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Video Clips of PLA Warriors Deployed Opposite to the Indian Army

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I believe in this theory, plus the PLA needs someone who understands Hindi/Urdu to interpreter Indian communications. Some say PA has 1000s soldiers deputed along with the PLA. Our airforces also exchange pilots etc.
I cannot find the new snow but at least 12 years old. Our FIA officials went China and were impressed by a machine which can detect and translate languages automatically.. Still human may be needed, but that was 12 years ago.
Many Chinese people don't look like Han Chinese. Doesn't mean this man is Pakistani. Also many north Indians look Nepalese or even more Han Chinese than Indian. Doesn't mean those people are Chinese either.

Yep true, but I would not be surprised that we share Intelligence, you with your superb technical means, and us with our human intelligence. Spec Forces...........nuff said.
Funny how the Indians are trying to claim Chinese morale is low when not only do a couple of their soldiers commit suicide every week, they also surrender at ease. Over 60 of these jokers were captured at Galwan and another 4000 to 5000 back in 1962, for not even a single Chinese soldier captured. The Indian bots can say all they want but numbers don't lie.
China has various ethnic groups which can pass for Pakistanis like Uyghur, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik.
Unlike the Indian Army, which sends minorities to serve as cannon fodder because their own Hindu soldiers cannot fight physically or mentally, the Chinese Army treats everyone the same. That means everyone fights together regardless of race/culture. Everyone either wins together or dies together ... no one is exempt simply because of they're the dominant ethnic group.
Unlike the Indian Army, which sends minorities to serve as cannon fodder because their own Hindu soldiers cannot fight physically or mentally, the Chinese Army treats everyone the same. That means everyone fights together regardless of race/culture. Everyone either wins together or dies together ... no one is exempt simply because of they're the dominant ethnic group.

Same for us, friend. We both are indeed inclusive and forward-looking states. We have long since left the plagues of racism, sectarianism, and classism behind.

India, however, is the epitome of those kinds of divisions.

This is a war between modern states and one retrogressive, evil Indian fascist state.
PLA soldiers:





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