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Vietnam - Cambodia Relationship: What is your opinion?

We do not care whether or not it is stingy .

We control the islands . That's our concern. :yahoo:
We hold the land now, even planted the border milestone already. What can China do about that?
We hold the land now, even planted the border milestone already. What can China do about that?
i repeat myself again:

You can say whatever you like which make you feel better .

But if you try to create so called sub mekong united nation, history.will repeat.
Laos is practically a de-facto Vietnamese colony. Laos, a nation of less than 5 million, is the 'new frontier' for Vietnam , a nation of over 95 million. Cambodia is only less than 15 million. Even Thailand is smaller (just 60 million). The combination of Cambodia , Laos and Thailand don't even equal to Vietnam's population (95 million). In terms of continental Southeast Asia, Vietnam is the indisputed 'giant' here.

The Vietnamese bloodied the French, the Americans, the Chinese, and the Khmer Rouge. I don't think anyone wants to engage the Vietnamese directly on the ground. Especially the Chinese.
Modern warfare is different. It's abt how advance your communication to direct all your firepower on opponent mau forces. Your situation awareness with your AWACS, satelite to guide your weapon and how powerful ur ECM to stop jamming. It is vietnamese seriously trying to avoid any war with Chinese.

Last I check China and Khmer Rogue was not military allies either. Is that enough?
They are no more Khmer rogue govern Cambodia. What age are u living in?
Modern warfare is different. It's abt how advance your communication to direct all your firepower on opponent mau forces. Your situation awareness with your AWACS, satelite to guide your weapon and how powerful ur ECM to stop jamming. It is vietnamese seriously trying to avoid any war with Chinese.

They are no more Khmer rogue govern Cambodia. What age are u living in?
Is CN master in Modern warfare ?? No, they know Nothing abt it, their PLA suck and so corrupted. VN challenge CN in oil rig conflict, and all CN can do was to retreat shamefully to avoid the conflict that they sure lose :pop:

In 1979, we killed 100,000 Viet "civilians" in just 21 days. I am sure we can do even better this time. Viet longs for agent orange spray to make them grow bulbous heads and fish eyes. Cambodia will take back their land.
So, dont complain abt Nanjing massacre & rape :pop:
Is CN master in Modern warfare ?? No, they know Nothing abt it, their PLA suck and so corrupted. VN challenge CN in oil rig conflict, and all CN can do was to retreat shamefully to avoid the conflict that they sure lose :pop:

So, dont complain abt Nanjing massacre & rape :pop:
As if vietnam is? :lol:

Or you want to claim vietnam is master of naval warfare?
As if vietnam is? :lol:

Or you want to claim vietnam is master of naval warfare?
' Modern warfare ' defense system like Patriot cant even stop old Scud, and we r master in using that missile while CN lost shamefully in CN-TW Air combat :pop:
' Modern warfare ' defense system like Patriot cant even stop old Scud, and we r master in using that missile while CN lost shamefully in CN-TW Air combat :pop:
Yes yes, you can continue live in ur dream and ur big mouth :lol:
' Modern warfare ' defense system like Patriot cant even stop old Scud, and we r master in using that missile while CN lost shamefully in CN-TW Air combat :pop:
Patriot also can not stop a bullet .
Are you going to bury us with your bullets ?
They are no more Khmer rogue govern Cambodia. What age are u living in?
In 2015 :). I said that because I believe China needs no solid reason to interfere VN-Cambodia business like last time.
i repeat myself again:

You can say whatever you like which make you feel better .

But if you try to create so called sub mekong united nation, history.will repeat.
The Cambodians started it last time, and this time too. We are just taking countermeasurement. Like you China never want VN to become part of China (or at least that's what you always say), VN has no desire to embrace ungraceful Cambodia.
In 2015 :). I said that because I believe China needs no solid reason to interfere VN-Cambodia business like last time.

