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VICE documentary on LOC

The useless clown made ur aunt USSR shit bricks... so show some respect dumbass.

Yeah you guys beat a superpower in Soviet and then $hit half your country out to a almost bankrupt India. I really think they should at least teach some basic logic in Pakistani schools.

Hamid Gul is a clown, surprised you guys actually had that idiot in an intelligence agency. You would think that the very minimum requirement in an intelligence agency would be intelligence.
Ehmmm... than wonder why Kashmiris are anti india and all for merger with Pakistan or Freedom ...

He was assamese ... and thts his second ID.

The useless clown made ur aunt USSR shit bricks... so show some respect dumbass.
How am I a second id? That jayanta guy was last seen today lmao.
In all probability, It was a combination, similar to Soviet jihad in afghanistan. While the local afghans were involved, you ghuys also had clows like hamid gul and zaid hamid involved :)

We just use one or the other depending on which situation favours us :P

Based on what your gut instinct? Pundits say in interviews the Kashmiri Muslims called them traitors and threw them out of Kashmir but you are trying to call them liars huh?
Clowns like zaid hamid get their publicity from bhaorties. Didn't know who he was until I joined this forum.
the guy got to shake hands with your army chief, I dont think clowns have access to powerful people.
The frightening bit is, he is accused of planning a coup in PA(the accuser is son of a former air commoder and was working with zaid), so he is more dangerous for you than anybody else.
You should take him seriously from now on.
Kinda hard to miss him when his videos have headlines "WE gonna kill all Hindus and capture red Fort"

Yeah headlines in India not in Pakistan, most Pakistanis don't even know about him meanwhile it seems all Indians sully their dhotis because of him. :lol:
Based on what your gut instinct? Pundits say in interviews the Kashmiri Muslims called them traitors and threw them out of Kashmir but you are trying to call them liars huh?
Kashmiri Muslims lived peacefully with them until they where influenced by extremists.
I don't want to push my point any further ... what's good goose must be good for gander !!!!

Oh..did it?........“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”

Kashmiri Muslims lived peacefully with them until they where influenced by extremists.

Another BS claim...
Yeah you guys beat a superpower in Soviet and then $hit half your country out to a almost bankrupt India. I really think they should at least teach some basic logic in Pakistani schools.

Hamid Gul is a clown, surprised you guys actually had that idiot in an intelligence agency. You would think that the very minimum requirement in an intelligence agency would be intelligence.

Umm Pakistan lost East Pakistan in 71' due to soviet support and it was 1/6th of Pakistan not 1/2 so you should go back to school first. Secondly Pakistan got revenge against soviets in the 80's after the 71' assistance to India so you are wrong on two points. :pop:

Kashmiri Muslims lived peacefully with them until they where influenced by extremists.

BS they considered them traitors for being pro India over pro Kashmir.
Yeah headlines in India not in Pakistan, most Pakistanis don't even know about him meanwhile it seems all Indians sully their dhotis because of him. :lol:

He gives lectures in your top universities, so not quite. ANd I dont see why anyone would be scared. Anyone can talk about distorted history and how they are going to conquer and do s-it. We could do it too, but unlike you Pakistanis, we have class.

Yeah you guys beat a superpower in Soviet and then $hit half your country out to a almost bankrupt India. I really think they should at least teach some basic logic in Pakistani schools.

Oh the irony... looking at the facts of 71... morally n logically speaking.... id title it cowardice...

Hamid Gul is a clown, surprised you guys actually had that idiot in an intelligence agency. You would think that the very minimum requirement in an intelligence agency would be intelligence.

History proves you wrong doesnt it? while in your country COAS cries about his age? another clown talks about limited "nuclear war" and so on...
Umm Pakistan lost East Pakistan in 71' due to soviet support and it was 1/6th of Pakistan not 1/2 so you should go back to school first. Secondly Pakistan got revenge against soviets in the 80's after the 71' assistance to India so you are wrong on two points. :pop:


Yeah Im sure USA was not involved at all in any way in either wars :P
Okay expert, tell me why all of a sudden there neighbours where killing them?

Again i ask how many were killed? and what about the real GENOCIDE? attrocities commited against the Kashmiri muslims? oh i forgot they arent human... right.. your hypocrisy is blinding.... please turn it off.
He gives lectures in your top universities, so not quite. ANd I dont see why anyone would be scared. Anyone can talk about distorted history and how they are going to conquer and do s-it. We could do it too, but unlike you Pakistanis, we have class.

Look at the date, he has been banned from doing such things for years now. Just because you see a video someone posted online years later does not mean he has any influence today.
Oh..did it?........“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”
Another BS claim...
It was just some food for thought. you know far more better than me.
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