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Video Clips of PLA Warriors Deployed Opposite to the Indian Army

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Good. You just confirmed what I said in Post# 17.
errrr no. This is not about media. This about countries and governments and their view. And their view is not about media popularity
What part of it is untrue or propaganda?

You may find post after twitter posts by Chinese mouthpieces entertaining, and at times they do feel good if you are pro china. But in the real world, real situation matters.

I just remind people that nothing has changed, China is stuck n Doklum 2.0, they still have Indians on those peaks having neutralized their early advantage. So when these propaganda posts get posted over and over again, I put my reminder post. 8-)
Lolx yeah sure 🤣🤣🤣
The confusion seems to in the OP 's mind , hence the title of this thread which has NO connection with the video.

Avoid creating threads regarding matters that are beyond your comprehension and in languages you don't understand, OP.

I see 2 mods read this thread. Any plans to delete this nonsense?
And why should the mods not delete the nonsense that is your posting? I see nothing wrong with @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE post at all. Reality is not nice sometimes and that is just how life is.
Nobody (those that matter) is buying twitter handles and Chinese mouthpieces. The CCP has the worst reputation among 99% of the countries in the world and 100% among those that matter.

They still looked upon as being untrustful and the aggressor. China has territorial disputes with 24 countries!

This after their reputation is already shot because of their intentional covering up of the coronavirus.
To be fair it's not a black and white issue. Moreover they don't have dispute with 24 countries. On their land border they have dispute ONLY WITH INDIA. They long resolved their border disputes with all their land neighbours except India.
The main issue is with SCS where there are several countries having competing claims against each other (China included). The only difference is that the PRC is obviously the biggest country of them all and so draws much more attention internationally, coupled with the fact that they have a very backward and unsophisticated media /propaganda media organisations which makes it hard to sell their own narrative worldwide. In fact Vietnam even controls more of SCS islands than any other claimants there. Taiwan claims the same thing for China as the PRC but I'm sure you are either not aware of that or you just ignore it. Phillipines has competing claims against Vietnam for example and their fisherman have clashed before . Same with Malaysia/Indonesia against Vietnam. Brunei, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia , China all have competing claims against each other. The dispute is much more complex than a simple black and white.
If the other countries could resolve their claim against each other, then it will make it easier for them to be more credible in forming a unified front against China(PRC) and ROC Taiwan by extension. However, it won't happen since none of them want to give up their claims. So they will keep being divided over this while each country will try and get as much as they can for themselves
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