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Vietnam - Cambodia Relationship: What is your opinion?

Really? Even if TPP becomes reality tomorrow, US companies will give up China's market? You definitely have no idea how important China market is to western companies. For instance, Beoing will lose competitive advantage over Airbus. Fort Motor and GM will bankrupt for losing both market and cost advantage(These two companies were saved by China maket).
U know why Ah Q end up poignantly ?? Bcz he thought he's a VIP in the Revolt., he thought that ppl need him, but infact, ppl just need a 'traitor ' to get killed in the Revolt.

Same to CN now, U think CN is irreplaceable ?? No, Boeing can sell more planes to VietNam and other ASEAN nation (VN will get rich wt US-JP help like CN in 1979 soon). They just need to wait for CN collapse after 10 years. When CN collapse and break into many parts, US can set up a puppet regime like in TW , and they can sell whatever they want to CN after that:pop:
what you dudes here doing? fighting for Khmer to be on your side? I dont like anyone mention those freak Khmers or any thing relate to Khmers.

Chinese finally has a FRIEND in Asia, a freak of Asia. I wish the Chinese make Cambodia as part of China. Chinese mixed Khmers will produce a race with the straits of Chinese, delusion, aggressive and Khmer straits dumb, angry. Both mixing will produce many Polpots mini which will genocide an entire CHinese population which will save us bullets.

Viet has pro verb "God will give to you for what you hate" Chinese been looking down on Khmers as Dark Skin, Low IQ, Big Nose, Short, Curly Hair and now they finally has these freak as their good friends. You dude should happy for them. That is god's will.
U know why Ah Q end up poignantly ?? Bcz he thought he's a VIP in the Revolt., he thought that ppl need him, but infact, ppl just need a 'traitor ' to get killed in the Revolt.

Same to CN now, U think CN is irreplaceable ?? No, Boeing can sell more planes to VietNam and other ASEAN nation (VN will get rich wt US-JP help like CN in 1979 soon). They just need to wait for CN collapse after 10 years. When CN collapse and break into many parts, US can set up a puppet regime like in TW , and they can sell whatever they want to CN after that:pop:
You compared China with ASEAN or even Vietnam? LOL. I wonder who is Ah Q here. China did not get rich by help, okay? We become stronger because of our intelligent and industrious Chinese people. Which you banana picker Vietnamese can never compare to. Also for this reason, China will not down for TPP whatsoever.
You compared China with ASEAN or even Vietnam? LOL. I wonder who is Ah Q here. China did not get rich by help, okay? We become stronger because of our intelligent and industrious Chinese people. Which you banana picker Vietnamese can never compare to. Also for this reason, China will not down for TPP whatsoever.
Ah Q is a typical CNese before WW2, and seems like CNese now have No different

The story traces the "adventures" of Ah Q, a man from the rural peasant class with little education and no definite occupation. Ah Q is famous for "spiritual victories", Lu Xun's euphemism for self-talk and self-deception even when faced with extreme defeat or humiliation. Ah Q is a bully to the less fortunate but fearful of those who are above him in rank, strength, or power. He persuades himself mentally that he is spiritually "superior" to his oppressors even as he succumbs to their tyranny and suppression. Lu Xun exposes Ah Q's extreme faults as symptomatic of the Chinese national character of his time. The ending of the piece – when Ah Q is carted off to execution for a minor crime – is equally poignant and satirical.
The True Story of Ah Q - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your words simply can not change the Truth, just wait after TPP come to reality, u will see CN will collapse like what I analyze here :pop:
Can we stop these non-sense arugment for all? you guys in here speak like those kinder gardens.

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