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US wants India's help in fighting Baitullah Mehsud: Holbrooke

"US wants India's help in fighting Baitullah Mehsud: Holbrooke "

I don't know what hides behind all this Unkil's strategy.

well according to some US is doin this to put pressure on pakistan as i guess their 'do more' thing is only falling on deaf ears.. thats just one view point
Unkil is a very dangerous player. Pakistan did it's biggest mistake by hiding under it's umbrella, and sellingf itslef to US. The time to pay the price has come, and quite amount I must say....

Glad you have realised uncle sam is nobodys friend but I cant believe he is seeking Indians help even though India doesnt share any borders with Afghanistan seems Uncle sam wants to drag india into this mess since Uncle wants to leave this mess with India to it out.
Balochi and the Shias of Northern Areas ?

uhhhh. I belong to the group ''Shias of Northern Areas'' buddy. Don't even try with that one :rofl:

we have jokes in our village about the hindu/sikhs 'army' who tried to enter Kurram valley --only to be driven out like lamb. If you understand Pashto I can send you some.

Baluch ---- well we already know who is funding BLA. But BLA represents 0.5% of the Baluch. Baluch are territorial people. Their loyalties lie in their vatan which is Pakistan.

when push comes to shove, indian should just stick to their own country.....If they try playing these geo-political games, they will only be digging their own grave.

You dig a 2 meter hole, you find 4 bodies. Dig a 2.5 meter hole and you could find 40.
Another point. The day Indian troops lands in Afghanistan.... Would mean that Pakistan had ceased to exist. Till Pakistan exist, as the country we know, it will not allow Indian Troops in Afghanistan:agree: Hence, be carefull what you wish for.... least it come true :agree:

you must be kidding me.....

US/NATO army are having hellish time in Afghanistan, and they have armoured humvees.....

what are you gonna do? send your army in Tata Nanos :rofl:

By all means --- go ahead. To be honest, I dont like the taleban or what they are doing. But I equally dont like anything remotely related to indian. Call me a bigot, call me racist whatever, thats fine.

it would actually be funny to watch indian army get dispatched over there.

Pashtun lands do not take kindly to people who are not invited :sniper:
Kiyoon Bhai? tum tau abhi say hi darr gai? (Why Brother? You are scared from the get go)

No! No! Please by all means India is a 'regional leader' as per Holbrooke! C'mon partner, we send all these extremists bastards to Kashmir for your half a million army there to take care of them, what say you?

Lets see how India behaves (better or worse) when its put into the same position Pakistan has been put? I can imagine 2 or 3 suicide bombings per week in Delhi or Mumbai would be more than enough to inject reality in the Indian psyche!

Wow, what a way to get entertained!

But have you noticed one thing?
The thing you are dreaming to happen with India and laughing with hands on belly, is the thing ACTUALLY happening to Pakistan.

Its not India's fault where USA put you. Yes, India refrains from being at Pakistan's place. And why not? That's not the ideal place for a nation.

And what the hell Pakistani leaders, experts and people were doing when USA was planning to screw you this way?
Exactly the reason for us to send BM and his suicide brigade to Kashmir. We want Holbrooke now to visit India more compared to Pakistan! Soon enough he will be even spelling the 'K' word for you and your Indian lobby! :cheers:

I don't think it is upto US or you where to send BM.

Time to wake up from the wet dreams.

But why am I telling this to you? Well, pray India is destroyed, if it helps you forget the condition of Pakistan. :tsk:
We do not think of this 'BRILLIANT' idea of getting India involved in this! Your buddy Holbrooke did! Maybe its the US way of saying to India 'Tow our line against China, buy our weapons or we will FOOK you up good too!' :cheesy:

Yup, and fortunately, we can read between the lines.

Thank God Indian politicians did not jump up and down as soon as he called India 'a friend' in WOT. One example of Pakistan is more than enough for us to get how USA "helps" its friends.
Wow, what a way to get entertained!

But have you noticed one thing?
The thing you are dreaming to happen with India and laughing with hands on belly, is the thing ACTUALLY happening to Pakistan.

Its not India's fault where USA put you. Yes, India refrains from being at Pakistan's place. And why not? That's not the ideal place for a nation.

And what the hell Pakistani leaders, experts and people were doing when USA was planning to screw you this way?

You give yourself TOO much (false) credit as an Indian or India being a nation! So please spare me your cr@p as it smells as bad your Indian psyche!
The day pakistan army stops fighting taliban, from that day on american troops will suffer. Pakistan can survive without the aid, it is america that needs pakistan.

plus the aid they are giving is for military aid, i don't what that has to do with pakistan breaking up.

Playing with the words, huh?

Pakistani can survive without US aid and US can't survive with Pakistani help?

US needs Pakistan so that the damage to USA should be minimum. Its Pakistan foolishly guarding US troops and thumping its chest.

