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Van swerves into crowds in Barcelona : 13 reported dead and more than 50 injured

Nope, they are for everyone.

you see where ambulance have stopped? its normal road for everyone.


I see it, but still its not open for public.
Only those who live there, taxi, ambulance and police.
Barcelona is most liberal city in Spain and for that matter in europe.
I see it, but still its not open for public.
Only those who live there, taxi, ambulance and police.

Its open for everyone, trust me.
Some days ago they attacked in Burkina Faso and again the target was a Turkish restaurant- that time there was 18 victims many of whom foreign nationals.

Sons of salafist bitches must be all hanged... May the victims rest in peace.
The hostage situation in Turkish restaurant was apparently a false report.
Spanish national with Arabic origin is what I am hearing..
2 killed in van crash and declared as Terrorist Attack, when Muslim performing prayers were rammed , they declared it an accident.... Hypocracy at its best.

Heart tearing :(
Worst yet, Trump says:
"Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!"

Some people say:
He talks about what American General Pershing did when he killed Muslims in the Philippines using bullets stained with pig blood and buried them with pigs..
This is the leader of the free world and the landscape of democracy and the defender of freedoms
He glorifies his murder and urges mass murder, religious persecution and ethnic cleansing

But this event is quite sad.. I loved that place in Barcelona where I was many times.. it is really beautiful and full of tourists, So it is not sure who the dead people might be..
Your argumentation is wrong.

There is only one group of people that causes that. It is absolutely legitimate to remove that group of people. Even more so since they dont belong to Europe.

I´m not willing to accept this security risk in our homelands any longer. And i assure you very much people think that as well.
Germany is getting more refugees!!!
Some days ago they attacked in Burkina Faso and again the target was a Turkish restaurant- that time there was 18 victims many of whom foreign nationals.

Sons of salafist bitches must be all hanged... May the victims rest in peace.
Reported! Watch your mouth.
Worst yet, Trump says:
"Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!"

Some people say:
He talks about what American General Pershing did when he killed Muslims in the Philippines using bullets stained with pig blood and buried them with pigs..
This is the leader of the free world and the landscape of democracy and the defender of freedoms
He glorifies his murder and urges mass murder, religious persecution and ethnic cleansing

But this event is quite sad.. I loved that place in Barcelona where I was many times.. it is really beautiful and full of tourists, So it is not sure who the dead people might be..

Germany is getting more refugees!!!

Germany gets much less. But thats not the problem. In the end europe will need to start mass deportations
Point is that the incident was horrible. Hopefully the perpetrators will be brought to justice.
This is the first suspect named in the Barcelona terror attack

AUG 18, 2017, 5:49 AM

Driss Oubakir

Police in Spain have named the first suspect in the Barcelona terror attack.

Driss Oukabir rented the van, which slammed into crowds on the tourist hotspot of Las Ramblas at around 5pm local time on Thursday, according to the Mossos d’Esquadra police force.

Police identified Oukabir as a legal resident of Spain who was born in Morocco, the Spanish-language newspaper El Pais reported. The newspaper also reported that Oukabir rented the vehicle in the town of Santa Perpètua, around 10 miles from Barcelona.

El Pais also posted images from a Facebook profile in Oukabir’s name, which appeared to match images distributed by police.

The Facebook page, which has now been taken down, said he is originally from Marseilles in France, but now lives in the city of Ripoll in Spain.

Photographs on the Facebook account showed Oukabir posing in front of a mirror, on the beach, wearing branded clothes and with a pet dog. Facebook took the profile down at around 8 p.m. Spanish time.

Police reported that one person had been arrested over the attack. At least one perpetrator was still holed up in a building not far from the attack site, according to local media.

The usual cultural enrichment. This doesnt happen in the baltics, poland and hungary? I wonder why.
what about those countries ??

RIP ...

This is embarrassing that such useless people exist that have no achievements in life and try to replace that emptiness with this backwardness of an ideology that is nothing more than a cult of death which justifies killing everyone and anyone they feel like killing.

**** off troll:

Olga Hepnarová (30 June 1951 – 12 March 1975) was a Czechoslovakian mass murderer, who on 10 July 1973, killed eight people with a truck in Prague. Hepnarová was convicted and sentenced to death, and was executed in 1975, the last woman executed in Czechoslovakia.



at least she was a medically mental patient
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