The Cambodians started it last time, and this time too. We are just taking countermeasurement. Like you China never want VN to become part of China (or at least that's what you always say), VN has no desire to embrace ungraceful Cambodia.
Your fellow NiceGuy does not agree with you.
You had tried and are still waiting a chance to create "Great Sub Mekong co-prosperity sphere".
You guys are arguing on something meaningless.
Nowadays it is not easy to start a war, as the global is looking carefully.
No country can invade others without causing public anger..
So lets stop about military things and think about economy..
Economy is something more useful to merge countries than bullets.

In 2015 :). I said that because I believe China needs no solid reason to interfere VN-Cambodia business like last time.

The Cambodians started it last time, and this time too. We are just taking countermeasurement. Like you China never want VN to become part of China (or at least that's what you always say), VN has no desire to embrace ungraceful Cambodia.
Your fellow NiceGuy does not agree with you.
You had tried and are still waiting a chance to create "Great Sub Mekong co-prosperity sphere".
There are always this kind or that kind of people. NiceGuy is just too extreme. I can say the same about your "Great Han Empire".

You guys are arguing on something meaningless.
Nowadays it is not easy to start a war, as the global is looking carefully.
No country can invade others without causing public anger..
So lets stop about military things and think about economy..
Economy is something more useful to merge countries than bullets.
Nah, one Chinese mem started this first by talking about selling weapons to Cambodia. I guess that falls into your definition of business too?
Well, IMO, currently, the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) is still in power and control are part of the extremist elements in the country. However, the forces of the CPP has declined sharply after the general election in 2013, and the risk they will be defeated by CNRP and other extremist parties in a general election expected in 2018 is entirely possible . If the CNRP power, a possibility that bilateral tensions can escalate quickly if they proceed the policy like under Pol Pot with Mao ideology influence, it reminiscent of the period of the years 1977-78. Until then, VN will have difficult time to cope.

When deciding to send troops to liberate Cambodia in late 1978, Vietnam has not fully anticipated adverse consequences. But even with such consequences, we must also understand that until then, the Khmer Rouge's 19 divisions are mobilized to the Southwest border and doing scorched Earth policy, genocide almost all the citizen no matter the origin (include Khmer, Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotian....) near VN and Cambodia border. As a result, Vietnam has fallen into a state of "dilemma". So, perhaps the most simple lesson but most importantly, we have identified serious risks early of extreme nationalism is rising in Cambodia, though may pose as a party "Communist "(the Khmer Rouge) or" democracy "(as CNRP), and soon find countermeasures to solve the issue

Before send troop to liberate Cambodia from Khmer Rouge, many of our policy maker believe it will be Internation Acclaim as Deputy Foreign Minister Phan Hien and Prime Minister Pham Van Dong have visited the Southeast Asian countries, which majority condemned the action of Khmer Rouge. Meanwhile, the spokesman of many Western countries, including US President Jimmy Carter, who criticized the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime and their supporter. However, after our troop land in Cambodia, many of the developed countries such as the Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, France, ... stop or suspend aid to Vietnam, ASEAN from cooperate with Vietnam for normalization to embargo with the People's Republic of Kampuchea whose Vietnam supported. America and their Western counterpart suspend relations or normalization with Vietnam, all seem to have led policy makers in our country by surprise. They have completely misunderstood the world public opinion in general and the region in particular, do not understand that in the context of Cold War tensions back then which can escalate to another Total War, as the result, the countries (especially in the region) have seriously advocated stability and regional security rather than justice of the overthrow of sectarian genocide in that time. Because of not understanding the stance of the World at that time, Vietnam has been isolated for so many years.

Thus, before going a big step, it is best to study deeply and carefully about what the reaction of world opinion. Perhaps policy makers should speak frankly about Vietnam plan with important countries and more reliable than the type of Phan Hien insinuating and Pham Van Dong in 1978. However, the situation like 1978 or 1979 can hardly happen again as the US and its allies will be easily tilted more toward Vietnam as concern to China, but the US is still support both party in Cambodia financially and politically as they promote the banner of DEMOCRACY, so their stance and opinion are not so clear.

