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Video Clips of PLA Warriors Deployed Opposite to the Indian Army

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India has accepted new lac until snow melts. After winter,more hostilities is a possibility. Basically indian surrender is a good thing for indians. They can now open their eyes and see modi who is busy giving indian land to china. Lol
Below are a few video clips of PLA troops and their posts manning the LAC, under some extreme conditions.




We wish our Chinese friends all the best of luck . :pakistan: :china:
What has changed? Nothing.

As time passes, this is China's Doklum 2.0. Same embarrassment for China.
  • No amount of drills, videos, propaganda from Chinese wuMao's on twitter (a banned platform in china), the Global times- tabloid-like rants, or incessant threats & ultimatums from the Chinese analysts_ can change what the Indian military did a few weeks ago of mitigating the advantage the Chinese had by their initial surprise attack on India.
  • Satellite images don't lie- Indians have neutralized the Chinese position advantages by taking those peaks.; the Chinese constant threat of asking India to withdraw in the media, officially by their foreign office and at every flag-meeting, is a great tell-tale that the Chinese positions have been compromised.
  • No Buyers- 99% of countries outside of China see it as an aggressor, and 100% of those that matter see it as the same. China's credibility among them remains poor and untrustful. China hiding the number of their dead soldiers was a low-point for them.
  • The same 99% of the world knows that China ambushed a small, unarmed patrol of Indians, in a location they had been patrolling for years.
  • That the brave Chinese needed 7X the numbers of troops with bats w/ nails embedded in them, rods, swords to the small contingent of the unarmed Indian troops. Yet, these brave Chinese had to hide their soldier's deaths.
Bottom line: These truths above won't change for 99% of the world and among 100% of those that matter.
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This sounds interesting ,a video was released today showing PLA singing in the harsh conditions of Ladakh. Among the soldiers one did not look like a Han Chinese.

If the story is true the omens dont look good for the Indian Army. :pakistan: :china:
Who knows, Pakistani special forces maybe deployed in Eastern Ladakh embedded within the PLA.

Imagine Indian soldiers getting shot at by Pakistani snipers from both sides of Kashmir.

But hang on, isn't that what Indians had dreamt of doing with Pakistan, sandwiching the nation between India and Afganistan?
Pakistani special forces maybe deployed in Eastern Ladakh embedded within the PLA.
I believe in this theory, plus the PLA needs someone who understands Hindi/Urdu to interpreter Indian communications. Some say PA has 1000s soldiers deputed along with the PLA. Our airforces also exchange pilots etc.
Many Chinese people don't look like Han Chinese. Doesn't mean this man is Pakistani. Also many north Indians look Nepalese or even more Han Chinese than Indian. Doesn't mean those people are Chinese either.
Pakistan Army should have more Chinese for joint operation, such as translation, communication, joint exercise, joint live-fire drill. Vice versa, PLA should have more Pakistanis for joint operation.
A combined force is much stronger than 2 individual force.

Also, a rail way is much needed to connect both sides.
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