islands, the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

The ministry’s spokesman, Le Hai Binh, made the statement at a regular press briefing in Hanoi on Thursday.

“China’s Maritime Safety Administration on July 20 said that Beijing would conduct a military drill from July 22 to 31 in the area covering islands and reefs to the northeast of Vietnam’s Hoang Sa,” Binh said.

The spokesman emphasized that “this action goes against the common perceptions reached by the two countries’ leaders, obstructs the development of bilateral relations, and threatens maritime security and safety in the region.”

Vietnam opposes this action and demands that China respect Vietnamese sovereignty, act responsibly, and immediately stop moves that complicate the situation in the sea area, Binh said.

Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly affirmed that the country has full historical and legal evidence to prove its indisputable sovereignty over the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes.

“All acts undertaken by other parties in Hoang Sa and Truong Sa without Vietnam’s permission are illegal, null and void,” Binh said at another press briefing in Hanoi on October 2, 2014.

TPP is coming and it just make CN stock lost lots of money, so , together wt US, we will bury your economy in TPP , more CN kids may starve to death in trash bin again.

Bcz ur leader is corrupted & coward, they only think abt making money for their own family. The never have the guts to build a tank center in other nations like VN tank center in Battambang province of Kam- just 300km from BangKok:pop:

We dont need to invade Laos-Kam AGAIN , we did it in 1979 already. Millions VNese r Laotian-Kambodian now. Many Laos-Kam generals r VNese.

So why we need to kill our VNese bros in Laos-Kam ??:pop:
You are right . Our leaders are corrupted and coward and do not have guts to deploy a tank center in foreign country.

What they only have is the guts to fk you up once your ridiculous careerism is out of control.

You can.depoly what ever you like

no matter how many tanks you have .

no matter how many jets you have .

You just can not save your ***.
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LOL Viet whines but China ignores. Beat Viet fisherman. Drill oil in Paracels.

China has seriously infringed upon Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) archipelago in the East Sea by launching a military exercise to the northeast of the group of islands, the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

The ministry’s spokesman, Le Hai Binh, made the statement at a regular press briefing in Hanoi on Thursday.

“China’s Maritime Safety Administration on July 20 said that Beijing would conduct a military drill from July 22 to 31 in the area covering islands and reefs to the northeast of Vietnam’s Hoang Sa,” Binh said.

The spokesman emphasized that “this action goes against the common perceptions reached by the two countries’ leaders, obstructs the development of bilateral relations, and threatens maritime security and safety in the region.”

Vietnam opposes this action and demands that China respect Vietnamese sovereignty, act responsibly, and immediately stop moves that complicate the situation in the sea area, Binh said.

Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly affirmed that the country has full historical and legal evidence to prove its indisputable sovereignty over the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes.

“All acts undertaken by other parties in Hoang Sa and Truong Sa without Vietnam’s permission are illegal, null and void,” Binh said at another press briefing in Hanoi on October 2, 2014.


China is big boy but bad boy, you kneed before your enemies, but bully small neighbors. Cowardice China.:pleasantry:
I have always been surprised/amazed to see a small poor country like Vietnam being able to exert so much influence in Cambodia and Laos despite 'big' China opposition. This is something i don't get. China has to first dominate/exert influence in its immediate neighborhood before even dreaming of doing so abroad like the west/U.S/Russia have been doing for a long time now IMO.:pop:

Good going though Vietnam, keep doing your thing.:cheers:
Mike2000 is clearly too lack of information or too rich to understand that Vietnam is a middle-income country. With GDP per capita 2000 USDs (a bit higher than India and twice Pakistan) and 95 millions of population, Vietnam is clearly not a small country. Vietnam can even have bigger influence in Lao, Kam If China did not try to restrict.
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Mike2000 is clearly too lack of information or too rich to understand that Vietnam is a middle-income country. With GDP per capita 2000 USDs (a bit higher than India and twice Pakistan) and 95 millions of population, Vietnam is clearly not a small country. Vietnam can even have bigger influence in Lao, Kam If China did not try to restrict.
Vietnam despite suffering from from decades of devastating wars/sanctions against bigger powers like china, U.S, france etc has a higher GDP per capital than india and pakistan? :o: i knew vietnam had far better living standards than india and pakistan(literacy, nutrition, access to roads/electicity, higher life expectancy etc), but didnt know the had a higher gdp per capital as well. o_O well done vietnam, s.Asia indeed has a longggg way to go.

When i mean small country like vietnam, i meant compared to china trying to limit vietnams influence in the region invane. Vietnam is still quite a small power though,still technologically backward than singapore thailand even malaysia, and lags far behind them economically as well. So its relative.
Vietnam despite suffering from from decades of devastating wars/sanctions against bigger powers like china, U.S, france etc has a higher GDP per capital than india and pakistan? :o: i knew vietnam had far better living standards than india and pakistan(literacy, nutrition, access to roads/electicity, higher life expectancy etc), but didnt know the had a higher gdp per capital as well. o_O well done vietnam, s.Asia indeed has a longggg way to go.

When i mean small country like vietnam, i meant compared to china trying to limit vietnams influence in the region invane. Vietnam is still quite a small power though,still technologically backward than singapore thailand even malaysia, and lags far behind them economically as well. So its relative.
You can check GDP in wikipedia. 2015 India' GDP per capita is 1808, 2014 Vietnam's GDP per capita is 2072. Some years ago Vietnam's GDP per capita is lower than India but Vietnam's increasing speed is higher.
Look at history, when China becomes richer and stronger, Vietnam also becomes richer and stronger. so when China passed the Western country to become the world 1st in this century, Vietnam will also join world's top countries. Maybe a British like you cannot understand this, but people from world's most Confucius-influenced country (China) understand well because they know Vietnam is the world's second most Confucius-influenced country although Chinese really don't like this.
For last thousand years, When China was down, Vietnam was down. When China was up , Vietnam was also up. As China will keep going up, in your lifetime, you will see a strong Vietnam.
You can check GDP in wikipedia. 2015 India' GDP per capita is 1808, 2014 Vietnam's GDP per capita is 2072. Some years ago Vietnam's GDP per capita is lower than India but Vietnam's increasing speed is higher.
Look at history, when China becomes richer and stronger, Vietnam also becomes richer and stronger. so when China passed the Western country to become the world 1st in this century, Vietnam will also join world's top countries. Maybe a British like you cannot understand this, but people from world's most Confucius-influenced country (China) understand well because they know Vietnam is the world's second most Confucius-influenced country although Chinese really don't like this.
For last thousand years, When China was down, Vietnam was down. When China was up , Vietnam was also up. As China will keep going up, in your lifetime, you will see a strong Vietnam.

Well, yes i do know vietnam is little China in many ways. :).
As if vietnam is? :lol:

Or you want to claim vietnam is master of naval warfare?

Vietnam is a naval power. Back in 1974 and 1988, Vietnam intentionally lost to China as a ruse to seek sympathy from the world.

in 1988, CN still had daddy US support, but now, daddy US dont like CN no more. Thats why CN lost shamefully in oil rig conflict even when CN forces were triple VN's ones

CN army only can fight when having daddy US ( now is daddy Russia ) back up:pop:
Wereyou able to find out after 1979, what "Vietnamese" land were given to China as gesture for ending the war?

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