In this context, we need to understand that while China may try to use divide and conquer strategy in ASEAN with Cambodia and unwieldy in terms of strategy for Vietnam as interest and benefit are difference.in SCS, the nature of the problem southwest border is neo extreme nationalism, derived from internal Cambodia, affected in part because of the history between 2 countries in past 5 centuary and the downfall of Khmer Empire and maybe the consequence of staying too long in Cambodia to kick Khmer Rouge vestige after the Liberation.

To solve this problem, build an understanding with China is not enough. We must fight to win the heart and minds of the people of Cambodia. We also need to focus on understanding and cultural communication, reconnect special feelings between the two peoples like when Khmer King ask for help and 1979 event to eliminate Khmer Rouge, and absolute respect for the sovereignty of both countries regardless of tension

Well, IMO, currently, the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) is still in power and control are part of the extremist elements in the country. However, the forces of the CPP has declined sharply after the general election in 2013, and the risk they will be defeated by CNRP and other extremist parties in a general election expected in 2018 is entirely possible . If the CNRP power, a possibility that bilateral tensions can escalate quickly if they proceed the policy like under Pol Pot with Mao ideology influence, it reminiscent of the period of the years 1977-78. Until then, VN will have difficult time to cope.

When deciding to send troops to liberate Cambodia in late 1978, Vietnam has not fully anticipated adverse consequences. But even with such consequences, we must also understand that until then, the Khmer Rouge's 19 divisions are mobilized to the Southwest border and doing scorched Earth policy, genocide almost all the citizen no matter the origin (include Khmer, Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotian....) near VN and Cambodia border. As a result, Vietnam has fallen into a state of "dilemma". So, perhaps the most simple lesson but most importantly, we have identified serious risks early of extreme nationalism is rising in Cambodia, though may pose as a party "Communist "(the Khmer Rouge) or" democracy "(as CNRP), and soon find countermeasures to solve the issue

Before send troop to liberate Cambodia from Khmer Rouge, many of our policy maker believe it will be Internation Acclaim as Deputy Foreign Minister Phan Hien and Prime Minister Pham Van Dong have visited the Southeast Asian countries, which majority condemned the action of Khmer Rouge. Meanwhile, the spokesman of many Western countries, including US President Jimmy Carter, who criticized the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime and their supporter. However, after our troop land in Cambodia, many of the developed countries such as the Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, France, ... stop or suspend aid to Vietnam, ASEAN from cooperate with Vietnam for normalization to embargo with the People's Republic of Kampuchea whose Vietnam supported. America and their Western counterpart suspend relations or normalization with Vietnam, all seem to have led policy makers in our country by surprise. They have completely misunderstood the world public opinion in general and the region in particular, do not understand that in the context of Cold War tensions back then which can escalate to another Total War, as the result, the countries (especially in the region) have seriously advocated stability and regional security rather than justice of the overthrow of sectarian genocide in that time. Because of not understanding the stance of the World at that time, Vietnam has been isolated for so many years.

Thus, before going a big step, it is best to study deeply and carefully about what the reaction of world opinion. Perhaps policy makers should speak frankly about Vietnam plan with important countries and more reliable than the type of Phan Hien insinuating and Pham Van Dong in 1978. However, the situation like 1978 or 1979 can hardly happen again as the US and its allies will be easily tilted more toward Vietnam as concern to China, but the US is still support both party in Cambodia financially and politically as they promote the banner of DEMOCRACY, so their stance and opinion are not so clear.

In this context, we need to understand that while China may try to use divide and conquer strategy in ASEAN with Cambodia and unwieldy in terms of strategy for Vietnam as interest and benefit are difference.in SCS, the nature of the problem southwest border is neo extreme nationalism, derived from internal Cambodia, affected in part because of the history between 2 countries in past 5 centuary and the downfall of Khmer Empire and maybe the consequence of staying too long in Cambodia to kick Khmer Rouge vestige after the Liberation.

