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US Warns China on SCS Moves

LOL China doesn't need Singapore's help militarily, economically or even politically. She can easily handles Vietnam and Philippines even though you two running around like 'chickens without heads' begging for helps and supports.

You guys talk as if the whole ASEAN is behind you, but the truth is everyone is suspicious of you and most, if not all, despite your hegemonic dreams with an empty pocket.

I was trying to be nice and be civil to you guys, however, since some of you threaten to kill all Chinese Diaspora in ASEAN, whatever sympathy I have for for you is gone. No wonder the Chinese members in this forum call you guys with all kind of names. Well now I know you deserve it.

I was addressing to a fellow member of an ASEAN nation and that nation is not Philippines or unless.........

It's obvious here. Im sure you're not talking about Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and Thailand. And im pretty sure you included the Philippines as being hegemonic on our claim to our own 200NM EEZ.

You're a Chinese in Singapore. What do you want non-chinese forumers here to expect?
It's obvious here. Im sure you're not talking about Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and Thailand. And im pretty sure you included the Philippines as being hegemonic on our claim to our own 200NM EEZ.

You're a Chinese in Singapore. What do you want non-chinese forumers here to expect?

I never said or insinuated Philippines' hegemonic moves and in fact I'm pretty sympathetic to her position. My only complain though is Aquino didn't handle the situations well enough, but again that's my personal opinion for what's worth.
I never said or insinuated Philippines' hegemonic moves and in fact I'm pretty sympathetic to her position. My only complain though is Aquino didn't handle the situations well enough, but again that's my personal opinion for what's worth.

You're avoiding my point. Anyway, i cant force you to admit it but your posts, even if you edit it, are already quoted on mine. Our President handled it the best he can. If he did not, China will have the reason to use its military.
....You're a Chinese in Singapore. What do you want non-chinese forumers here to expect?

You are also a phillipino, so what you want us non-phillipinos here to expect?

If you do not trust us, who CAN you trust?

BTW, we (ASEAN and our NE neighbours) have been co-existed and together we have maintained a peaceful region for the past few decades, why must you guys throw away all these things now? Do you seriously think others are be so stupid to lay down their own lifes or risk of losing out evertythings just for the sake of your so called sovereign rights and interests?

Give us a break and stop dragging all of us into this stupid game please, others also have their own rights and interests to decide for themselves. WE simply are not keen to fight because we do not wish our country to end up as ****_HOLES!
You are also a phillipino, so what you want us non-phillipinos here to expect?

If you do not trust us, who CAN you trust?

BTW, we (ASEAN and our NE neighbours) have been co-existed and together we have maintained a peaceful region for the past few decades, why must you guys throw away all these things now? Do you seriously think others are be so stupid to lay down their own lifes or risk of losing out evertythings just for the sake of your so called sovereign rights and interests?

Give us a break and stop dragging all of us into this stupid game please, others also have their own rights and interests to decide for themselves. WE simply are not keen to fight because we do not wish our country to end up as ****_HOLES!

First, i dont know who are those phillippinos are. It's the same as calling the people in Thailand as Thailander where in fact they are Thais. Second, when i said he's a chinese in singapore and non-chinese forumers here I believe know where his loyalties are. That loyalty is not being questioned like what you are insinuating. Third, you're way out of context. Im questioning him regarding his statement that we are being hegemonic with our claims which he politely corrected and here you are crying about dragging your country into this mess.
Frankly many ASEAN countries, including mine, are just as wary of Vietnam (see post #104) as China but we rely on China and trust her more because she's a regional power and would be fairer if we give her the due respect
Real ASEAN guys do not need to care about this. I know many young ASEAN people (Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippine, Thailand...) living in European. They are really friends and help each other. They even share rooms in student hostels. They ussually talk to me about the future of ASEAN and really want to built a group like European. Since there are not many Singapore guys here, I cannot say anything about them.
First, i dont know who are those phillippinos are. It's the same as calling the people in Thailand as Thailander where in fact they are Thais. Second, when i said he's a chinese in singapore and non-chinese forumers here I believe know where his loyalties are. That loyalty is not being questioned like what you are insinuating. Third, you're way out of context. Im questioning him regarding his statement that we are being hegemonic with our claims which he politely corrected and here you are crying about dragging your country into this mess.

Why don't you reread my statement so that I don't have to waste my time to explain to you. I was addressing to fellow Vietnam members where you Filipino members were nowhere in sight so ' you guys' means the Viets. It's a little farfetched to call Philippines hegemony, don't you think?