US soldiers have better equipments, better financial stability back home, better weapons, better backup system. Then why urge PA soldiers to go first? What is the ratio of deaths of PA and USA soldiers? 10:1? 50:1?

Why GoP is not acting on the drone attacks? Why it can't arm-twist US for weapons/equipments/helicopters?

All these issues say it loud "ITS PAKISTAN WHO NEEDS USA FOR SURVIVAL".
I don't think it is upto US or you where to send BM.

Time to wake up from the wet dreams.

But why am I telling this to you? Well, pray India is destroyed, if it helps you forget the condition of Pakistan. :tsk:

Oh we know that BM is your paid goon! So we will just be sending him home to Bharat Mata!

We do not want India destroyed! Just suffer some more like its already doing at the hands of car bombings, Muslim Riots, Christian killings etc etc etc. BM will just the fuel to the fire in your backyard, like make it a bit more interesting!

And please, we are much better off here in Pakistan then the homeless bastards sleeping on your footpaths!!
Yup, and fortunately, we can read between the lines.

Thank God Indian politicians did not jump up and down as soon as he called India 'a friend' in WOT. One example of Pakistan is more than enough for us to get how USA "helps" its friends.

Your Government cannot even read let alone between the lines!! Your Indian Shinning will soon be pissing blood all over with the US wanting to make the friends out of you! And please, your government or people do not have the BALLS to stand up in front of the US and tell them otherwise. Like I said before, spare us your useless cr@P!
You give yourself TOO much (false) credit as an Indian or India being a nation! So please spare me your cr@p as it smells as bad your Indian psyche!

Its not that India is very smart. Nobody can claim so.

But the point is, Pakistani leaders DID ACT foolishly.

May be Indians would have done the same if they were the first among asked. But after watching so much, its "Thanks, but no thanks". :agree:
"US/NATO army are having hellish time in Afghanistan, and they have armoured humvees....."


This is a difficult war but, please, let's not resort to hyperbole when describing NATO's experience.

While there have been 1,065 Coalition deaths, let's remember that's over seven and one-half years and countless troops who've been actually deployed. Those numbers approximate the deaths one might have seen in a typical mid-sized W.W. II battle.

"hellish" is a word one might use if interested in mis-representing NATO's effort to suggest ignominous defeat. None of that is happening.

We've great respect for our opponent. He uses the tools at hand to great effect. But there is true assymetry. When confronted by our forces and engaged, the taliban suffer heinously. This is rare, and as they've the benefit of initiating contacts, it tells much about the absence of eagerness to do so in this manner.

Tough opponent? Yes. Battle conditions exacerbated by near-unique terrain and social/cultural multipliers? Yup. Really complicating. Physically taxing to the involved troops? Don't know about the Brits but our guys come out of the Hindu Kush in the best shape of their lives so, yeah, a real world-class workout.

It's an insurgency. We have over-match against the insurgents. Sadly, the insurgents have over-match against most villagers. If "hellish" fits anywhere it'd be the lives of the afghan people. Afghanistan is hellishly poor. Our efforts would be immensely difficult without an insurgency. With such, the afghans truly suffer.

I don't underestimate my opponent. Please don't underestimate us nor overestimate the effect this enemy has upon our troops. They're soldiers and, collectively, we're losing LESS than one company per year in KIA. Sad but eminently bearable and hardly hellish.

I see all the people here are just thinking about one side - "How India will suffer if ...."

But, if India gets a 'legal' entry in Afghanistan, no doubt it will be used to gain more than peace. Surely, India will have many bases there. The Taliban thing can be continued to be cooked for a long time. And meanwhile, India can (and almost surely will, why be naive?) its net around Afghanistan and Pakistan.

If the situation seems to be going out of hand, India can always withdraw from the scene. (Unfortunately, Pakistan does not have this liberty.) I know its not easy, but may happen if USA somehow bullies (or buys) India to get in Afghanistan.

What say? :azn:
If India entered Afghanistan it will comit sucide for its forces As Indian forces neither match that of the Soviets nor to The westren Forces, A true fact based on counter insurgency and gurilla warefare skills & capability .
Both American and Nato forces are entageled in the most deadliest Gurilla war in which failure is inevitable .
American wana exit Afghanistan and for that they want to hand this mess to some reliable reagional partner which is India . They didnt made Strategik nuclear deal or offerd its Patriot Missile defence system to India for no reason. It formed the basis to engage Delhi to provide its forces in afghanistan so that the Coalition Forces could get exit ticket out of Afghanistan.
The ball is in India's court and now its up to her to decide that weather to take such a huge gambel of sending its forces to afghanistan in return of red hot US milletary and Technological and Deplomatic assistance or not .
Conditions are to some extent Feasable for Indian forces to enter afghanistan as it did enjoyed good relations with Afghanistan . That is the reason why US is ready to talk to some talibans .
To lay the foundations for India in Afghanistan at the same time having some kind of Influence in the Reagion through Indian Presence.
The upcoming elections in Afghanistan will be vital for this plan to be executed.

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