To solve this problem, build an understanding with China is not enough. We must fight to win the heart and minds of the people of Cambodia. We also need to focus on understanding and cultural communication, reconnect special feelings between the two peoples like when Khmer King ask for help and 1979 event to eliminate Khmer Rouge, and absolute respect for the sovereignty of both countries regardless of tension

Well, if Khmer rouge happen again just ignore it, it is responsible of China and USA as they claim, just kick them out border is enough. CHarity is no need. Isolation last centuary is taken too much time of development. Cold war is over so Cambodia is not important anymore. Most stragic land their King give to Nguyen Emperor as gift in order for help against Thai back in the days already. So no need much concern,

The incident is also mb CHina posture to transfer message to Mr.Trong visit to US to not forget the "both comrade and brother" as in Chengdu proclaim
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There are always this kind or that kind of people. NiceGuy is just too extreme. I can say the same about your "Great Han Empire".

Nah, one Chinese mem started this first by talking about selling weapons to Cambodia. I guess that falls into your definition of business too?
not only niceguy but quite a few viets talk abut unite sub mekong region.

and your leader talked about ot also.
Well, IMO, currently, the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) is still in power and control are part of the extremist elements in the country. However, the forces of the CPP has declined sharply after the general election in 2013, and the risk they will be defeated by CNRP and other extremist parties in a general election expected in 2018 is entirely possible . If the CNRP power, a possibility that bilateral tensions can escalate quickly if they proceed the policy like under Pol Pot with Mao ideology influence, it reminiscent of the period of the years 1977-78. Until then, VN will have difficult time to cope.

When deciding to send troops to liberate Cambodia in late 1978, Vietnam has not fully anticipated adverse consequences. But even with such consequences, we must also understand that until then, the Khmer Rouge's 19 divisions are mobilized to the Southwest border and doing scorched Earth policy, genocide almost all the citizen no matter the origin (include Khmer, Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotian....) near VN and Cambodia border. As a result, Vietnam has fallen into a state of "dilemma". So, perhaps the most simple lesson but most importantly, we have identified serious risks early of extreme nationalism is rising in Cambodia, though may pose as a party "Communist "(the Khmer Rouge) or" democracy "(as CNRP), and soon find countermeasures to solve the issue

Before send troop to liberate Cambodia from Khmer Rouge, many of our policy maker believe it will be Internation Acclaim as Deputy Foreign Minister Phan Hien and Prime Minister Pham Van Dong have visited the Southeast Asian countries, which majority condemned the action of Khmer Rouge. Meanwhile, the spokesman of many Western countries, including US President Jimmy Carter, who criticized the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime and their supporter. However, after our troop land in Cambodia, many of the developed countries such as the Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, France, ... stop or suspend aid to Vietnam, ASEAN from cooperate with Vietnam for normalization to embargo with the People's Republic of Kampuchea whose Vietnam supported. America and their Western counterpart suspend relations or normalization with Vietnam, all seem to have led policy makers in our country by surprise. They have completely misunderstood the world public opinion in general and the region in particular, do not understand that in the context of Cold War tensions back then which can escalate to another Total War, as the result, the countries (especially in the region) have seriously advocated stability and regional security rather than justice of the overthrow of sectarian genocide in that time. Because of not understanding the stance of the World at that time, Vietnam has been isolated for so many years.

Thus, before going a big step, it is best to study deeply and carefully about what the reaction of world opinion. Perhaps policy makers should speak frankly about Vietnam plan with important countries and more reliable than the type of Phan Hien insinuating and Pham Van Dong in 1978. However, the situation like 1978 or 1979 can hardly happen again as the US and its allies will be easily tilted more toward Vietnam as concern to China, but the US is still support both party in Cambodia financially and politically as they promote the banner of DEMOCRACY, so their stance and opinion are not so clear.

In this context, we need to understand that while China may try to use divide and conquer strategy in ASEAN with Cambodia and unwieldy in terms of strategy for Vietnam as interest and benefit are difference.in SCS, the nature of the problem southwest border is neo extreme nationalism, derived from internal Cambodia, affected in part because of the history between 2 countries in past 5 centuary and the downfall of Khmer Empire and maybe the consequence of staying too long in Cambodia to kick Khmer Rouge vestige after the Liberation.