Real ASEAN guys do not need to care about this. I know many young ASEAN people (Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippine, Thailand...) living in European. They are really friends and help each other. They even share rooms in student hostels. They ussually talk to me about the future of ASEAN and really want to built a group like European. Since there are not many Singapore guys here, I cannot say anything about them.

You are not an ASEAN member and we don't need you to tell us whatthe real ASEAN guys are. Just because you know a few ASEANs doesn't make you an expert on us.
Real ASEAN guys do not need to care about this. I know many young ASEAN people (Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippine, Thailand...) living in European. They are really friends and help each other. They even share rooms in student hostels. They ussually talk to me about the future of ASEAN and really want to built a group like European. Since there are not many Singapore guys here, I cannot say anything about them.

Now even swiss from sweden want to mess in our ASEAN affair or perhaps he's from some CURRY country. LOLOL...

First, i dont know who are those phillippinos are. It's the same as calling the people in Thailand as Thailander where in fact they are Thais. Second, when i said he's a chinese in singapore and non-chinese forumers here I believe know where his loyalties are. That loyalty is not being questioned like what you are insinuating. Third, you're way out of context. Im questioning him regarding his statement that we are being hegemonic with our claims which he politely corrected and here you are crying about dragging your country into this mess.

OK lah, so sorry lah for wrongly machining gunned down you. Cannot forgive your Asean buddy meh? LOLOL... and forget it lah.
Why don't you reread my statement so that I don't have to waste my time to explain to you. I was addressing to fellow Vietnam members where you Filipino members were nowhere in sight so ' you guys' means the Viets. It's a little farfetched to call Philippines hegemony, don't you think?

You are not an ASEAN member and we don't need you to tell us whatthe real ASEAN guys are. Just because you know a few ASEANs doesn't make you an expert on us.

Saying that the Philippines and Vietnam were "running like headless chickens begging for support" on one sentence followed by "You guys talk as if the whole ASEAN is behind you" on the next, where in fact both our countries are rallying for a united ASEAN, means only one thing - you're talking about the Philippines and Vietnam.

Not seeing any posts from any Filipinos is not an alibi that will support your denial. Again, I wont force you to admit it but you just cant deny the fact, basing from your post history, you really think that the Philippines' claim to the 200NM EEZ is being hegemonic and China's claim of the entirety of the South China Sea is logical. You already wasted my time. In fact, you wasted a lot of forumers time. Just give the anything that will prove that the Philippines is claiming anything outside our own 200NM EEZ or just simply shut the fcuk up.

Now even swiss from sweden want to mess in our ASEAN affair or perhaps he's from some CURRY country. LOLOL...

OK lah, so sorry lah for wrongly machining gunned down you. Cannot forgive your Asean buddy meh? LOLOL... and forget it lah.
No Filipinos, in any part of the world, were being laughed at with the way we talk or even just our accent. I bet you know, when the Western people talk like the way you just did, who are they mocking. Definitely not Filipinos.
Getting vulgar now, aren't you? Who give a flying duck what you Filipino's claims and care about your so called 'evident'. Just like your pretty president, you're nothing but a bunch of cry babies.
Getting vulgar now, aren't you? Who give a flying duck what you Filipino's claims and care about your so called 'evident'. Just like your pretty president, you're nothing but a bunch of cry babies.
Soon, when China gets what she wants, and you start to lose something that she wants, I hope you can say that again. We're opening the door for the rest of the ASEAN by standing up to China. We cant fight China's military 1 on 1, that's her strength but we can easily destroy China's claim on any international forum, that is our strength and China knows that.

You cant talk peace and have gun.
I was trying to be nice and be civil to you guys, however, since some of you threaten to kill all Chinese Diaspora in ASEAN, whatever sympathy I have for for you is gone. No wonder the Chinese members in this forum call you guys with all kind of names. Well now I know you deserve it.
Good, let fight against us like those chinese-khmer Pol Pot, and you soon will see him in hell :coffee:

btw: you're just china's 50cent army bcz No singaporean dare to fight against us. We soon will control Malacca , they have No chance to resist it.
Now even swiss from sweden want to mess in our ASEAN affair or perhaps he's from some CURRY country. LOLOL....
Saying that ASEAN people are friends means that I want to mess in your ASEAN affair? Do you want ASEAN guys to be enemies? Are you Chinese?

WYou are not an ASEAN member and we don't need you to tell us whatthe real ASEAN guys are. Just because you know a few ASEANs doesn't make you an expert on us.
Are you afraid if ASEANs are friends?

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