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Video Clips of PLA Warriors Deployed Opposite to the Indian Army

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Chinese soldiers do not wear beard. Though the soldier having beard, is wearing Chinese armed forces uniform and head gear, there is a very strong possibility that he may be on deputation from PA.
There are Tibetan, Uyghur, Tazik, Russians in PLA, but they are citizens of PRC, so they are Chinese too.
Screenshot (314).jpg
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Where is music and bollywood style sissy dance?

Of course, these chinese soldiers don't look motivated. If you wanna see motivated soldiers, look at Indians who are having dance parties all over LAC.
Pakistan Army should have more Chinese for joint operation, such as translation, communication, joint exercise, joint live-fire drill. Vice versa, PLA should have more Pakistanis for joint operation.
A combined force is much stronger than 2 individual force.

Also, a rail way is much needed to connect both sides.
Agree here.

The obvious policy of China limiting its cooperation with Indias neighbours almost entirely to civilian levels and shying away from extensive military cooperation as not provoke stupid kneeyerk reactions by India (because India has lingering and open conflicts with almost every nation in its vicinity and Chinese military keeps them up at night), in hope India would after time grow up mentally just doesnt work. They are just getting collectively more delusional and an even bigger threat to peace. Its in interest of every nation in and near South Asia to contain India.
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There are Tibetan, Uyghur, Tazik, Russians in PLA, but they are citizens of PRC, so they are Chinese too.View attachment 676013,
View attachment 676015
Chinese soldiers may belong to any ethnicity, but they do not wear beard.

Is their any snap shot or video clip showing a Chinese soldier belonging to other ethnicity wear beard?
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Chinese soldiers may belong to any ethnicity, but they do not wear beard.

Is their any snap shot or video clip showing a Chinese soldier belonging to other ethnicity wear beard?
What I know is all PLA are allow wear beard.
What I know is all PLA are allow wear beard.
If PLA is allowing soldiers to wear beard, then my presumption is wrong. That soldier could be of some Chinese ethnic origin who look like sub-continent locals.
The confusion seems to in the OP 's mind , hence the title of this thread which has NO connection with the video.

Avoid creating threads regarding matters that are beyond your comprehension and in languages you don't understand, OP.

I see 2 mods read this thread. Any plans to delete this nonsense?
The bearded man: Is Pakistan Army helping China deal with India's mountain warfare forces at LAC?

A video shared by a Chinese journalist on Twitter is going viral with netizens and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) analysts claiming that Pakistan Army is helping China’s PLA to deal with Indian security forces in mountain warfare somewhere along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

In the 52 second long video, a bearded man enters the frame from the right at 0:05. His facial feature is anything but Chinese. The man is also comparatively taller and well-built compared to the other Chinese soldiers.

In June, a Chinese military expert praised India for its expertise in mountain warfare saying its battle-hardened troops are the most competent mountain unites trained for high-altitude warfare.

'India has the largest, most experienced mountain army in the world'
"At present, the world’s largest and experienced country with plateau and mountain troops is not the US, Russia, nor any European powerhouse, but India,” Huang Guozhi, senior editor of Modern Weaponry magazine wrote.

It might be possible that the PLA has sought Pakistan’s help in dealing with India’s highly skilled and specialised mountain force.

India’s presence at Siachen Glacier, the highest battlefield in the world, is a testimony to the hardiness of the Indian Army.

One OSINT analyst said that the bearded man can be an SSG commando.

CGTN news producer Shen Shiwei, who shared the video, also said that it is possible that some of these PLA soldiers were standing at Galwan Valley.

Is Pakistan helping China?
In June, Pakistani airbases in Azad Kashmir came under India’s radar after a Chinese refueller aircraft IL 78 landed in Skardu, a city in Gilgit-Baltistan region. Pakistan had upgraded its Skardu airbase last year.

Another headache for China is the presence of India’s elite Special Frontier Force (SFF) - a special force comprising Tibetan refugees raised after the India-China war of 1962.

On August 29, Indian forces carried out a stealth operation under a thick cover of darkness and occupied critical heights and mountain passes along the South Bank of the Pangong Tso, a glacial lake at the height of 16000 ft.

The daring operation was carried out by the SFF troops who are currently holding 13 critical heights

As the Pakistani Army has faced the Indian Army in high-altitude regions like Siachen, it might be possible that the PLA is receiving inputs or tips to counter the Indian forces along the LAC.

Avoid creating threads regarding matters that are beyond your comprehension and in languages you don't understand, OP.
Whatever Hindi the Indians spoke they seemed clearly confused and were unsure why the Chinese are coming down to them. Some said there is an officer and some were saying make a video.
As the Chinese push videos, many from OLD CONFRONTATIONS and apply PLA propaganda to it, you need to but ask but one simple question.

What has honestly changed in the real world? Answer =Nothing.

As days go by, this is China's DOKLAM 2.0. same embarrassment for them.

  • No large network of wumao's , friends, and family pushing obscure videos, articles, gifs, OR threats from the CCP, Global Times, or Chinese analysts on twitter (oddly with girls as profiles, on a banned platform in China :rolleyes1:), has changed the perception of China about this conflict or others
    • 99% of the world, outside of China, still find them untrustful and the aggressor, and 100% of those that matter find it too. There has been a zero change to the narrative in China's favor in the real world.
  • Indians have neutralized the Chinese position by taking the peaks. Evident by the incessant threats and demands of the CCP, their foreign office, Globaltimes, and demands in every flag-meeting asking the Indians to withdraw.
  • This was Brave Chinese who brought 7X more soldiers, compared to small, unarmed Indian contingent patrolling an area they have been for years.
    • The Brave Chinese came with Bats with nails embedded, with rods, swords, and other sharp objects to ambush small contingent of unarmed soldiers. Even so, needed to hide the deaths of their soldiers
Bottom line: China is in a Doklum quagmire again.
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As the Chinese push videos, many from OLD CONFRONTATIONS and apply PLA propaganda to it, you need to but ask but one simple question.

What has honestly changed in the real world? Answer =Nothing.

As days go by, this is China's DOKLAM 2.0. same embarrassment for them.

  • No large network of wumao's , friends, and family pushing obscure videos, articles, gifs, OR threats from the CCP, Global Times, or Chinese analysts on twitter (oddly with girls as profiles, on a banned platform in China :rolleyes1:), has changed the perception of China about this conflict or others
    • 99% of the world, outside of China, still find them untrustful and the aggressor, and 100% of those that matter find it too. There has been a zero change to the narrative in China's favor in the real world.
  • Indians have neutralized the Chinese position by taking the peaks. Evident by the incessant threats and demands of the CCP, their foreign office, Globaltimes, and demands in every flag-meeting asking the Indians to withdraw.
  • This was Brave Chinese who brought 7X more soldiers, compared to small, unarmed Indian contingent patrolling an area they have been for years.
    • The Brave Chinese came with Bats with nails embedded, with rods, swords, and other sharp objects to ambush small contingent of unarmed soldiers. Even so, needed to hide the deaths of their soldiers
Bottom line: China is in a Doklum quagmire again.
And you are again posting same copy paste propaganda 😁
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