To solve this problem, build an understanding with China is not enough. We must fight to win the heart and minds of the people of Cambodia. We also need to focus on understanding and cultural communication, reconnect special feelings between the two peoples like when Khmer King ask for help and 1979 event to eliminate Khmer Rouge, and absolute respect for the sovereignty of both countries regardless of tension

Well, IMO, currently, the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) is still in power and control are part of the extremist elements in the country. However, the forces of the CPP has declined sharply after the general election in 2013, and the risk they will be defeated by CNRP and other extremist parties in a general election expected in 2018 is entirely possible . If the CNRP power, a possibility that bilateral tensions can escalate quickly if they proceed the policy like under Pol Pot with Mao ideology influence, it reminiscent of the period of the years 1977-78. Until then, VN will have difficult time to cope.

When deciding to send troops to liberate Cambodia in late 1978, Vietnam has not fully anticipated adverse consequences. But even with such consequences, we must also understand that until then, the Khmer Rouge's 19 divisions are mobilized to the Southwest border and doing scorched Earth policy, genocide almost all the citizen no matter the origin (include Khmer, Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotian....) near VN and Cambodia border. As a result, Vietnam has fallen into a state of "dilemma". So, perhaps the most simple lesson but most importantly, we have identified serious risks early of extreme nationalism is rising in Cambodia, though may pose as a party "Communist "(the Khmer Rouge) or" democracy "(as CNRP), and soon find countermeasures to solve the issue

Before send troop to liberate Cambodia from Khmer Rouge, many of our policy maker believe it will be Internation Acclaim as Deputy Foreign Minister Phan Hien and Prime Minister Pham Van Dong have visited the Southeast Asian countries, which majority condemned the action of Khmer Rouge. Meanwhile, the spokesman of many Western countries, including US President Jimmy Carter, who criticized the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime and their supporter. However, after our troop land in Cambodia, many of the developed countries such as the Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, France, ... stop or suspend aid to Vietnam, ASEAN from cooperate with Vietnam for normalization to embargo with the People's Republic of Kampuchea whose Vietnam supported. America and their Western counterpart suspend relations or normalization with Vietnam, all seem to have led policy makers in our country by surprise. They have completely misunderstood the world public opinion in general and the region in particular, do not understand that in the context of Cold War tensions back then which can escalate to another Total War, as the result, the countries (especially in the region) have seriously advocated stability and regional security rather than justice of the overthrow of sectarian genocide in that time. Because of not understanding the stance of the World at that time, Vietnam has been isolated for so many years.

Thus, before going a big step, it is best to study deeply and carefully about what the reaction of world opinion. Perhaps policy makers should speak frankly about Vietnam plan with important countries and more reliable than the type of Phan Hien insinuating and Pham Van Dong in 1978. However, the situation like 1978 or 1979 can hardly happen again as the US and its allies will be easily tilted more toward Vietnam as concern to China, but the US is still support both party in Cambodia financially and politically as they promote the banner of DEMOCRACY, so their stance and opinion are not so clear.

In this context, we need to understand that while China may try to use divide and conquer strategy in ASEAN with Cambodia and unwieldy in terms of strategy for Vietnam as interest and benefit are difference.in SCS, the nature of the problem southwest border is neo extreme nationalism, derived from internal Cambodia, affected in part because of the history between 2 countries in past 5 centuary and the downfall of Khmer Empire and maybe the consequence of staying too long in Cambodia to kick Khmer Rouge vestige after the Liberation.

To solve this problem, build an understanding with China is not enough. We must fight to win the heart and minds of the people of Cambodia. We also need to focus on understanding and cultural communication, reconnect special feelings between the two peoples like when Khmer King ask for help and 1979 event to eliminate Khmer Rouge, and absolute respect for the sovereignty of both countries regardless of tension
Quite deep thought you have here. Sadly few among us will bother to even read. We are here to have "fun" with our Chinese friends.
not only niceguy but quite a few viets talk abut unite sub mekong region.

and your leader talked about ot also.
Yep, and you guys talk the same about Great Han. What do you call it in Chinese, something along the line "Heavenly Regime"?

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